:huggie: I had my surgery date, Sept.19 and went today for my upper GI. Went to a lap band support group last night too. Everything going great. I thought I better call my insurance and just make sure that I didn't need any pre-approval for hospital. Low and behold, they don't cover the lap band! I just can't believe it. I had to put 2500.00 down at the doctor's for the after care program too. I am just heart broken. Of course, I called the doctor's office and she said it was a oversite on her part. That she had written down that insurance didn't cover my band, but forgot to forward it on. Can't you believe that? That a doctor's staff wouldn't catch that ahead of time is beyond me. I guess I could have had the operation and been stuck with a huge bill afterwards.
I went through all this stuff and for nothing. They are going to credit my CC for the 2500.00. Big whoop! Now what? I am just devasted. I have cried all day.
Oh, and my insurance will cover gastic bypass. They will cover having my insides rearranged but not a little band. Back to the drawing board. Dieting and Dieting and Dieting.........Gaining,losing,gaining, losing. I guess I am meant to be fat forever.