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Everything posted by Electrawoman

  1. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Oh I am not posting for Patty! She's clearly a fool. This information is for anyone else reading this thread who has a brain cell or two. :thumbup:
  2. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Well, then you should LOVE Obama. Here are a list of his "fruits": So to inform you, please note the following articles that sum up some of what Barack has “done” in his last 11 years in public office. Considering that Obama may be the Democratic Nominee, I believe that it is important for you, as a public voice, to be informed: His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death: http://www.icadp.org/page236.html http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/12/obama.death.pena... / His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse: http://factcheck.barackobama.com/factcheck/2007/12/14/f... Ignoring key bill, Wash. Post' s Milbank attempted to refute Obama's statement that he "expanded health care in Illinois" | Media Matters for America His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it): http://factcheck.barackobama.com/factcheck/2007/12/14/f... http://feingold.senate.gov/~feingold/releases/07/01/200... Here’s a chart of many of his accomplishments during his 8 years in the Illinois state house - and his sponsored and co sponsored Bills in the U.S. Senate.......which include worthwhile bills dealing with a wide range of issues, from Election reform bills to the Cooperative Proliferation Detection reduction Act (w/t Sen. Lugar) to Internet database transparency Act. PolitiFact | Obama sponsored a bill that became law / http://www.america.gov/st/washfile-english/2005/Novembe... http://obama.senate.gov/press/060908-senate_passes_c / POST-ELECTION FRUITS: A week before he was sworn in, Obama jammed part two of the bank bailout down the throat of his own party — a $350 billion accomplishment. Two days after he was sworn in, Obama banned the use of "harsh interrogation" and ordered the closing of Guantánamo. A day later, Obama reversed George W. Bush's funding cutoff to overseas family planning organizations — saving millions of lives with the stroke of a pen. Three days after that, Obama gave a green light to the California car-emissions standards that Bush had been blocking for six years — an important step on the road to cleaner air and a cooler planet. Two weeks after that, Obama signed the stimulus bill — a $787 billion accomplishment. Ten days after that, Obama formally announced America's withdrawal from Iraq. A week later — we're in early March now — Obama erased Bush's decision to restrict federal funding for stem-cell research. In April and June, Obama forced Chrysler and GM into bankruptcy. In June, Obama reset the tone of our relations with the entire Arab world with a single speech — an accomplishment that the Bush administration failed to achieve despite a series of desperate PR moves (anyone remember Charlotte Beers?) and a "public diplomacy" budget of $1 billion a year. Also in June, Obama unveiled the "Cash for Clunkers" program, a "socialist" giveaway that reanimated the corpse of our car industry — leading, for example, to the billion-dollar profit that Ford announced on Monday. I haven't even mentioned Sonia Sotomayor, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the order to release the torture memos, Obama's push for charter schools, his $288 billion tax cut, or the end of Bush's war on medical marijuana. Or the minor fact that he seems to have — with Bush's help, it must be said — stopped the financial collapse, revived the credit markets, and nudged the economy toward 3.5 percent growth in the last quarter. Oh, and one more thing: President Obama is now a month or two from accomplishing the awesome and seemingly impossible task that eluded mighty presidents like FDR, LBJ, and WJC — health-care reform. Obama's early returns also include a host of remarkably cautious and prudent national-security decisions that seem, these days, to have been completely forgotten: Appointing a conservative Bush holdover like Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. Appointing an establishment centrist like Leon Panetta at CIA. Appointing a hard-ass like Stanley McChrystal to head up our military forces in Afghanistan, despite McChrystal's dubious involvement in torture and the cover-up of Pat Tillman's death. Increasing the number of drone attacks on Al Qaeda — more in the last year than all the Bush years combined. Reinstating, with tweaks, Bush's military tribunal system for Guantánamo prisoners. Fighting, in another unexpected defense of a controversial Bush policy, lawsuits against the "warrantless wiretapping" program — as recently as this weekend with a decision that a leading civil liberties group called "extremely disappointing." Sending, way back in February, seventeen thousand more soldiers to Afghanistan. As Fareed Zakaira recently pointed out, this was just three thousand fewer soldiers than Bush sent to Iraq for his famous "surge." Read more: Obama Timeline - John H. Richardson's Timeline of Obama's First Year - Esquire
  3. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Well said TDSLF. Patty, you cannot compare Palin and Obama because there is no comparison. She is an unemployed politician. He is the President of the United States of America.
  4. @Harley I got 5 incisions. It's different for everyone but if your doc told you 4, that's probably right :) 2 more days for you!

  5. Electrawoman

    Tomorrow is my big day.

    The energy you send out comes back threefold so think good thoughts!
  6. Electrawoman

    December Delights 2009

    Well, I am one week out and feeling good! I am still a little sore but I have more energy and the gas pains are lessening. I am very happy with the choice to get this band and I feel more control over food than I ever have!
  7. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    More Sarah Goodies from Factcheck.org: Sarah Palin appeared on conservative Rusty Humphries’ radio program last Thursday and the topic of Obama’s birth certificate came up. Humphries asked if she thought it was a fair question to be looking at, and she said she did. Obama is an American citizen. Our archive is filled with reporting about all the different ways this false allegation has popped up. But if you are still interested or unsure, you can always view the short form birth certificate with our original dispatch here. Even Palin ultimately agrees. She posted a note to her Facebook profile late Thursday night, writing, "at no point – not during the campaign, and not during recent interviews – have I asked the president to produce his birth certificate or suggested that he was not born in the United States."
  8. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    For the interested, here is a list of sites that have copied and pasted Patty's 100 list---all conservative, conspiracy-style, fear-mongering sites. It's just rhetoric and propaganda. 1. Obamas Laundry List of Lies, page 1 2. The First 100 Days of Obama’s Lies, Blunders, Gaffs, and Abuses of Liberty | America's Re-Tea Party 3. The Humble Libertarian: The First 100 Days: 100 of Obama's Lies, Blunders, Gaffes, and Abuses of Liberty 4. The National Republicrat - OMG What have We Done! And here are what REPUTABLE media outlets have to say about Obama's first 100 days: Time Magazine Sizing Up Obama's First 100 Days - TIME CNN Special Reports - The First 100 Days of the 44th President Barack Obama - CNN.com CBS News Poll: 100 Days In, High Marks For Obama - CBS News The Independent Obama's 100 days: A dazzling debut? - Americas, World - The Independent
  9. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Well, Patty. I hate to break it to you but you have to deal with me as long as you post here. This is a public forum, my dear and if facts threaten you, go back to Glenn Beck's forum and talk to people who won't challenge you on this nonsense. What you posted was a bunch of propaganda and opinion. Facts are fun. Get some.
  10. Electrawoman

    Should we get our hopes up???

    There's nothing wrong with being hopeful. If your insurance won't pay and you really want it, you will find a way to get it. :thumbup:
  11. Electrawoman

    was it worth it?

    I just got mine a week ago. Already, I have lost at least 15 lbs. Probably more. But mainly what I have lost is that nagging anxiety, guilt, and obsession about food. I have only lost weight twice in my life...a total of 32 lbs, gained back with extra. For the past 20 years, I have beat myself up on a daily basis about my weight and what I have done to my body. I don't feel that way right now. I feel free. Yeah, I still worry that maybe it won't work for me or something will go wrong or my food addiction will take over and failure will set it. But, when I look in the mirror, I feel better just knowing that I have some control over food now. I am still healing and sore from surgery but I feel GOOD. That good feeling makes it easier to love my body again. I have had two other surgeries in my life: a c-section and ankle reconstruction. This surgery was a piece of cake compared to those. At this point, I would do it again in a second.
  12. Electrawoman


    Today is another high-stressor. MY kiddo is pushing my buttons today. He is just into EVERYTHING! ha ha We decorated the Yule tree last night and it looks beautiful! It's got a peacock theme. Of course the cats are trying hard to destroy it. We had 4 ornament casualties this morning. Anyway, I have to get some of that unflavored protein powder. I am neither getting enough protein or veggies in. Mostly, I am drinking and eating milk-based foods and that can't be good. Where can I get the powder without ordering it online?
  13. Electrawoman

    I ate a cookie

    Thanks ya'll! I do need a slap on the hand! :sneaky: Tough love.
  14. Electrawoman

    I ate a cookie

    I ate a cookie today. Yeah, I am on liquids. Yeah, it broke down nice and smooth. I hate knowing now how easy it went down. It's impossible for me to turn down the cutest two-year-old on the planet when he hands me a pink frosted cookie and says "chuckie and mamma eat cookie wif each other" as he climbs into my lap. Those damned cookies shouldn't even be in this house but somebody stuffed them in my husband's hands as we left the party last night. He also scored half a chocolate cake which I am trying to pretend I don't know is in the kitchen pantry now. This shouldn't bother me too much. I am trying to break free of food, not continue to obsess over it in a brand new way. Ugh. In other strange news, I have a weird rash. I am not sensitive or allergic to any meds to date but I am wondering if it is from my pain medicine. I have taken hydrocodone in the past and never had a problem like this. I didn't take any today, though and the rash does not feel any better. It's just redness with itchiness..no bumps. I may have to call the doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on because it is way uncomfortable. Maybe I will try some Benadryl first. BTW, I ate that cookie slow slow slow and felt just as satisfied as if I had eaten an entire dozen. That is great news.
  15. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Yeah, clearly Miss Patty has an alternative agenda here. Poor thing. She has no idea how ridiculous she appears. I will have to pray for her. I don't have time to respond to each Obama rant right now but it appears that very few of these points are facts and probably copied from some rightey-sitey. I'll find the place where she copied it from later tonight and post some actual facts in response. (I just hate it when misinformation is floating around in the universe.) I think it is really sad that people would rather eat the fear than try to work together for a better country. And, has anyone noticed Patty's profile? It's worth looking at. Here's a link to "her" posts. She is not bringing anything positive to this site and I doubt she has even had a lap-band or is even thinking about it. She's just another Propaganda Monster. I wonder how she has time to take care of ten kids when she spends so much time posting Rightey Rhetoric.
  16. Hey Harley! Just a few more days then! I have been in a little pain but no big deal. It is NOTHING like a c-section. Just feels tender and like you got kicked in the stomach. You'll be fine :)

  17. Electrawoman

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I find myself wondering why I am even responding to this but I have made it my goal this year to get more involved in politics, instead of letting apathy and ignorance take over our country again. I know this post wasn't put here because the original writer actually wanted an answer and these words will probably fall on deaf ears but maybe someone reading it will learn something. So here's a list I have compiled that may explain why some people do not want to vote for Sarah Palin if she runs for high office. Sarah Palin Quotes: 1. "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008 (Watch video clip) 2. "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil." –-Sarah Palin, in a message posted on Facebook about Obama's health care plan, Aug. 7, 2009 3. "Who calls a shot like that? Who makes a decision like that? It's a disturbing trend." –Sarah Palin, pushing a conspiracy theory that "In God We Trust" had been moved to the edge of coins because of the Obama administration (the change was made by the Bush administration in 2007 and was later reversed by Congress, before Obama took office), West Allis, Wisconsin, Nov. 6, 2009 4. "We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. ... We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in Greensoboro, N.C., Oct. 16, 2008 5. "Ohh, good, thank you, yes." --Sarah Palin, after a notorious Canadian prank caller complimented her on the documentary about her life, Hustler's "Nailin Paylin," Nov. 1, 2008 (Read more about the prank call, watch the video and see the transcript) 6. "Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip) 7. "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip) 8. "[T]hey're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom." --Sarah Palin, getting the vice president's constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008 (Watch video clip) 9. "They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008 10. "I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009 Sarah Palin Lies: Palin lied when she said the dismissal of her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, had nothing to do with his refusal to fire state trooper Mike Wooten; in fact, the Branchflower Report concluded that she repeatedly abused her power when dealing with both men. Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed to have said, "Thanks, but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor. Palin lied when she denied that Wasilla's police chief and librarian had been fired; in fact, both were given letters of termination the previous day. Palin lied when she wrote in the NYT that a comprehensive review by Alaska wildlife officials showed that polar bears were not endangered; in fact, email correspondence between those scientists showed the opposite. Palin lied when she claimed in her convention speech that an oil gas pipeline "began" under her guidance; in fact, the pipeline was years from breaking ground, if at all. Palin lied when she told Charlie Gibson that she does not pass judgment on gay people; in fact, she opposes all rights between gay spouses and belongs to a church that promotes conversion therapy. Palin lied when she denied having said that humans do not contribute to climate change; in fact, she had previously proclaimed that human activity was not to blame. Palin lied when she claimed that Alaska produces 20 percent of the country's domestic energy supply; in fact, the actual figures, based on any interpretation of her words, are much, much lower. Palin lied when she told voters she improvised her convention speech when her teleprompter stopped working properly; in fact, all reports showed that the machine had functioned perfectly and that her speech had closely followed the script. Palin lied when she recalled asking her daughters to vote on whether she should accept the VP offer; in fact, her story contradicts details given by her husband, the McCain campaign, and even Palin herself. (She later added another version.) Palin lied when she claimed to have taken a voluntary pay cut as mayor; in fact, as council member she had voted against a raise for the mayor, but subsequent raises had taken effect by the time she was mayor. Palin lied when she insisted that Wooten's divorce proceedings had caused his confidential records to become public; in fact, court officials confirmed they released no such records. Palin lied when she suggested to Katie Couric that she was involved in trade missions with Russia; in fact, she has never even met with Russian officials. Palin lied when she told Shimon Peres that the only flag in her office was the Israeli flag; in fact, she has several flags. Palin lied when she claimed to have tried to divest government funds from Sudan; in fact, her administration openly opposed a bill that would have done just that. Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed that troop levels in Iraq were back to pre-surge levels; in fact, even she acknowledged her "misstatements," though she refused to retract or apologize. Palin lied when she insisted that the Branchflower Report "showed there was no unlawful or unethical activity on my part"; in fact, that report prominently stated, "Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act." Palin lied when she claimed to have voiced concerns over Wooten fearing he would harm her family; in fact, she actually decreased her security detail during that period. Palin lied when asked about the $150,000 worth of clothes provided by the RNC; in fact, solid reporting contradicted several parts of her statement. Palin lied when she suggested that she had offered the media proof of her pregnancy with Trig to "correct the record"; in fact, no reports of her medical records were ever published; and the letter from her doctor testifying to her good health only emerged hours before polling ended on election day, even though there was nothing in it that couldn't have been released two months earlier. Palin lied when she said that "reported" allegations of her banning Harry Potter as mayor was easily refutable because it had not even been written yet; in fact, the first book in that series was published in 1998 - two years into her first term - and such rumors were never reported by the media, only circulated as emails. Palin lied when she denied having participated in a clothes audit with campaign laywers; in fact, the Washington Times later confirmed those details. Palin lied when asked about Couric's question regarding her reading habits; in fact, Couric's words were not, "What do you read up there in Alaska?" or anything close to condescension. Palin lied when she mischaracterized the "$1200 check" given to Alaskans as the permanent fund dividend check; in fact, that fund had yielded $2,069 per person, and she claimed otherwise to obscure the fact that Alaskans also received a $1200 rebate check from a windfall profits tax on oil companies - a tax widely criticized by Republicans. Palin lied when she claimed to be unaware of a turkey being slaughtered behind her during a filmed interview; in fact, the cameraman said she had picked the spot herself, while the slaughter was underway. Palin lied when she denied having rejected federal stimulus money; in fact, she continued to accept and reject the funds several times. Palin lied when she claimed that legislative leaders had canceled a meeting with her to hold their own press conference; in fact, they only canceled it after being told she would not participate, and the purpose of the press conference was very different from the meeting's. Palin lied when she announced on the news that she never holds closed-door meetings; in fact, she had just attended a closed-door meeting with the legislature earlier that day. Palin lied when she said that former aide John Bitney's "amicable" departure was for "personal" reasons; in fact, Bitney said he was fired because of his relationship with the wife of Palin's friend, plus a Palin spokesperson later claimed "poor job performance" for his firing - without elaborating. Palin lied when she said she kept her running injury a secret on the campaign trail; in fact, her bandaged hand was clearly visible in photographs and the story was widely talked about. Palin lied when she claimed that Alaska has spent "millions of dollars" on litigation related to her ethics complaints; in fact, that figure is much, much lower, and she had initiated the most expensive inquiry. Palin lied when she denied that the Alaska Independence Party supports secession and denied that her husband had been a member; in fact, even the McCain campaign noted that the party's very existence is based on secession and that Todd was a member for seven years. Sarah Palin Actions: 1. She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half prior to the VP announcement. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience. 2. She is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest. 3. She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 4. She thinks creationism should be taught in public schools. 5. She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change. 6. She supported McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. 7. McCain met Sarah Palin once at a meeting; then they spoke a second time when he called her about being vice-president; and then he offered her the position. 8. Her appearance on a morning "shock jock" radio show was described by the Anchorage Daily News as "plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician." 9. Palin supports gunning down wolves from airplanes. 10. She supports failed abstinence-only programs. 11. She is under investigation for allegedly abusing her power as governor to help her sister in a messy divorce. 12. She lied about her plans for the "Bridge to Nowhere." 13. She has big money ties to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, who has been indicted for political corruption. 14. She exploited her son's Iraq service for political gain. 15. During her time as mayor, Palin drove a town deep into debt. 16. She slashed funding for teen moms (ironic, isn't it?). 17. She thinks the war in Iraq is "a task that is from God." 18. She failed at running a car wash.
  18. One of my nurses told me to expect this. She said the first few days are kind of easy. I had my surgery on Monday and she told me to expect a "bad day" on Friday or Saturday. She was right and you are right on schedule :thumbup: My stomach is gurgling and I am having some gas pains too, but I find that the GasX strips. Since you never know when it will hit, keep them close. I found some TUMS Quick Paks today at Dollar Tree. They remind me of pixie or lik-m-stiks. The powder just dissolves on your tongue. Don't be afraid of your pain meds, either. That's what they are there for. Hang in there!
  19. Electrawoman

    Starting over

    Good for YOU!!!!!!
  20. Electrawoman

    Just for Fun ... Describe yourself to me!

    Thanks, Serenity!
  21. I was in more pain today than I had been all week. Maybe it's because I cut down on the pain meds. Either way, I was very tired all day. Luckily my son cooperated and I got a 2 hour nap. My son also wanted to go to the gym today but I just wasn't up for it. I am wondering how long it took for other banders to start working out post-op. I have done some walking but that's about it. I am also very interested in this ab circle thingy. Has anyone tried it? How did you like it and did you see results?
  22. Electrawoman

    Pain and Workouts (which are usually together but in this case, are not)

    Thank you! I haven't worked out regularly since the SPring so it may do it for me :sneaky:
  23. Electrawoman

    I ate a cookie

    I ate a cookie today. Yeah, I am on liquids. Yeah, it broke down nice and smooth. I hate knowing now how easy it went down. It's impossible for me to turn down the cutest two-year-old on the planet when he hands me a pink frosted cookie and says "chuckie and mamma eat cookie wif each other" as he climbs into my lap. Those damned cookies shouldn't even be in this house but somebody stuffed them in my husband's hands as we left the party last night. He also scored half a chocolate cake which I am trying to pretend I don't know is in the kitchen pantry now. This shouldn't bother me too much. I am trying to break free of food, not continue to obsess over it in a brand new way. Ugh. In other strange news, I have a weird rash. I am not sensitive or allergic to any meds to date but I am wondering if it is from my pain medicine. I have taken hydrocodone in the past and never had a problem like this. I didn't take any today, though and the rash does not feel any better. It's just redness with itchiness..no bumps. I may have to call the doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on because it is way uncomfortable. Maybe I will try some Benadryl first. BTW, I ate that cookie slow slow slow and felt just as satisfied as if I had eaten an entire dozen. That is great news.
  24. Electrawoman

    My mind wants my body to stay fat

    The way I understand it is that our bodies either feel safe fat or thin. In the overweight, our safety trigger is set to fat. In other words, fat=safe. So we have to retrain our primal brain to think that thin=safe. That's what the CD helps with.
  25. Electrawoman

    My mind wants my body to stay fat

    Oh and little elm is near dallas and Denton.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
