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Amanda lee

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amanda lee

  1. Amanda lee

    Too tight

    Hi everyone! Totally new to this, so any help would be great. I have been banded for 5 weeks and lost 20lbs. YAY for me. I got my first fill today 3cc. (My Dr. does 3cc on the 1st & 2nd fills) about 15 min after my fill I was throwing up foam (slimming) I had to return to the Dr. immediatly to get 1.5 cc removed. Anyways my Dr. said he has never seen ANYONE be too tight on a first fill. Crazy. He said it could be a good thing, that maybe I wont need many fills to get to my sweet spot. Has anyone else experienced this on a !st. fill? thanks and good luck to ya all
  2. Amanda lee


    you are very brave to post these pics, good for you. Also thank you, it is very inspirational to see such honest progress it's exactly what us prebanders need. (my surgery date is Nov. 25, YAY) how .long have you been banded? Will you share your weights in these pics? Great job!

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