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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. I just saw a coupon for a new one in yesterday's paper. Yoplait smoothie. It has all the frozen fruit and yogurt pieces. You just add milk and blend. Not sure how it measures up nutritionally, but they sounded pretty good.
  2. I would absolutely do it over again. I had it done just under a year and a half ago. It has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. Feeling normal? I was back to work within 3-4 days and feeling fine. Foods I can't eat. Pretty much just the foods I shouldn't eat. Bread and rice stick something terrible. As long as I chew appropriately, I've had no problems with fruit or vegetables. I've heard popcorn too, but haven't had any problem with it and still have some when I go to the movies. Luckily, I don't go very often. Giving up coffee and soda? I gave up soda. The carbonation and the artificial sweeteners aren't good. I did not give up caffeine entirely though. I was never a coffee drinker, but love my iced tea and continue to have 1 a day. Heartburn & reflux? I had terrible troubles with reflux before the surgery. I have had no problems since. YMMV. Not telling people. I told very few. Now that it's worked, I've become more open about it, but it took me a while. Not losing weight immediately. Your body has gone through a shock. It takes time for you to recover. The hardest time is when you're feeling better, but have no saline in the band so no real restriction. It's not unusual to gain weight after surgery, but once you get the right restriction it gets going. Type of band? Not a clue. Whatever my surgeon liked. No liquids with meals. Not if you want it to work. It's not that hard to get used to. Post op diet? A couple of weeks of liquids, a couple of weeks of mushies, and then slowly adding in real food. Now I eat whatever I darn well please - except those breads & pastas (ow). Doctor? Sorry, can't help there. Do you homework, and make the right decision for you. LAP-BAND® may or may not be it. For me - it most definitely was! Good luck!
  3. KarenK


    Rice has been removed from my diet since getting the band. I have tried many ways and never succeeded without pain being involved. Bread works well for me if it's toasted and I eat slow. You might also try Oroweat's Sandwich thins. They've worked pretty well. Regular sandwich bread is a definite owie.
  4. KarenK

    How did you pick your goal weight?

    I picked a nice round number - down 100 lbs. even. It won't really be enough, but I've decided to treat anything over that amount as gravy. To be honest, I never really expected to get to the 100 - and neither did my surgeon. I've already lost more than he expected me to.
  5. I'm coming up on my one year bandiversary, and thought I'd post a photo - just because. I'm close to my initial goal, but pretty obviously still have a ways to go to get to my final destination. Still, I'm pretty happy with my progress and don't mind that it's slowed down considerably. It's amazing how much more comfortable I am in my own body now. Hope everyone is doing well and keeping plugging away at it.
  6. Hi - I've lost 88 lbs in just under a year. I'm reaching the point where I'm having problems with how I'm "turning out." The wrinkles in my face are showing more & more now that there isn't fat filling them. My hair was always thin - now it's crazy thin. The saggy arms & belly I can deal with, and I like the way my body looks in clothes. But after years of never really looking at my face in the mirror, I'm kind of disappointed that I still can't. I'm getting emotional about it, and starting to do what I always used to do when I got emotional - eat it down. I'm kind of afraid to go in to the clinic this week. Time for counseling? Any other thoughts?
  7. Julie wins! I doubt anyone is going to beat that plan! Congratulations. Should we expect to see pictures in the before-and-after thread?
  8. Thanks all. I guess I just have to give myself time to grow into liking the new me, and have to stop punishing myself for not liking it yet. Hopefully it will happen in time.
  9. Haven't really thought about what to do for my bandiversary. I'm still learning to celebrate without including food, so I may just let it slip by and hope no one notices! I still have a ways to go, but overall am happy with my progress. I think I look great in clothes, and am quickly becoming quite the shopaholic. The new-found wrinkles are getting to me somewhat, but I need to learn not to dwell on that and just keep plugging away. Glad to get updates on everyone.
  10. KarenK

    Anyone else scared of the gym???

    I got guest passes to three gyms in town and tried them each before I made my decision. I ended up at Gold's Gym because of the equipment, the classes, and not feeling like I didn't belong. Yes, they have their share of bodybuilding meatheads and chickies in spandex, but the people were welcoming and there was a broad variety of body types and ages. I'm now going 4-5 times a week and love it. It's not always easy to get up the courage to go, but it was worth it. Hope you make it there.
  11. For the first few months I lived off all of those "someday I'll fit back into these" clothes I had saved for so long. I ran out of them. Now I search out coupons and sales codes online, and live for the sales racks and clearance sales. I bookmark my favorite sites (the shopping here in town sucks) and check them weekly. I made the mistake of going into a big Macy's a couple of weeks ago when I was on a trip. It was disorienting. All of those choices. When you're used to having this little corner of the store for your size, to be faced by an entire floor was overwhelming to me!
  12. KarenK

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    LoveIslovely - Congratulations on being so close to your goal. You look great! I'm thinking now that I set my goal wrong - I've always known I needed to lose more than 100, but was afraid to think that far ahead. Now that it looks like I'm going to make it, I'm going to treat the 100 as a first goal and make a new one when I get there.
  13. Wow, how does that work? I've had about 6 of them in less than a year. Are they more aggressive in the amounts they put in?
  14. KarenK

    Reached your personal goal???

    How did you all decide upon your goal? Was it something you chose, or something your doctor chose? My surgeon suggested I would do well to lose 65-70 lbs. I chose to set my goal at 100. I'm almost there, but even after having lost 100, I will still weigh 179 and be about a size 12-14. I never thought the 100 would really be obtainable, but now I'm wondering if I set the wrong goal.
  15. At work I only told my secretary and my boss. Unfortunately, my boss apparently sucks at the confidentiality thing and told a bunch of her pals at work. I was not a happy camper. If anyone asked, I initially told them I was counting calories and hitting the gym a lot (which I am). Once it became apparent that the band was really going to work for me, I started telling people I had a band put in to help me along the way, but it was still a lot of work. Most of my co-workers have been very supportive and positive. There are always going to be a few who aren't, but they're mostly the couple I didn't get along with beforehand either, so I didn't really expect otherwise.
  16. KarenK

    Went clothes shopping...

    Keith - congratulations! Ever since I shrunk out of all of my "saved not-really-skinny clothes" I've become a bit of a shopaholic. Keep me out of Eddie Bauer!
  17. KarenK

    Jealous People

    It's disappointing, isn't it? When the people you expect to support your decision end up being so mean about it. I think you just have to develop a thick skin (so to speak) and appreciate the support you do get. For me, some of the people at work have been very supportive and say it's inspirational. Others whisper behind my back. Be secure in your decision and ignore the haters. You're doing what's right for you.
  18. After surgery I get one year of free fills and appointments as necessary, including meetings with nutritionists and the exercise guy. I usually go every 3-4 weeks for a check. I'm coming up on my 1 yr anniversary and am going to have to start paying. I think they'll be seeing me every couple of months after October.
  19. KarenK


    Their ports are shaped a little differently (Realize has a lower profile and wider membrane), but they work exactly the same. I didn't even ask which one I was getting until after - I figured I would prefer the surgeon use whatever one he preferred since he was the expert. I got the lapband version.
  20. KarenK

    Info Seminar tonight

    I had the same reaction when I finally decided where to have it. I went to the seminar, and was very much "Let's get this party started!" I sent them my health history before they were ready, and then sent them all of my medical records before they expected them. Luckily they had a great sense of humor about it all. Good luck with the seminar tonight. Go get 'em girl!
  21. KarenK

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hi everyone - Gee, it's been forever since I posted. I thought I'd check in. I tried to go it alone, and discovered I don't really have what it takes to do that yet. So, I'm back to checking the boards and counting my calories and stepping on a scale and getting motivated to stay on track. After an off month in June, I bounced back and lost 6 in July. I've made it into a size 14, which is pretty exciting. I seriously can't remember the last time I wore a 14 - maybe high school some time? Next week I'm taking my daughter to get some dance photos taken and I'm planning on finally getting a new photo taken of the two of us. I'll try to remember to post it when I get it back. Hope everyone is having a happy and productive summer. Keep up the good work! Karen
  22. I started out weighing once a day. Then I would stand on it twice and sometimes three times a day. So, I went to the opposite extreme and weighed only at my dr's office once a month. Both were making me crazy. I've finally found a balance that works for me. I do it on Wednesday evenings at the gym - always on the same scale and try to pay less attention to the actual number than the direction I'm going because I know it won't weigh the same as my dr's scale.
  23. KarenK

    Scared. Please Read.

    I've heard people swear by pineapple juice for things that get seriously stuck. I haven't had it happen yet, but keep a little can of it in my fridge just in case. Hope your follow-up went well today.
  24. KarenK

    Friday Weigh-in

    I'm still avoiding scales except at my doctor's office once a month, but I can say that I finally fit into the size 14 pants I bought last month. I had been in a 16 since March, so I was pretty excited when they fit so well. Hope everyone is doing well.
  25. During the pre-op diet -- once a week After banding -- every single day, and when the scale didn't show what I wanted/expected, I bought a new scale. Then I decided I was being too obsessive even for me. Now I step on the scale once a month when I go in for my check-up and that is all. In between I go only on "how good a day did I have today with food & exercise" and "how do my pants fit this time."

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
