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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tarajim

  1. My plan had me off Clear liquids and onto all liquids the day after I got home. I was on total liquids for one week. This was the week for Protein shakes and Soup (without chunks). Do you have a nutritionist? Did your Nutritionist give you a plan or guidelines? Every Doctor has a different approach. If you can't rach the DR. can you reach the NUT? It would have been hard to be total clear liquids for a week, but I have read some doctors recommend that approach. There are other clear juices, Cranberry, and blends, Juicy juice too. You can strain chicken noodle soup or Beef Vegetable soup. Before you move to full liquids, make sure that your DR is ok with it. Also, make sure you are really hungry and not HEAD hungry. Walking, a lot of walking, will help the pain and the gas go away. You have to get up, get busy, and stop thinking about food. Time to change your life is NOW!!! Good Luck... TJ
  2. Glad it went so well!!! Forget the potatoes though.... You should limit them and get into Protein and veggies. And Walk, Walk, Walk. Gotta change your life, the band is only a tool. Good luck to you though, you are on the right road.... TJ
  3. Two months and one week ago I made the decision to get the band. Self Pay, (actually, employer paid) so no Insurance nonsense to deal with or slow me down. I came to the decision after visiting my Endocrinologist and having seen my weight up, my AIC up, my BP up, my liver enzymes up and knowing I was heading down a bad road. Went to the seminar 2 months ago. I was banded 1 month ago (11/23). Today, I saw the Endo Dr. again. I am off ALL type II diabetes meds completely. I am off one BP med (out of 3) and take the other two only every other day. Off depression meds. Can sleep without the CPAP when I travel with no problems (still use it at home cause it is like an old friend). According to the Dr. scale I have lost 32 lbs (clothes and shoes) and my scale (Bare after working out) 38 lbs. I can do 1 hr+ on the eliptical and do at least 35 to 40 mins on it every day. I am in the gym or out walking at least 4 miles 6 days a week, even when I am on the road traveling. I record all my food and exercise on my Iphone using the Loseit App, and eat about 1400 calories a day. I have my first fill next week, and can't wait. The band has been the motivation to do everything else right. It has given me accountability to others, and self realization everytime I see the scars and feel the port. While I have 106 pounds more to my goal, and know it will take all of 2010 to come close to reaching it, I am so motivated, happy and proud to have come this far. I want to thank all of you that post. I read your posts and learn from them and feel your struggles. I truly appreciate the honesty so many of you bring to this board. The difficulties, emotions, physical challenges, etc are all laid out for us all to read, and absorb. Knowing I am going thru the same things as so many of you is a comfort and an assurance that this journey is possible, not always easy, but well worth the effort. Thanks again to all of you, just wanted to share my story a little. I have been FAT all my life. It ends now. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes to you all..... TJ
  4. tarajim

    Some of me

  5. Jaqui, While I am surely not the poster boy now, I know exactly what you mean. I did train and run a marathon once in my life, and ran for hours a day training. It as the puking, sweating, overheating workout you describe as necessary to get to the goal. I have that kind of plan ahead of me, and I love your honesty about how you have used the band as only a part of your life changing tool but have added so many other tools too. Keep being honest to us newbies..... you are a great reality check for us all. We need the truth to become what you have become...and you are a great model for what most of us want to be!!. Thanks... TJ
  6. Ok, no tears allowed..... TJ
  7. Ok, but promise me you would be just as honest to me if I ever need a kick in the butt!!! TJ
  8. How bout the proof that I never stop and ask for directions!!!! I do the same thing on my Iphone with a program called Loseit!!! It has a website component that automatically updates from my Iphone. Best this about this is it is always with me, and I can use it to make decisions by plugging in a food to see what it's calories/fat/protein are before eating or ordering it.... But ANY tool, yours, Livestrong, The Realize site, or mine or the 100 others is better than guessing and lying to yourself about what you are doing..... TJ,....Sitting on the couch with my hand in my waistband... just like Al Bundy.... :-)
  9. Tarajim is a guy!!! Sorry, Tara is a company, Jim is my name. Thanks for the response.... TJ
  10. I find it hard to believe you are doing everything right if you can't lose at least 3 to 4 pounds a month. When you are obese, it takes a lot more calories to maintain your weight. My calorie counting program allows me 2600 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. 2600 IS A LOT OF food, AND A LOT OF BAD FOOD. I track everything. Do you? I find I have to exercise every day or at least 6 days a week for 45 to 90 min. I maintain my calorie, fat and Protein count to keep calories below 1400 (when exercising, 1200 when not), fat below 25% and protein above 80 grams. Absolutely no Snacks with sugar, and then only one snack a day (jello, pudding etc... all sugar free). Ok, that is discipline. It is hard at first. I do not plan to do all this work for the rest of my life, but at least for a year till I have conditioned my head to know what food should look like to a new, normal me. If you are not losing 3 to 4 pounds a month, I would either be at a doctor demanding tests to see what your body is doing to you that most peoples bodies don't do to them in the retention of weight. OR, I would be looking hard at the mirror and being honest with myself about what I am doing and what lies I am telling myself about what I am putting into my mouth...... This band is too dramatic a step, costs to much, and is a big decision. To not support that is such a waste. Be honest with yourself. If you cannot control your impulses, get head help. I would bet a lot that your slow weight loss is due to what your head is doing, not your tummy! TJ
  11. Two weeks out from banding.... After the first week, all liquids, I was down to 335, started mushie solids and was back up 5 lbs by last wednesday on my post op. Stayed on the mushie solids all week with about 900 cal net, 1300 cal total (400-500 cal exercise) and the 5 lbs are gone again and I am back at 335 today!! Moving into bandster hell weeks with my first fill Dec 30th. Traveling the next two weeks and I have a plan with protein shakes, tuna and crackers, eggs restaurants, and lots of steamed veggies and fish. Good thing my favorite hotel has a good gym and a chef that will cook whatever I need him too!!! Wish me luck, hope to lose another 5 to 10 by the end of the month..... TJ
  12. tarajim


    I would think more than one Protein shake a day would be defeating the purpose of the band. shakes, Soups, and creamy things like ice cream and pudding are "Slider Foods" and move quickly thru the band. If I had the willpower to exist on just protein shakes and one small meal a day, I would have save $17,000 and not gotten the band....
  13. I had both the Hernia and band on 11/23 which was a monday. On Tuesday thru Thursday, I rested and took pain meds and felt bloated, gassy, and in pain. On Friday, I went and walked 2.5 miles and began to feel better. Saturday and Sunday, 4 miles. Monday back to work 100% and felt great. No symptoms. Give it a little time. It is MAJOR surgery after all. By Tuesday or Wednesday you should feel close to normal. Good luck!!! TJ
  14. So, We were banded the same day. Mushies!, well wednesday I went to my post op and all was good. My Nut gave me chicken and fish on my mushies if I cut them small and chewed well. So this week, I have had salmon baked with spices and olive oil mayo, mashed sweet taters, and broccoli with cheese, next night, Chicken with capers, mashed taters, and cauliflower, next day, Pulled chicken with BBQ sauce, Butternut squash, and french cut green Beans, then tonight, manicotti stuffed with fat free ricotta, carrots, zucchini, and spinach covered in shrimp with baby peas and mushrooms in a cream sauce. Sound like a lot? Every day my net calories are less than 800 and total calories under 1400. I exercise 500 calories each day. I cook using ALL the best choice ingrediants like smart balance, lite olive oil, lite mayo, light bread, sugar free everything. Oh, I also eat all this from a salad plate and take 30 to 45 minutes to eat. I have not had a fill, so there is no blockages, and I don't feel bloated either. Everything I am doing I have run by my DR. or are following my Nut advice. I feel like I am eating normal, good tasting food Every day. (my wife said the Manicotti was better than a restaurant). What I don't do is feel sorry for myself cause I can't have 2 quarter pounders with cheese, supersized, or half a large pizza. Those are not in my normal any more. Healthy, veggies, chicken and fish are my new normal and I am gonna love it. DFG, you seem to have a great head on your shoulders, keep talking to your husband and figure this out in your head..... That is where the battle will be won!!!! Good luck to you!! TJ
  15. Banded 11/23 and had my post op appointment yesterday. I have lost 10 lbs since surgery, but the scale showed 15 on monday when I came off liquids only, so coming off liquids made my weight go up. Oh well, it will come back off. I am on soft food now. Chicken and fish, eggs, etc. Eating tuna and chicken salad at lunch on lite triscuits (crackers and toast allowed). Meat and vegs at dinner. Most days I am eating 1200 to 1400 calories, and exercising off about 400 to 500 either walking (4 miles) or Eliptical (35 minutes). I have a little port swelling, but no real pain. I have my first fill scheduled 12-30. I feel real good, am back at work a full day, and will fly out to San Diego for a week on business on Monday. I think I have bounced back well. I have lost 25-30 lbs since Oct 15th. I have a goal to loose 30 more by Jan 30th. BTW, If you have a Whole Foods nearby, it is a great place to find healthy foods... Thanks to everyone for the info and support!!! TJ
  16. ABUSE. ABUSE. ABUSE. That is the only word that applies here. You have to have a frank, clear, conversation with you husband and tell him how you feel and what the ground rules have to be so that you can LIVE. You did not chose the lapband surgery to suffer, hurt and be in pain, whether it be physical, mental or emotional. You chose it to LIVE a long life. You are entitled to be happy also. If your husband is not able to stand up to his brother, you have a problem. You need to get control of the food that comes in to your house. Stand up for yourself. Make the rules that you can live by. (DH can go out to eat his junk). If he cannot listen to you on this, he is not supportive, he is destructive. You will not succeed if you have to live in a home that is polluted with temptation and junk calories. You will find a lot of support here. Ask for it. And find the courage within you to stand up to this abuse. (by the way, I am a guy.) TJ
  17. tarajim

    Totally disgusted

    What suffering? This surgery is supposed to be life changing. It can be if you change your life. You also have to change your thinking. Head hunger, scale watching, thinking about food all the time, focusing on the negative... These all have to become past behaviors. You are feeling sorry for yourself. Do you have kids? What do you tell them when they feel sorry for themselves. You made a courageous decision. One that cannot be made lightly or impulsively because it takes too long, costs too much, and makes you think all the way up to surgery day. AND YOU MADE THE RIGHT DECISION. You are going to LIVE. Not just exist on a couch. It is ok to feel this frustration. Understand where it comes from. It comes from you, your past life, your ability to see change through, and ability to find a way through it. You need strength. You needs support. You need encouragement. You probably have all three or you would not have gotten this far. Don't throw in the towel. You are losing weight, making progress and changing your life. Just like alcoholics go thru DT's, you may be having head issues. Food is all around us and has been a safety blanket for most of us here. YOU CAN DO THIS. Find help today to talk to and see you through these tough days. It will get better!!!! You were wonderful to get this far... Keep going!!!! TJ
  18. tarajim

    "Lump" in my throat?

    Yes, I have that too. Was banded a week ago. I is like I have to swallow a couple of time and it is gone. Not painful though. No idea what causes it, but it is a new sensation for me. Seems like it should be no problem though. TJ
  19. Sorry, I cannot possibiy support this list. We are a support group of ADULTS. My Dietician gave the same general instructions to a large group of people at the same time. How could these possibily be tailored to me or based on a medical assessment. My DOCTOR gave NO nutrition advice at all! The world is full of resources of information. I feel it is imperative to understand what you are getting into with this surgery and learn all you can about it. What I have observed is that there is a wide range of opinions from the doctors and Nutritionist that advise the people on this board. Therefore, I believe people should seek opinions here and learn what others are doing by asking questions and getting opinions. It is helpful to help make ADULT decisions. I do not believe that one Doctor is smarter then the collective knowledge of ALL the doctors represented by the people that post here. Some people feel medical advice is rigid and non flexible and that doctors are all knowing. While I respect a doctors education and opinion, I know that I am more able to challenge it if I can become educated on my specific situation. I believe that is what people here are doing. I was banded Monday. I have followed the Nutritionist plan for the most part, not eaten any solids, but not consuming the three full Protein shakes I am allowed every day. Does this mean I have voided my doctors advice? I do agree we should be frank in giving opinions, as long as it can be done without personal attack and hurt. People come here for information, validation and encouragement. Rah-Rah is good, as is honesty. I have respected some of your other posts, and value your opinion, but I cannot support you asking others to take your view of life as the only correct way to respond on this support board. Thanks for all you inputs... TJ
  20. I was banded the day before you and am still on liquids till Tuesday. Don't rush it.... Drink liquids and walk. You will enjoy the weight coming off... TJ
  21. tarajim

    reality check after banding

    My name is Jim and I too am a FOODAHOLIC. Six years ago I gave up tobacco cold turkey but I cannot give up food that way. I travel a lot, eat rich food, fast food and at home comfort food in LARGE quantities. I was banded 11/23 (this past monday). The commercials on TV bug me a little, but I am thrilled at the weight I have lost (29 lb since mid October)as a result of making this decision as the band has not been filled yet. I also love that I have stopped my BP meds (three pills) and my Diabetes meds (4 pills) cause my BP is great and my sugar is below 105 all the time. I have to keep this motivation, and I will cause I am built that way, but without the Band reminder and punishment, I could not ensure I would not return to my old habits. Thank you all for your stories.. You inspire me.... TJ
  22. Benifiber makes a drink that is like crystal light that goes in a water bottle. Tastes like apple juice. Pretty good...
  23. Clear liquids are broth, tea, Water, crystal lite Full liquids include the clear and add Protein shakes, strained Soups, sugar free pudding and Jello, non chunk yogurts. TJ
  24. tarajim

    Me in Tianamen square

    From the album: Some of me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
