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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tarajim

  1. Try this one.... I love the taste. Get a blender, and put frozen fruit (rasberries, cherries, mangos or blueberries) or sugar free peaches in the vanilla. I also mix the vanilla with milk and orange juice (tropicana 50 low sugar) to make an orange julius.. Put a banana in the chocolate. Use 1% milk. This stuff tastes great!!! unjury Medical Quality whey Protein Isolate. Best Tasting Whey Protein Powder. Most Trusted Whey Protein Powder Supplement. TJ
  2. Wow, what a varying set of replies... Most seem to respond about the judgements of others and who they told. A lot of really good venting and opinions. I have really enjoyed seeing the varying points of view, from people who practically market their decision to people that would rather not tell anyone. My third point is about accountability. If you tell no one, who are you accountable too and is that a mechanism for preventing embarrasment if you fail? If you tell everyone, are you prepared to live with that failure or lack of achievment should it happen? Or are you so sure of yourself that you are willing to take that risk? I, for one, want that risk. It heightens my desire to succeed and motivates me to push my exercise and stick to my food program. I am not attempting to place a judgement on anyone for their decision. We all have our own emotional luggage and needs to protect or boost our egos. I applaude all of you that responded for sharing your views though, as it has made me understand the fragile nature of the decision we have all made. Good luck to all of you. I look forward to the next year as I lose my next 100 lbs with you!!! TJ
  3. Really good points Shaun, and I hope you don't get flamed... I have noticed the man/woman thing too. Look forward to the feedback from them as well. Good luck to you....... (Shrug)... haha TJ
  4. While you should follow your doctors advice, there are many different approached by different doctors. Mine had me on mushies after a week then solids a week later. If you were seeing my doctor tomorrow, there would not be an issues, you would be on plan. So I wouldn't worry about damage.... Good luck to you... TJ
  5. tarajim

    weight gain

    Happened to me too. Came off liquids and gained backed 5 lbs. Then a week or 2 later, it was off again... Just your body adjusting. Exercise is a key.... Good luck to you... TJ
  6. if you eat right, and exercise, in a few weeks you will feel great. I have had my band 35 days and feel great.... Went for a 4.5 mile walk today... It was terrific. You will feel the difference. Good luck... TJ
  7. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...
  8. My thoughts exactly. The help I was referring to was about your loathing of yourself, your family and all the others that are like you. You need to explore compassion.... TJ
  9. The delete button is in your head. Do you say everything that comes to you mind? If not, follow that same rule here. Sounds like you need need professional help to deal with this. TJ
  10. Day 4 was the day I got out of bed and started walking. That act alone made me feel so much better. It helps with the gas, the pain and the bloating. food, liquid or not, will be better in just a few days. But for now, walk, walk and walk... and drink lots of Water. Good Luck... TJ
  11. Jackiedi, add me as your friend. We can talk.



  12. Jackiedi, Healthy people don't develop diabetes, Hypertension, and stroke risk. Screenable conditions. These things cause insurance risk. My company self insures and pay over 1 million dollars a year in claims. 33% are obese, 33% overweight. Much like the American population. Sure, drug addiction, pregnancy, and others things cause cost, but the ultimate cost in America for high healthcare costs have to do with lifestyle. Obesity is one of the leading causes. My company will not pay for motorcycle claims, or parachuting claims either. People skills. OK, I have been blunt. I have also been apologetic and explanatory. I am not perfect, far from it. And I have the band to change my life. I am not trying to be a KING ON TOP. Should you not like how I express my opinion, I am truly sorry. I frequently have to work one on one with people in my work environment and am considered successful. Sorry I do not click with you. BTW, as a painter, what medium do you use? I am in the art supply industry? Thanks for your response. Good luck on your journey too!!! TJ
  13. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Good luck to you too!!



  14. Ms. Dawnlee, If I have offended you I truly apologize. Yes, you should be able to come here for support and encouragement. I hope you find that here. I am on the same journey you are about to undertake. It can be very hard at times. You have to have a place to get strength and encouragement, and also to get an honest view of what it is you are doing. I wish you all the success in the world. That you have decided not to be FAT anymore has taken a lot of courage. You have endured a lot of criticism, been rejected, degraded and made to feel inferior all your life because you weigh more than the norm of society. You have now chosen to change that, and you should be very proud. My experience is that you have to really treat the first few months like a life changing experience, and that it really is about diet and exercise. The benefits of the band do not really kick in till you have gotten several fills and that will be several months after the band is installed. This means, you have to change. But it is good change. You get to eat healthy food. You get to exercise with normal people. You can share this journey with all the supportive people in your life. And you can find positives every day. You get to see the scale moved down. You get to wear your smaller clothes. You get to see your Blood Pressure and Blood sugar return to normal levels. You get to sleep better. There are so many positives that are about to happen to you and that should be more of a topic on this board. Sure, there is pain and difficulty. There is also adjustment, but don't fear. Look to the rainbows ahead. Liquid diet? Eat soup. Get a good blender. Mix fruit in your protein shakes. Surgery week will have some pain. Walk and drink and it goes away. Get fun people around you to be with you. Not negative people. Laugh about the gas, the pain and the fear. WIth the liquid diet and the surgery, you should lose 15 to 20 lbs. When did you do that last..... celebrate it ..... Journey, that is what this is. A long, fun, encouraging journey. Fear it not... Embrace it. That is what my message is to you. Sorry it was put so blunt. I am with you. We all are. Seek support, but be not surprised at the form you will receive it.... TJ
  15. Some people on this board are cheerleaders, and others are sometimes brutally blunt and honest. My remark was directed at the comment "After all, if we could stick to a diet, we wouldn't be going through weight loss surgery. I find myself wanting to eat everything in the house now because I know I can't after Saturday." Come on, you have to be pretty serious about a committment to get this surgery. You have to want it to succeed cause it is not bypass or sleeve which works a little differently. My thought is that if you make this committment, you need to step up and get serious about it. You have to have some disipline like a diet at the beginning, before fills, to heal, and to seat the band. We have to have discipline to shrink our livers too. While we need support, we also need a reality check at the beginning. The check to me seem like this-- Do I want to be FAT somemore, or do I want to do the things that it takes to make this tool work. Sorry if you don't like bluntness. Handholding may be appropriate too, but a support works in many ways. Glare???? too funny..... Been glared at before. Good luck to all of you though... I love the disipline my UNFILLED band has given me. My brutal honesty came from an employer that makes it clear healthy people cost less, and keeps our company in business and me in a job. TJ
  16. tarajim


    I ate about the same as you (minus the brownies and cookies) Worked out today a bit longer, and after workout am down 3 pounds from Wednesday. You cannot beat youself up every day you eat more than you think you should have. Eat Good food everyday, workout, and you will probably lose weight. Let us know what you gained or lost.... And today is another day.... TJ
  17. tarajim

    Holidays Success

    Yes, Total success.... I have not gained over Christmas, and have lost 15 pounds since Thankgiving. I was banded 3 days before Thanksgiving, so I was on liquids then and had limited my plans. I Cooked all the regulars yesterday, Turkey, Ham, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, cranberries, apples, cheesecake etc for christmas. I ate a little of all, and the Cheesecake was made with sugar free Jello cheesecake mix and 1% milk, lite cherries and lowfat crust. Then to top it off, went to a movie without eating!!! This is my biggest success since I used to have to have a Large extra butter popcorn. This am, my BP is 123/76. Blood sugar 93, and weight still at the lowest yet. Get my first fill this next week. On to more losing weight and off the the gym this morning.... TJ
  18. Yep, Very normal. Comes from the gas, liquid diet, and pain meds.... It will go away with time and firmer food. Drink lots of fluids. It will pass.... TJ
  19. Pardon my bluntness, but are you being forced to have surgery? Did you get a Psych eval? Have you committed to change your life forever? If not, maybe you should re-evaluate having surgery. The band is not magic. It will not solve your head issues. If you cannot commit to what you have to do to be successful, why bother going through the surgery? If you have made the committment, stop overeating NOW. The liquid diet is just part of what you will need to do. Are you ready for the rest? Exercise?, High Protein?, No Junk - low carb? You need to get your head right to do this. It is not for the faint-hearted. TJ
  20. I am now one month post op. It totally gets better at about a week. Take your pain and other meds. Drink. Walk, walk, and walk somemore. Then walk again. and again. You have been reborn. Read, learn and get on to your new life. You will get over the pain soon, the harder part is accepting your new life and discarding the old habits. See you in 100 pounds... TJ
  21. tarajim

    Is there a grey zone?

    If there was an award for the best poster on this site, you would win hands down. You are an inspiration, and a sage. Thanks for being here Jackie..... TJ
  22. Lets see. I had pork roast with plum sauce and squash last night. Last week, I traveled and I was with a client who has been on a health diet. She took me to the Ritz Carlton and ordered her special dinner. I had it too. It was a child size filet mignon, two jumbo shrimp, and five asparagus spears steamed, followed by a bowl of fresh strawberries with no sugar. I at it all. I have eaten a lot of chicken, salmon, crab, shrimp and yes, even one slice of pizza. I have lost 41 lbs since preop diet, half of that since surgery. I work out every day. I don't obsess. I record all my food, just to reinforce learning what is good. Next week I get my first fill. The band is not controlling me. My head is. Keep the faith. You will succeed when you have more good days then pizza days. TJ
  23. tarajim

    Protein HELP!

    Protein is body fuel. You need the best fuel when you stomach is made smaller. You will be on liquids for a week or two, so you will need Protein shakes. They are made using Whey. My nutritionist recommended unjury (available on the web at UNJURY Medical Quality Whey Protein Isolate. Best Tasting Whey Protein Powder. Most Trusted Whey Protein Powder Supplement.) bur you can buy protein powder shakes at any health food store or even most supermarkets. Make sure that the shake will give you 20 grams of Protein per serving. You will blend it in a blender with milk, and using 1% milk it will give you about 220 calories per serving. You can throw a banana, berries, or other fruit in to change the taste and give you more healthy stuff. After your liquid stage, you need to EAT. Protein is usually meat, fish, cheese, milk and some other things. You need to eat them first since your stomach is smaller. Then, you need to eat veggies to add Vitamins. Here is a list of proteins: List of foods by protein content - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You need to learn more about nutrition. Read. Search. Information will help you succeed. Good Luck to you.... TJ
  24. First, have you had a fill? Guessing not, at one month, as I am also at one month and my first fill is next week. Second. Lighten up. pizza is just food. You had some. You did not eat a whole pizza. (I used to eat a whole one). You are not bad. You are just Human. Are you gonna eat a whole pizza today??? I bet not. So today, just go back to your new normal routine. Work out. Eat healthy. Eat Protein first, then veggies. Shy away from carbs. Life began for you one month ago. Pizza is not the problem, your head is. Eat a slice once a month, no problem. Eat a whole pizza every day..... Problem. Congratulations on making a new life. Stop beating yourself up, and get on with the new beginning.... TJ
  25. You should not be lifting or pulling yet!! I had my surgery 11/23 and was told no lifting or crunches till January. Your gym time should be every day. 45 minutes, cardio, like treadmill, eliptical, or bike. Or walk 3 to 4 miles every day. Your head controls you. Not your band. You have to learn to be strong enough to let the band help you. Your band will let you eat 4000 calories a day if you let it, cause you can slide crappy food by it. Is that why you went through all of this? Be honest with yourself.... Cut the junk, exercise every day, and you will not gain. You will lose. Good Luck.... TJ

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