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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sweetfusion

  1. sweetfusion


    From the album: sweetfusion

  2. sweetfusion


  3. sweetfusion

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Well I had a stent put in my ureter so my kidney can flush the infection but I just had my first fill yesterday and I am having major issues. So the nurse practitioner tells me that I actually had already 3cc in my band while I was thinking it was empty because that's what they had told me, plus I was able to eat pretty well. So she put in 2cc so I know have 5cc in a 10 cc band. Good because I wanted the fill and I'm not hungry throughout the day. Not good because it is impossible for me to keep up with the medications and water intake I need to help my kidney heal. The stent is uncomfortable as hell and now I added to that having to deal with getting used to this new fill. I'm really in need of some normalcy right now! Just hoping this goes away soon and I can go back to dieting and a normal life!! I just really don't want to go unfill the band and then having to deal with the fill later again...I just rather deal with all of this at once. But its taking a huge toll on me.
  4. sweetfusion

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I'm sorry I've been gone for a few days. I got really sick right the day after I started WW. Turns out I have kidney stones :crying:blocking the flow in the kidney and creating an infection and will go for a minor surgery today to bypass the stones.:tongue2: I've been behaving but only because this pain is so bad that it makes me nauseous and it completely ruins my appetite. So I haven't been keeping points because there are days that I can't eat. As soon as I get back on the train after this surgery I'll let you guys know how its going. Oh, Diva...I'm allowed 38 points a day and the weekly 35. Of course right now I'm not meeting any of that. But I hope to get back to it soon. Keep you guys posted and hope everyone is doing great! Besos! Mariela Mariela Luis - San Antonio, TX | Facebook
  5. sweetfusion

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks Diva!!! Honestly I needed this. I am not doing good with the diet...since my band is unfilled completely at the moment I am really having some hunger issues. And to top it I don't get back to work until Monday so I have a rough few days ahead being at home and spending my last few days off with family and friends. I am a little scared about the fill because the first 2 weeks after surgery I was so tight I could barely eat, and that was just because my stomach was swollen! But at the same time I cant wait for it because those first two weeks i loved the fact that, even though I was having problems eating, I wasn't hungry at all! Well this is my points for today...I am sleeping in so I'm eating 2 meals a day and a snack. The evening part is so embarrassing but I was super hungry! I'm still within my points but I know once I get back to work and have to wake up at 4am and go to sleep early I can get a better routine and once I get the fill that will prevent me from big portions. POINTS® Tracker entries Wednesday, November 04, 2009 Morning 2 item(s) egg 4 1 slice(s) Kraft Pasteurized process American cheese slices 2 1 slice(s) Oscar Mayer Pork And Beef Bologna, Made With chicken2 Subtotal 8 Evening 8 oz Jennie-O Turkey Store Lean Ground Turkey 7.5 3 small uncooked red potato(es) 4.5 1 cup(s) Goya Chick peas 3.5 12 oz cut green Beans 1.5 1 cup(s) bell pepper(s) 0 1 cup(s) cooked onions 1 Subtotal 18 Snacks 1 large tangerine(s) 1 1 cup(s) low-fat fruit-flavored yogurt, sweetened with sugar 5 Subtotal 6 32 food POINTS values Balance 6
  6. sweetfusion

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I am so in!!!! My mom had mentioned it to me since she is a ww lifetime member and totally hooked on it. I have been on ww before and very successful at it I just could never keep them off, hence the band. I felt like I would be cheating at ww because of the band so I decided not to do it but seeing this thread just helped me make up my mind otherwise. Right now my band is completely empty and I have my first fill next week but until then I am having trouble with dieting and I thought about doing ww. I am so glad I decided to log in and check this thread...I will join online and let you guys know of my progress. Keep up the good work! Besos! Mariela Mariela Luis - San Antonio, TX | Facebook (message:lapbandtalk ww)
  7. First of all, congratulations on getting your surgery! This is a new and exciting time for you and all of us! Now, I had to do a low carb diet consisting of two low carb Protein shakes a day and one meal a day the size of a CD. I tried some things but finally settled with the Adkins premade shakes, believe me they are the best tasting and most satisfying and for my meals I just went and got some yummy lean cuisines and smart ones and healthy choice. I lost like 10 pounds before my surgery like that and it was not that difficult. I could also have sugar free popsicles and Jello.:cursing: I limited them to one of each a day. And believe me it does make a difference. My doctor did the surgery in just 45 mins and said that everything went great because of the diet. He said he could really tell I followed it because it made things a lot more easy for them to work around. I hope this helps. Starting Weight:310lbs Surgery Weight:395lbs Current Weight:276lbs Banded:10/12/09 San Antonio, TX
  8. My name is Mariela and I just got banded a week ago (October12th,2009) by Doctor John J. Gonzalez in San Antonio, TX. He is the best doctor ever! :thumbup:And Im just excited to start this new adventure in my life! I know its going to be hard work but with this tool I can already tell the work is cut in half if not more! Im here to share stories and to stay connected to a community that can answer my questions as I progress in this journey. Hope you all are looking fabulous, losing weight and staying positive, its the main thing to any journey in life! So until next... Stay happy:tt2: Stay positive:thumbup: Stay beautiful!:cursing: Mariela:wink2:

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