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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tarajim

  1. tarajim

    Weight Gain?

    Yes, i gained a few pounds back after return to solids. It quickly came back off. Follow a low cal, high Protein diet. Exercise. Realize your weight is a range during the day. Early in the day it is low. It is lower after you exercise. It is highest at night. When you are dehydrated, it will be lower. Do not be frustrated with weight fluctations. If you follow your plan, write down what you eat, keep calories down, and protein up, and work out you will lose 1 to 3 pounds a week. It is harder to lose more, it is easy to lose less. Your scar will heal. Let it air out. In a couple of months, use the scar cream you get at the pharmacy. In a year or so, it will fade. Also, use Cocoa butter lotion to reduce stretch marks in areas where you have extra skin. You are on a good path. Don't let your head get frustrated by expecting results faster than possible. Be realistic, and you will be happy. Good luck. TJ
  2. tarajim

    Old Jeans

    Been digging thru my Jeans pile since Pre op. Initially started with my 54 waist Levi's 501, Then my 52's, then 50's, finally ran out of old jeans at the 48's. BUT I BOUGHT A PAIR OF WRANGLER'S 46's at TARGET last week and wear them!!! That's right, TARGET. Not Casual Male or special order!!! (BTW, also bought XL T-shirts, not 2XL or 3XL) I joked when I was going thru the Levi's that I saw the instructions on the Jean's that they were "Shrink to Fit" I must have misunderstood, cause I did the shrinking, not the jeans!!! Love my band. Can't wait to wear 38's!!! TJ
  3. tarajim


    NO REGRETS Everthing is better!!!! Clothes, energy, appearance...I love my decision!!! TJ
  4. tarajim


    Went to get my second fill yesterday. Now have 7.5cc in a 12cc Realize band. This morning, half way thru eating 2 scrambled eggs, one piece of turkey bacon, and an english muffin with Peanut Butter, I finally found what full feels like and knew one more bite would bring trouble. I am estatic!!! I have lost 46 lbs since Pre-op on Nov 3 and 58lbs since the seminar on Oct 8th when I became determined. I am averaging about 3.6 lbs a week loss. I have also been able to do sub 10 minute miles for 3 miles on an eliptical, and do an entire 60 minute eliptical over 5.5 miles on level 10! Also, I have moved from a 54 waist pants to 48, and have just bought my first 46 and 44 pants!!! The band helped change my head at first, now it is also helping to change my stomach. I have set a goal to lose another 60 lbs by July!!! Thanks all for the support, and the knowledge you all pass along. This site, more than any other, is my source of encouragement, knowledge, and help. Thanks to all the great posters here!!! TJ
  5. I love my Protein Shakes. But they have to taste good, and have to be lowfat. So here are some of my tricks. I use Silk Light chocolate soy milk to make chocolate shakes and vanilla Coconut Milk to make vanilla Shakes. Both only have 90 calories per cup (same as Nonfat milk) I use unjury Or Dessert Protein Powder. I put Banana's and coconut lowfat yogurt into my Chocolate shakes. I put frozen berries, Peaches, or Mango's into my Vanilla shakes with fruity yogurt. Using frozen fruit makes the shakes thicker. There are frozen banana's in my grocery store. Silk and Coconut milk are available in big grocery stores, and Whole Foods etc... Unjury powder is only avail online but tastes great and only has 100 calories. Dessert is available in Many Vitamin stores, has a few more calories, but has banana cream, Cinnamon Roll and Chocolate Coconut flavor. These mixes are all thick, foamy and tasty. Good luck!!! TJ
  6. Yes, I had it in exactly the same time frame. It went away after a few days. I don't know why it happened, but my DR did not know why either. TJ
  7. Cure, Yes, I may have been abrasive or direct, and I certainly only am giving my opinion and account. I think support comes in many flavors. The first two replies to the OP were of type I term as "Fluffy". They pat your back and tell you "all is OK". I get that type of support, some come here just for that. Maybe that gives the OP what they need. My post, and some other posters such as myself, BTrieger, and Jachut (not on this thread though) usually have a more direct style that jolts people. This could be considered abrasive. It could also be considered straight forward advice. In no way do I mean to be condescending or mean, but I do try to offer a harder hitting post then most. I have a hard time tolerating people that have approached this procedure without knowledge, and without serious consideration of what they are getting into and what they have to do. Maybe my way it too hard for some. Jachut's way is too hard for me right now, but I really admire her fortitude and her success and hope to one day follow in her shoes. BTrieger has yet to be banded but is making better progress than many that have had their band for years. His main tool is his conviction in his head. I have read others that, when at a sweet spot, feel that band becomes a powerful tool. I hope so, as I paid a lot of money to get to that point. But, 51 lbs have come off in 3 months without a "Sweet Spot". I sensed the OP was lamenting that only with the band at a restriction could she lose weight. I was attempting to state that you do not have to be frustrated and wait to see success, and that it may take several fills to see success. Cure, You have had amazing success. If you have posted how you have achieved it, please let us read your story. You have more experience than I do. I would love to hear your success. Again, sorry for the abrasivness. Sometimes, the retired Navy Officer/Chief Petty Officer comes out in me at the wrong places. But I stand by my advice and story!!! Good luck to you!!! TJ
  8. OK, For those of you that are quitters, do you expect your DH to partake of the tasty taco for you??? Shouldn't it be recipricated? TJ
  9. You seem to make an assumption that college is the only place to learn. A College Education is one form of learning. Life experience is another. From one you get a piece of paper, from the other you get nothing other than self knowledge. On this topic, you certainly have been formally taught and textbook educated. That does not make you the most intelligent or the most knowledgable. I see you are still young, at 22 years old I felt I knew more than older people. Someday, you will see that you don't. Good luck to you on your journey in life. I hope your band and your education make you successful and happy in life. TJ
  10. I am a banded, self pay, motivated member of this forum. I love the positive attitude of many of the great people here. There are some really remarkable successes and some really motivating works in progress. I look for the names that post with true experience and a logical, sane attitude as to what they are doing. But I have now changed my attitude. What I want is a magic piece of plastic. I want it to peel 100 pounds off of me without work. I don't want to have to keep going to the gym daily for an hour or two and sweating my ass off, bored to death, listening to the same old motivating music on a hamster machine. I don't want to have to go to the store and buy veggies and meat. I want to drive up, tell someone what I want, and get it in a nice bag that I can eat on my way to get ice cream. I want to go to the doctor each month and get a magic shot that will peel another 20 pounds off me before I get home. I want to make MILK shakes, with toppings and whipped cream. I don't want to have to add Protein and fruit. Isn't this what the magic plastic will do for me? I paid for magic plastic. When will it start working? Fill me. Fill me. That will fix it. I just want to be thin. And I what to be thin now!!! TJ
  11. Ice cream, Yogurt, Cream Soups, Sugary liquids, all go around the band (Actually, thru it quickly).
  12. You Said: I am not losing anything. I have absolutely no restriction other than my head telling me to stop. I get my first fill on Jan. 21st. I guess it's a good thing I've not gained the weight I lost before surgery but still this waiting game is really getting to me. Anyone else in the same place I am? My post was in the correct place. My point is simple. You will lose weight if you work at it. You have to change. You have to work. You sound like you are waiting for something to take place that will cause you to lose weight. Your head is the most important weight loss tool. You can use it now. I am in exactly the same place as you. I have no restriction either. I am losing weight because I am working at it. The band, when filled to a "sweet spot" will help remind my head to stop. For now, My head is doing all the work and I am losing weight. I did not mean to imply you were going to go around the band. What I meant to imply is that if you only rely on the physical properties of the band at restriction, and allow your head to not be in the game, the band can be defeated. I do not mean you will do that, just that it can be done. Good luck with your WII fit. I hope you lose ALL you want to in the time you plan too... TJ
  13. BT, You get me, You honestly get me. My post was meant to be absurd, sarcastic and facetious. My band is a tool, and I use it. But I am gonna lose another 100 lbs by working hard, eating right, and changing my behaviour. I will do it. The band will help. But, if it could be magic, wouldn't that be great!!! Thanks for chiming in BT. I knew you would. TJ P.S. Hummingbird, Elfiepoo and others, thanks for the concern. You guys are great.... TJ
  14. Get FROZEN fruit. It makes the shakes creamier. Add Yogurt. Add pudding (SF). Use Coconut milk and chocolate soy milk. Use unjury or BSN powder (great taste and BSN has Cinnamon Roll flavor) BSN Lean Dessert Protein shake Fresh Cinnamon Roll - 1.39 Lbs. - LuckyVitamin.com You don't have to suffer with bad protein. It can be real good if you choose right. TJ
  15. tarajim

    STARVING after first fill?

    I had my first fill and only had to be liquid till the NEXT morning. I think your doctor is too cautious. I would eat some mushies that are low cal and low sugar. Good luck... TJ
  16. tarajim

    Weighing Yourself?

    Bob, I do the same thing. Every day. I have found I do not have a weight, I have a weight range. The range is about 6 pounds wide. (That is about 3/4ths of a gallon of Water, or 6 bottles of Dasani water) My range is from bloated to dehydrated. If i weigh after the gym, I am 2 to 3 pounds lighter. If I weigh at night, I am 2 pound heavier. The range moves though, and the weight I log is the lowest I see. Last sunday, I saw 317 after 1.5 hours sweating at the gym and being dehydrated. Wednesday, I saw 324 in the evening. This morning I saw 319 after the gym but not dehydrated. Funny how it works. I weigh several times a day. But I don't let it affect me, I let it motivate me. If I am up a little, I work harder at the gym. I lay off a little in the calories, but mostly, I do the same thing every day. My body shape has changed though and I can feel differences even when the scale holds. Some people have to stay off the scales, but I like seeing the numbers. I guess to each his or her own.... Good luck to all TJ
  17. I hate to burst your bubble, but a fill will not start the weight loss. It may restrict your ability to overeat at one setting, but since the consensus is that it usually takes several fills to hit the sweet spot, the first fill will give you a small restriction. You will be able to beat the band if you are determined to do so. I hope you are not. What you need, IMHO, is a box of tools, not just one. Some of the other tools you need is an exercise routine you like and can follow, a diet plan that you can not only tolerate but enjoy, that is high in Protein and Vitamins and low in carbs and sugar, and a system of accountability. This system can be private or public, but should count your calories, measure your portions, record your exercise, and document your weight. This system will teach you what normal is suppose to look like. I have had my band about 7 weeks, had one fill, feel no restriction yet, and eat about any kind of food. I exercise 5 to 6 days a week for 45 min to 1.5 hours. I journal all my food. I record my weight. My co morbidities are all almost gone. No more diabetes meds, only half my BP meds, way reduced sleep apnea. And I have lost 49 pounds since the seminar. The band did not lose that weight, I did. The band is a reminder tool. I am so glad I have it, but I lost the weight, not my plastic friend. Could I have lost this weight without the band? The answer is maybe so, but I would not have been as determined and would probably give up eventually and regain it and more. So, If you are waiting for the band to remove weight from you, I have to tell you you will be waiting forever. If you have the band, use it to remind you to change your life, quit the bad behavior, get up and move, and transform your life. You will enjoy the results. You will feel better, look healthier, get to see results in clothes and in your skin, and your self esteem will rise because YOU succeeded. No thanks to the plastic, it will be all about you!!! Good Luck... TJ
  18. Wow, this feels good. Here is a set of pics. One hundred more to go!!! LAP-BAND
  19. tarajim

    jim before pic

    From the album: Progress Pics

  20. tarajim

    Six weeks after band

    From the album: Progress Pics

  21. I take a whole banana every day and put it in a blender with 8 to 12 oz of 1% milk and a scoop of unjury chocolate Protein powder (great taste) and blend it to death. It is creamy and the banana goes down well this way. I have had one fill and my band 6 weeks. I do this banana thing almost every day. Also, try using frozen rasberries, cherries, blueberries, and mangos in vanilla Protein Powder. Great taste!!
  22. I use "Loseit" it has a data base of foods, allows you to create new foods and receipes, and track exercise
  23. What do you eat? How do you exercise? You say you eat less and don't go back for seconds. Are your FIRSTs a big plate of high calories? Is you exercise a social event or a work out? You are doing something wrong. Do you journal your food? Count your calories? Weigh your food? Are you being honest with yourself or expecting a piece of plastic on your stomach to be a magic wand? Start by writing down everything you eat. Use a program that counts the calories and Protein. Eat Protein first. Eat vegetables and fruit second. Eat NO carbs until you get in the protein and veggies first and limit the carbs to one serving a day. Get 90 grams of carbs a day. Exercise 45 min to an hour VIGOROUSLY. That means raising your heartbeat to 130 and SWEATING. Eat your food on smaller plates. Weigh and measure everything. Yes this is work. Hard work. You will lose weight if you work at it. You will not lose weight if you eat more than you work off. The band is not magic. TJ
  24. Sounds like you need medical help. You should go to the emergency room. What you describe is not normal. By day 4 you should have no problem drinking liquids. I would go to the hospital now if I were you. TJ

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