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About tr4c1e

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/29/1984
  1. Happy 28th Birthday tr4c1e!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary tr4c1e!

  3. hi tr4cle, i have just read your blog, i see you made it in october last year and i was wondering if you had any joy getting to see me woodcock


  4. hi everyone im finding it really hard to get the right infomation about weight loss surgery i live in north tyneside and i am attending a lighten up weight loss program but dont feel it is helping i and really keen to get the ball rolling in getting weight loss surgery from mr sean woodcock but dont know how i get it started i weight over 26st and im finding it hard to lose weight im a just wondering if any one could help like how do i get to go on a seminer with sean woodcock and if n e has done the lighten up progam b4 many thanks tracie :thumbup:

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