Initially, the weight loss was pretty quick, which seems to be pretty common. However, after 4-6 weeks, I found it slowed down a good bit. I've had 1 fill so far and will be going back for my 2nd this coming Monday.
When I went in for my first fill I did ask the surgeon how I was doing and he said average. I'd like to get back to that initial feeling of where I ate because I had to, not because I want to and can. Know what I mean?
So far I've lost 34 lbs, which is around 2.8LBs a week (although much of that average is because of the first 4-6 weeks. I've only lost 3 lbs during a 2 week period prior to this one). Should I mention anything to surgeon, like I need a bigger fill?
I have been following a decent regimen, working out 3-4 times a week @ 40 mins a pop.