Thanks for providing with such a vital piece of infomation.I never knew that a lap band could slip.This information will be really helpful for me to decide if me or my friends and relatives would go for it and the surgeon we choose.
Thanks a lot.
Is it possible that the LAP-BAND® may slip?Mygod that must be really devastating..LAP-BAND® can be increased and decreased in size but i don't no about sliping of band.
I have already mentioned that i wanted to go through a surgery but i could not decide which is better lapband or gastric by pass.Please tell me which is the better option?
I have also heard about Dr.Zapata that he is a good Batriatic surgeon.I am also trying to get in touch with him for my surgery as one of my friends got operated by him and we can really see the change in him so i am damn sure to get my surgery done by Dr.Zapata.
All the Best!:thumbup:
Can somebody help me?My BMI is 42,but my request for Lapband surgery has been denied i want to get operated as fast as possible but i donot know what the problem is?
Kate George
Sometime back i was really nervous about my surgery but now after reading these articles ,i have started gaining confidence,but can someone please tell me if these surgeries are permanent?
Kate George.