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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tarajim

  1. tarajim


    it is probably going to be hard to get an anwser here. Long term posters will be still posting here and are probably successful. People that are not successful have probably stopped posting due to embarassment. Guess you will need to find your answer from someone that has access to data. TJ
  2. tarajim


    I have had no problem with it. I have eaten the raw slices from Whole Foods without issue.
  3. Hi all you upbeat banders!!!! I've been traveling alot lately (to San Diego Cocobean), but follow this thread on my Iphone when I can. You guys are really great to read... Talk about support. And no high soap box lectures from windbags like me :-)!! Hit my halfway point today. 73 lbs down, 73 to go. Not bad as it has been 5 months since I went to the seminar and 4 since surgery! I have gone from a 54 waist pants and 3XL shirt, and tonight bought 42 waist jeans (at Old Navy no less) and a LARGE polo shirt (XL and 44 are the comfy size but the L/42 fit) Bob, I wear open toe croc flip flops and have two pair of hush puppy like crocs I wear to trade shows when I have to be on my feet all day. I hate the original models though. Love how you guys are such a community!! Keep the love flowing! Congratulation to you all!!! TJ
  4. tarajim

    Few questions about diamonds???

    Why is this on the lab band site??
  5. Use this>>> Basal Metabolic Rate : Calculators : Discovery Health
  6. I would suggest the basics that every successful bandster here will chime in and suggest: Eat at least 80 grams of Protein a day. Document EVERYTHING you eat and the calorie and protein count. Use a program, App, or Website. Also, document your exercise. Know your Basal Metabolism rate and eat 1000 calories less than that NET. If your Basal Metabolism is 2000 Calories and you do 500 calories of exercise, eat no more than 1500 calories a day. Expect to lose 2 pounds a week. Not 10 or 12. The band is not "The Biggest Loser" TV show. Watch your sodium. Salt retains Water and makes the scale frustrate you. Know that your weight can fluctuate 4 to 5 pounds. Weigh at the same time and the same condition (clothes). Eat on small plates, eat slow, and quit when the food gets cold. After your fills, you will quit when you feel full. While this may sound like a diet, it is preparing you to accept a lifestyle change. You will not have to do all the documenting and thinking once you accept this into your head as your life from now on. Good Luck TJ
  7. A regular 16.9 ounce bottle of Water weight 1.1 lbs. I like to think of my loss in terms of cases of water. That way, I can go into the grocery store and lift what I have lost. So far, I have lost 63 bottles, or just over 2 1/2 cases. 100 lbs will be 90 bottles, or 3 3/4 cases. Think about how heavy cases of water are. How far can you carry 3 cases of water before you are exhausted? Now think that you had been doing just that. When I have lost 5.5 cases of water, I will have hit my goal. I am not even sure I could lift that much and carry it across a room. How many cases have you lost? Can you lift them now? I like visuals. TJ
  8. tarajim

    At the halfway mark......

    Congratulations!!! We are about the same place. I like to think of my loss in terms of cases of bottled Water. So far, 2 cases and 15 bottles down!!! (I go to the store and pick up 2 and 1/2 cases and cannot believe how heavy it is). Good luck on the rest!!
  9. tarajim


    Secret 1. Stop eating when the food gets cold. Secret 2. Go to the gym every day. Secret 3. Do NOT ever drink with a meal. Secret 4. You should be able to eat any food but bread and rice by the second month, just not very much. Secret 5. Buy smaller clothes early on sale cause you shrink fast!!! TJ
  10. I asked my doc about the straw and he said "if it was no problem, go ahead and use it" I drink at least one, if now two venti iced coffees a day thru a straw and have no problem. Ask your doc next time you see him. BTW, Vodka and sugar free red bull is great too!!! TJ
  11. tarajim

    To Weigh or Not to Weigh?

    I think it boils down to "can you handle the truth". If seeing your weight go up a couple of pounds in one day and down a couple of pounds the next without freaking out, then weigh every day. If you will get depressed if the scale ever says more now then the last time, then only weigh once a week. If you expect the scale to ALWAYS go down, you are not facing the reality that Water weight will affect you. Your weight is a range, not a number. Accept that your weight can fluctuate 2% or so but that as a trend, it will go down. I, for one, weigh several times a day. My trend is down. But last week I saw my range be 11 pounds from 299 to 310. Today, I was 298. Go figure. TJ
  12. tarajim

    I had a moment today!

    I love shopping in Target now. I never could as they do not have Big and Tall. Got a pair of 46 waist jeans off the clearance rack yesterday at Target for $4.14. A great deal and a Target purchase. Yippee!!! As you shrink, go to Kohl's and shop the clearance racks. My transitional clothes all come from there..... TJ
  13. tarajim

    Just blah...

    I am at three months too, and yes, the newness does wear off, and it still takes committment. What foods do you want to eat? I eat all kinds of healthy food, and refuse to eat lots of worthless carbs and fast food. Before band, I was a big pizza guy, burger guy and Ice cream guy. Those are gone. But buffalo wings, steaks, baked potatoes, pork chops and such are fully part of my daily meals, just not so much of it. I use only small plates, eat slow, and sometimes just plain get tired of eating and quit. Give us a list of foods you miss and maybe some of the people here can share if they eat them. All thing good in moderation? Maybe not, but you did not get the band to stop living, you got it to start living. TJ
  14. Wonderful to see all my positive friends here.... Great idea for a fun thread. BT. Welcome to the club and not for one minute have you not really belonged. You are MY true inspiration. (maybe if I had had a heart problem I would have been as motivated as you). You are doing AWESOME!!!! Be ready for the surgery pain. GAS, Bloating and weird head for 2 days. By Friday you will feel good and be off to the races. Enjoy that loaf of bread!!!! I had a weird week. After hitting 299, the scale went up 9 pounds. (Water retention??) I had salty Peanut Butter pretzels this week, and salty buffalo chicken nuggets and forgot my BP meds for a few days. But this morning, it showed 300.2 before going to the gym so I am back to even. (I think I was dehydrated at the 299 day, as I had just gone to the gym and worked out for an hour then sat in a steam room). Best NSV's: I now wear XL tee shirts, and 46 jeans, but I can actually button and zip 44 size Levi's and bought them at Kohl's not Casual Male... I keep having to put new holes in my favorite belts. I had to buy a leather hole puncher. I can wear a pair of size 12 Nikes that used to be too small. Funny how your feet shrink too. I noticed I sit a lot farther back from the steering wheel in my car. Funny huh... I am flying tomorrow, and despite not being upgraded yet (I fly so much I have top status) I selected an exit row seat that has more leg room. I usually could not, as I had to use a belt extender. Not anymore!!! I stopped counting calories and exercise cause I have figured it out in my head how to live without having to be anal about it. I still watch calories and exercise a lot (45 min to an hour on an eliptical, six days a week) I can eat out, and do so often. I have had 2 fills and feel some restriction and feel close to PB if I eat too fast. I don't have head hunger often, and when I do, I have figured out substitutes (sugar free Jello, pudding and popsicles) that work for me. Best of all, I eat real food. Had a steak last night. 7 oz filet instead of a 22 oz ribeye. I alway eat on a small plate and cut food small and eat slow. I have had ribs, chicken, mexican, and a just about every other type food. Just a lot less. The band has changed me. All for the good. I read this site everyday and love the positive posts. I angst sometimes over the drama posts and the needy people, but sorry, that may be a guy thing. You guys are all terrific cause ALL of you have made a choice to change your life. We are really a small minority of the obese, overweight America (and other countries) that have chosen to fight our issues. We are the people that will succeed. OK, we need supportive people around to help and also to validate. But we will all live longer, more fun lives because we are here doing this. You guys and girls are awesome... Keep it up!! TJ
  15. DF I used to see you a lot and you just have re-surfaced. We were banded within a few weeks of each other. I have lost 67 lbs since pre op. You ask "why not me?". Can I ask a few hard hitting questions? Are you honest with yourself? Can you truthfully say you are following a high Protein diet of about 1200 calories a day? Do you exercise 5 to 6 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes with your heartrate above 130 BPM? Do you lie to yourself? Get depressed and eat? Let head hunger override your motivation to lose weight? At 15 lbs, you really have not had the successes that will come when you lose 50 lbs. When people notice. When clothes fit and you change lots of sizes. I assume you are down on yourself and in a spiral of it isn't working, therefore, I should eat head games. Time to get real with yourself. If you think a fill will help, demand it. But realize, it is just a little help if your head is not in it. Come on DF. Look in the mirror. Get real about it. Eat Protein and veggies only. Protein shakes. Move your body. You have the band. Now get the head you need. Good luck. TJ
  16. tarajim

    Banded yesterday

    Good luck to you. Get walking soon and you will find the effects of the drugs will go away sooner. I started slightly heavier than you, and was off my diabetic med immediately, off some of my HBP meds within weeks, and can sleep now without my CPAP and not disturb my S/O. One word... Protein. The weight falls off of us guys if we follow a high protein program with low carbs, moderate calories and exercise every day. Good luck to you and congratulations on the band.... See you in 100 pounds... TJ
  17. tarajim

    Drinking Alcohol Question

    But I’ll just finish with this, and you can do what you want with the information (you’ll probably drink it…lol) "Sure, you can drink. Sure you can have that piece of pizza, that slice of cake. But will that move you ANY closer to your goal? Nope. Will it keep you away from your goal? A little, tiny bit, yes." The quote above is true. Thanks Spartan. But.... Life is life. You make choices. I choose to drink once and a while, and exercise my A__ off. I plan to lose another 80 lbs. And I expect to do it in the next 6 months, even with a martini, or Johnny Walker Black on the rocks. I obey the band rules well... I Protein up, and eat slow. Maybe booze it a vice, but it is not my crutch... I don't drink every day, or even every week.... but I do drink. Advice: Don't drink. Reality: If you do, factor it into your plan TJ
  18. tarajim

    Drinking Alcohol Question

    Look, booze is a slider food. You will feel it more because you are eating less. Your band has no booze filter. Drink, and you wiil have 70 calories more per ounce. It is that simple. I enjoy my gin martini's often and have lost 66 lbs in 4 month. (i also eat steak). ENJOY LIFE. Work hard, and lose but stop worrying about enjoying life. BTW, have a drink or two, find your S/O and work it off in the bedroom..... TJ
  19. You should research gallstone and gallbladder problems. When you lose so much weight, you are a candidate. Look at the symptoms on Webmd. The symptoms you describe could be that. It is painful but will subside. TJ
  20. tarajim

    Just curious

    I have struggled with weight since the 10th grade. I had to lose 10 lbs to get into the Navy, and struggled with weight my whole 20 yr career. When I retired, I let go. I had a time in the Navy where I dropped 50 lbs and hit 225 lbs. I ran a 26.2 mile marathon at that weight. Then, after a transfer and a marriage, I put it back on. And more. Today I hit 300 lbs. I have not seen that weight since 1995. In 80 more pounds I will be below that 225. I plan to run another marathon. I plan to skydive (weight limit 230), I plan to scuba dive again. I am going to live!!! I wish I could have had gotten the band in 1985 when I was at 225 and fit. It would have kept me from gaining it back. I had always struggled with weight, but If I could have gotten the band at a BMI of 31.4, knowing what I know now, I would have. Life, (or at least 25 years of it) may have been healthier, happier and more fullfilling. I cannot fault ANYONE, for realizing that they cannot keep the weight off or lose it and taking the steps we have. Give the band to the 50% of Americans that are overweight. That alone would reduce National healthcare costs. I love feeling in control now. I absolutely love it..... Good luck to all, and be proud to be banded!!! TJ
  21. tarajim

    I don't understand!!!

    As another one of the men on this site, I can confirm that committed men lose fast. I am averaging 3.2 lbs a week since going to the seminar in October. I was banded in Late November. I have lost 62 lbs in 4 months. Committment takes diet, exercise and thought. I tracked everything for the first three months, but stopped and am maintaining my loss. I feel I know the rules now and don't track because the rules are ingrained in my day to day thinking. I travel a lot for work, and eat out often. I also drink alcohol sometimes when out with business associates. I work out 6 days a week for at least 45 minutes. I eat a lot of Protein, and at least 5 days a week rely on Protein shakes in the morning. I eat beef, chicken, fish and shrimp. I eat salads, vegetables and some carbs (one time a day at most). That is what it takes. I have PB's 3 times and slimed twice. I learned my lesson there to slow down and chew. I have had 2 fills. I do not think I am exceptional, just an average band patient, but I am committed. I am a scale addict too. Oh well. Good luck to you. If you want to lose and keep it off, this may be your best chance. TJ
  22. It sure will be..... I flew 185,000 miles last year and 225,000 the year before. Thank goodness that I frequently get sent to the front of the plane with upgrades, but even then, the seatbelt did not fit. Until now..... I carry my own extender, and the one for Delta, American, and other big carriers is different than the one for Southwest. So I actually have 2. I do not need them in first class anymore, but last week I had to sit in coach for 4 hours and used it then. Since the surgery, I fit a whole lot better. I look forward to not needing the extender belt in coach soon. Another thing to notice, is that exit row seats frequently have hard wall arm rests that do not move up. If you need an extender, you cannot sit in an exit row, but even if you do, the seat is pretty uncomfortable if you are wide bottomed. Rule of thumb, alway pick aisle seats, and check to see if the aisle side armrest will raise up. Most do, but they have a hidden button on the bottom near the hinge. This gives you a little more room without infringing on the middle seat. BTW, air travel is a pain.... TJ
  23. I really don't think about exercise as either love or hate, but more about something I have to do to live. Like eating, showering, shaving, or driving to work, it is something that is part of my day and I have to do. That said, I make it very routine. I get up at the same time, wear the same outfit (one of many), and go to the gym. I distract myself with music, but books on tape, podcasts, and TV are other distractions. I set a minimum. I WILL NOT get off the eliptical until I have gone 3.1 miles (5K), no matter how I feel. Sure, I will slow down, or turn down the level if I don't feel good, but 3.1 miles is my rule. I also have days off. Just like Saturday and Sunday I don't have to drive to work, I take at least one weekday off and have longer workouts on the weekend. Exercise, like eating, is mostly in your head. Does not matter what you do, just do some moving every day. And do a little more every week if you can. When the weight is off, it is easier and less dreadful. Good Luck, TJ
  24. tarajim

    Proud of myself...

    I have eaten a lot of steak since banding. Always VERY small bites, and very slow eating. Filet is my favorite. Marinate well and the steak is more tender. Strips and T-bones are probably too tough. Part of a ribeye was good, I split it with someone, and never eat a whole one any more (22oz bone in used to be no problem). Congratulations!!!! TJ
  25. tarajim

    Weight Gain?

    Mederma, but Vitamin E also works well and it is less expensive.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
