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LAP-BAND Patients
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About twins97

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/04/1966
  1. Happy 47th Birthday twins97!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday twins97!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary twins97!

  4. thanks for the responses. I'm not sure this symptom is the gas from the laparoscopy. I've had 2 laps before (for appendix and gallbladder and I had gas pain) but not like this. I go in for my 1 week post op check Wednesday so I'll bring it up then. Everyone have a nice new years
  5. i had my band placed this week (also had a large hiatel hernia repaired at the same time) and I have been having uncontrollable burping. No heartburn, no pain, just constant air moving up and down my esophagus. I am only drinking small amounts of liquids and it even happens with water. Any one else have this happen??
  6. i was there today for my final weigh in, surgery scheduled for next week and I got the speech about not gaining.....I guess I now know they really mean it. I have Hoffman, does he weigh you the morning of surgery too?? I am so sorry you had to go through this.
  7. My surgery is 12/22 and they told me the same thing....if you gain, it will be cancelled
  8. Thanks for the replies. I am looking forward to getting the band and changing my life!!
  9. Hi all, I'm new to the site. I am pre-op. Just started south beach diet. Not easy. I was reading your posts and it seems like some people have not been happy with BGH. So far, I have not encountered that but is everyone overall happy with their care?

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