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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by alwaysleo8364

  1. alwaysleo8364

    To do or not to....

    Hey Ohiobluegal, I was banded on Sept. 18, 2006 and I am so happy I did!! I am not 27 lbs lighter. I use to love bread and pasta, now I look at it just knowing how sick I feel after I eat it! This is enough for me to just say no to it. I am however able to eat crackers. Not a lot but enough (like 5) that seems to do well with me. I also have a hard time with chicken, Chinese, beef unless they are really cut into very small like what you would give a baby for the first time eating these foods. I eat less but feel fine. If there is something I might crave I have a very little amount really just a bite and that seems to do it for me. You just have to really stop and think about the food you put into your body and look for the proteins! That is the most important part you body needs! I tend to eat eggs more and fish. Fish does great for me. As for as exercising goes, well I really need to jump on that boat. I will now after a comment was passed to me on how much they can see I have lost weight but my butt has not really gone down. So you can bet I will be on that treadmill in the am!! Walking is really the best you can do and maybe light weights for toning up. Good luck on the banding you wont be sorry!!! I am very happy I did it! alwaysleo8364
  2. alwaysleo8364

    New here and soon to be banded!

    Good luck with your banding Deb! I was banded back in Sept on the 18th and now I am down 27 lbs. I am so happy I did this! alwaysleo8364.
  3. alwaysleo8364

    New to group

    Hey Rene, Good luck with your surgery! I had my banding done on Sept. 18, 2006 here on Long Island! Very Happy that I did it. I started out at 277 lbs when I was released from the hospital gained about 7 more lbs but that was because of all the fluids they fill you up with. Now I am down 27 lbs since then. Want to talk you can email me any time... Good luck! Alwaysleo8364 Enjoy your holidays!!!
  4. :puke: Let me start by introducing myself! I am 42 yr old female, living in Ronkonkoma, Long Island. My surgery will be at BHMH by Dr. Brackmen. He is new to this Hospital but has done the banding in St. Cathrine's and Winthrop hospital. As you can see I am having the Lap-Banding done this MONDAY at 8 am! Right now I am more excited than anything else!! I am sure come Monday I will feel a little :nervous . If anyone out there can give me more insight with how I will feel with the banding I would love to hear from you! I know many that have had the Grastro but not the banding. I would like to know what kind of weight loss I can expect with in the first week. I know the my Dr. has said that until I get adjusted not to expect too much, but there will be weight loss due to the liquid diet. Thanks soooo very much for any help anyone can give me!!!! I am so looking forward to the NEW ME!!!! :bolt:
  5. alwaysleo8364

    1st time poster - surgery date 9/18/06

    Well most of my recovery went well. I did get pretty sick after the GI test the next day. The great drink they give you...NOT! Made me pretty sick after the test. There has to be a better way. Like you I have already lost 10 lbs since the surgery. Happy about that! I am walking around pretty good, but still have some pain. But I am sure in time that will all go away. Thanks for the up date! Yes I am looking forward to something other than soup and protein shakes!
  6. alwaysleo8364

    My not so happy Lap Banding

    I am so sorry you had to go though all of the pain and problems! I hope now it is a lot smoother of a ride for you. I just had my banding done this past Monday 9/18/06 and spent over night in the hospital. I had came out of recovery fine but after a few hours I started to get nausea from the pain medicine. I had felt as if a truck ran over my body. I had gone for the upper GI test to see all was okay. There has to be a better way of checking it!!! That drink they make you drink is enough to make anyone sick!! I was so sick when they brought me back to the room, they had to give me something for the nausea which seem to knock me out for a few hours. I just slept the rest of the day when I got home. On Wed. I could hardly get out of bed. I felt worse than I did after the surgery. Stayed in bed all day. Today was the first day I felt better. I was up most of the day and did a few things around the house. Nothing too big! Just to keep me moving. Now I am tired and have to say I am done for the day. As far a drinking, I am having a hard time getting in all the fluids I need to drink. Today was a better day. I just hope you start to feel better and things really start to go your way. Good luck to you!!!!
  7. alwaysleo8364

    Hello All day 2 of my preop plan

    Hey Larry, I am set with my surgery this Monday 9/18 at Brookhaven, Patchogue, Long Island, and can not wait! Right now I am not nervous but I am sure when Monday rolls around I will be! My goal is to drop 125 lbs by next year. I hope to have at least 40 lbs by April for my wedding. But this is not the reason why I am having this done. I need to feel better, all the pains and aches need to go. I need to be able to walk without being out of breath. I have done every kind of diet you can name. I wish you much luck and if your interested you can email me any time. Thanks Alwaysleo
  8. alwaysleo8364

    Increase Your Chances of a Good Fill

    This is very helpful for me, since I am having my banding done this Monday 9/16/06 at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital, Long Island by Dr. Brackmen. Thanks, Alwaysleo
  9. alwaysleo8364

    Any Long Islanders?

    :puke: Hey I am from the Island and my surgery date is set for this Monday 9-18-06 at BHMH in Patchogue. I would like to talk to you if your interested! Thanks!

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