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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tarajim

  1. tarajim


    GraciesMom, It is wonderful you spoke what many of us probably think when someone admits to their weakness. Really, this is an unmoderated support group, so there is no professional to remind us why we are on this journey. The admission of a weakness is a call for support and for clarity of purpose. Reminding each other that we have to live a little differently than those around us, and much more differently than our former selves is important. Thanks for taking that role today. I was banded this week too... Maybe that does not give us the perspective that long time banders have, but we are closer to the decision we have all made to change. I, for one, am glad to be on the journey with all of you. You all inspire me, and I am proud to read your successes and your pitfalls. Thanks for sharing them..... TJ
  2. tarajim

    Tracking Food

    If you have an IPhone or Ipod Touch, try Lose it! app. I love how easy it is to add foods, it has a great library of foods and alot of restaurants, you can easily add a food from a label or website, and you can easily track exercise. Best of all, it goes with you so you can use it to make choices, not just record after the fact.. Now, they just added a web component that allows you to review your data on your PC and to export to a spreadsheet. It is one of the best apps for the Iphone in my opinion. I think it only costs $1.99. It is a bargain and really helps you get control of your eating and exercise. BTW, my Nut recommended unjury Protein powder. Available on the web. I was first rather skeptical that she was pushing something she had a financial interest in, but I ordered it, and was surprised how good it was, that is was rather inexpensive, and that the shipping was very quick. It has over 20 grams of protein per shake, and is really tasty..... TJ
  3. tarajim

    Calories once on solids

    so that would mean 2 1/2 gallons of Rocky road a day or 6 chocolate cakes!!!! wow, the band is great!!! (Too funny to see the typo, but we knew what you meant) My Nut also said 1200 cal a day unless you are doing good exercise, then 1400. I am a guy so maybe it is higher for me.... Thanks for the smile this morning..... TJ
  4. I was extremely lucky yesterday. I was banded Monday so I am still on liquid. My wife works nights, and all my local family went out of town so I was alone on thanksgiving. Two Protein shakes, a cup of tomato Soup, and crystal light, got up this morning an walked for an hour. After walking, the scale said I lost 4 pounds in the last 24 hours. I am sure thankful for that!!!! Happy holidays to all and good job to all above on how you handled the BIG MEAL!!! TJ
  5. Banded 11/23. I have been reading alot in this forum for the last month and one thing that perplexes me is the range of things different doctors tell people about diet, drinks, and exercise. My Dr had me on no real pre-op diet, Clear liquids only on surgery day, thicker liquids for one week, and mushie food for three more weeks before transitioning to regular food. This will all happen before my first fill. I have seen a wide range of others whose doctors are either way more restrictive or somewhat less restrictive. Use of coffee is one topic with different opinions. (mine does not prohibit it as long as I use nonfat milk). So my question is, where does common sense play a part in this journey. I understand strictness while the band heals, but why do some surgeons put more weeks of clear and thick liquids then others? I plan to follow my Dr's rules, but mine are not that bad. I do not have to endure a long liquid only diet. I feel that the plan to heal the stomach has to involve liquid, but smoothie yogurt and such do not seem harmful. I am on a 600 calorie a day liquid diet and am not hungry and not having problems sticking to it, so this is not a justification for breaking the rules. I only seek a discussion as to why the rules are so different between doctors or hospitals. Thanks to all for the support. TJ Banded 11/23 One of the men of Lapbandtalk....
  6. tarajim

    3 days out and FRUSTRATED!

    I had surgery on the same day!!! I have passed a lot of gas, and burps getting the swelling down too. As to thirst, i sip all day, water, crystal light, benefiber powder, Protein shakes etc.. If you need to enjoy food at this point, I think you must be having head hunger where your brain wants you to revert to old habits. Do you have support? Someone to talk to about this? I find that reading success stories here takes my mind in the right direction. I also find that watching TV with commercials directs me towards head hunger cause of all the food commercials. I switched to movies, talk to my support, and read successes to imagine my future. Drink liquids, don't try to do to much, and stay distracted from food. Good luck to you!!! TJ
  7. I was banded Monday, 11/23. Not a lot to complain about, gas is coming down, 5 holes in my abdomen are a little sore, and I had a little dumping today. Totally liquid till 11/30 using 3 Protein shakes and one other liquid per day. I am using the unjury shakes and they taste pretty good. Drinking them out of a shot glass and sipping for one hour. Stopped my metformin diabetes meds cause my sugars are in the mid 90's. BP has come down too. Lost 22 lbs so far including preop. Gonna go out walking today. I feel so much better than I thought I would at this point. Thanks to all for the great information!!! TJ
  8. Was just banded yesterday and am sipping my first protein shake as I type. I feel rather good. A little tight in the abdomen but not a lot of pain. Alot of the gas it gone, slept pretty good, and had no problem putting on socks and getting dresses. I had a great surgical team in Dr. Johnson in John's creek GA and at Emory John's Creek. All of the team was GREAT. I had lost 20 pounds preop and looking to move the scale a lot in the coming weeks. Thanks to all on this site. You provide such great information that nothing that has happened so far was a surprise. TJ
  9. tarajim

    November Knockouts DATA - update

    Please add me... LBT NAME - Tarajim Height - 5'11" Surgery Date - 11/23/09 Starting Weight - 365 Surgery Weight - 345 Current Weight - 345 Shooting for 225.
  10. tarajim

    Banded Yesterday!!

    I can't believe they made you eat before leaving the hospital. I was only on clear liquids there, now on Protein shakes and one other clear liquid for a week. I have no interest in real food right now. Good luck to you. Drinking liquids may make you feel better. TJ
  11. Off to Emory John's Creek Hospital near Atlanta GA in 15 minutes for surgery. This day came quick. Officially hit 20 lbs on pre surgery diet and looking to take another 125-140 more off in the next 16 to 18 months. Wish me luck!!!! Thanks to all, TJ
  12. tarajim

    Surgery tomorrow at 7:30am

    I to get banded tomorrow at 2pm EST. ON the liquids, no hunger issues though. I am so looking forward to this and to get thru the week. Wish me luck.. TJ
  13. Monday is gonna be my banding day!!! Decided one month ago that I needed to change my life. My insurance did not cover any WLS. But in talking to my boss about our companies new health initiative with total testing for all, I mentioned that given the opportunity, I would love to have WLS. Immediately, he said it was done. Go get it. Self pay, but company paying. Went to the seminar, picked the band, and got the first appointment which include the dietician. Started making changes that day. 17 pounds down before getting the band. Best lesson so far, write down everything that goes into your mouth. I am sure I was eating 3000 to 4000 calories a day by eating huge portions. Always had 2 hamburgers at Mcdonald's with the large fries, used the biggest plate in the house, double dressing on salad before a 16 oz steak with loaded baked potatoes. Now, I average 1200 to 1400 calories a day, pull off 400 when I go to the gym and use the eliptical. OK, I may be posting this in the wrong place, but you fellow posters, thank you for the validation. I know I have chosen the right procedure, cause you guys are like me. Wish me luck, see ya after surgery... TJ
  14. They are holding Nov 23rd for me..... Just need the DR to review everything and sign off to get it firmed up. I have all the requirements done.... Working on the pre-op diet.... Woo Hoo!!!

  15. tarajim

    Stoked in Georgia!

    Congrats!!! I am a Georgian in waiting too... Are you in the Atl area? Who is your DR? Good luck and hope it all goes well for you!!! TJ
  16. Hi, New on the board, in Atlanta area. Gonna self pay (actually, my employer is paying). I went to the seminar two nights ago. Will knock out all my requirements by Nov 3. Hope to have banding near the end of Nov. Wish me luck, I will post back later.
  17. tarajim

    Surgery date confirmed

    Wonderful, I am doing the band on the 23rd.... Thankful for sure.... TJ
  18. tarajim

    New from Georgia

    I had my Psych eval yesterday, my consult, Dietician meeting, Upper GI, Labs, EKG, and Cardio consult today..... PASSED THEM ALL!!! Yea, Pre-op 11/18 and banding 11/23!!!! (My preferred day) Suprised that there is no Pre-op liquid diet requirement and Post Op will only be liquids for 1 week!! Dietician stressed eating the correct foods, and exercise. Said the band does not make you lose weight, but the life change does. But she said the band keeps you from putting it back on. Dr. Johnson, in Suwanee Ga is great!!!! I feel good tonight!!! TJ
  19. tarajim

    New from Georgia

    Good luck to you..... I live in Snellville and work in Lawrenceville.... I am hoping for 11/23... Let us know how it goes!!! TJ
  20. tarajim

    New from Georgia

    I am using Dr Johnson in John's Creek, in Gwinett.
  21. tarajim

    Self Pay

    I am self pay (actually employer paying cash) I went to the infomercial this week on Wednesday My appointments ALL occur Nov 2 thru 5 I want my surgery Nov 23. I am focused and anal about schedules. It will happen. Good luck to you Just stay focused and demand attention...Do NOT let anyone say NO. You have money, you have control.... Good luck TJ
  22. tarajim

    Newbie - 10 days post op!

    Jessica GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! with luck i get banded in 4 weeks You are an inspiration.... keep it up... i know it will be hard... Support, support, support.... What do you need??? Jim
  23. FIrst, Carlos, you are lucky. Love is hard to find. weight has nothing to do with it. next Beth, Talk to me. I think you should look into the mirror and see you..... Not what your SO sees. I bet you are HOT!... That you did the band is amazing.... Support, support, support...you both need support.... find groups... friends.... people that are non judgemental. cause Carlos and Beth you are both amazing people concerned about others over the concern about YOU.... Wish I could meet you... I would love to talk TJ

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