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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by MzDiva

  1. :tongue_smilie:Okay so I am coming up on 9 days!! Whew-Hew and I am continuing to stay encouraged feeling more positive than ever that this band is going to do wonders for my self-esteem and health. Although I did this just for me I can tell that my man:wub: is enjoying the 17lbs that I have lost he has also made comments on the energy that I how I've been wanting to get out more!!! This all is a result of me feeling good!!! I will continue to give off positive energy and enjoy all the positive response! I am also in the gym now so watch owt!!!!:)

    Love, Live, Life... :)

  2. Oh WoW thank you for all your support and well wishes it truly makes a difference. I am still pressing on Xavier I wish I would have stopped through and read your post before surgery eggghh!!! I am a side and tummy sleeper as well but I am back to work and doing well!!! Margarita Press On the liquid diet is over faster then you think and your surgeon will defn appreciate your petite liver! LOL

    Love, Live, Life!!!!

  3. :) So I have made it through the 7 day pre-op diet! Whoo-hoo one hurdle down.. But I think the excitement of it all has contributed to my small success! 9lbs down! Tomorrow is the big day as I will be banded and headed towards the next step of my journey! I am so grateful that this website exsist as I can feel myself being motivated by everyone success! It sad to say but everyone does not understand my decision to be banded thus they are not lending any support. But I will press on because the life of obesity is seldomly understood.

    Have a great day because to someone your life is perfect!!!!!!


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