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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sclftn

  1. sclftn

    me 2 13 10

    Thanks Christina. You look GREAT BTW.
  2. sclftn

    Week 16 - Down 51 lbs

  3. sclftn

    Week 3 (18 pounds lost)

    Good for you. That is exactly where I was at week 3. Keep it up. I am now at week 16 and I am down 52, and so will you. Follow the plan and it will work.
  4. sclftn

    Pardon Me But Your Weight Loss Upsets Me!

    I here you. I get annoyed at the scale when I feel like i have done everything right and it goes up instead of down. To keep my eye on the prize I just projected out 2 lbs. per week until i hit my goal. SO, when I come to every Friday I weigh first thing in the morning,(totally naked, and after I empty my bladder in an effort to be consistent with my weigh ins) and then I document this in my calendar. This is what I compare myself to. My calendar. My goal of 2 pounds per week. I know that if I can accomplish 2 pounds per week that i am actually losing at the right pace. I know when I think rationally, this is the best thing for me. Keep up the good work, and just know that if you do your part YOU WILL GET THERE.
  5. I saw my doctor 4 weeks post op. I was ready for a fill. He saw from my chart that I had lost 20 ish pounds since the surgery. He asked how I was doing, and after about 3 minutes of conversation decided that I did not need a fill. He felt like I should save it as my weight loss was going fine. He went on to let me know that this decision was one for quality of life. He did not want me miserable in an effort to speed up my weight loss. He told me to lose another 15 pounds and then come back for a fill. That was 2 months ago. I am down another 27 ish pounds for a total of 47 ish pounds lost. ( I say ish because my weight fluctuates from one hour to the next) 47 pounds gone in 3 months. I think that is pretty good. I am happy with the 2 to 2 1/2 pounds loss per week. The reason that I am hesistant about getting a fill is that I am still having food get stuck about 2 to 4 times per week. Call me crazy, but I really don't like that "STUCK" business at all. My concern, or fear, or whatever you want to call it is that if I get a fill my STUCK episodes will increase. I am a fan of losing weight, but I want to try to minimize the STUCK ness. Because getting STUCK really SUCKS. SO, what do you think? For those of you who have been where I am, what do you suggest? Does getting a fill = getting more stuck? OR does getting a fill = sweet spot = less stuck? THOUGHTS????????
  6. I saw my doctor 4 weeks post op. I was ready for a fill. He saw from my chart that I had lost 20 ish pounds since the surgery. He asked how I was doing, and after about 3 minutes of conversation decided that I did not need a fill. He felt like I should save it as my weight loss was going fine. He went on to let me know that this decision was one for quality of life. He did not want me miserable in an effort to speed up my weight loss. He told me to lose another 15 pounds and then come back for a fill. That was 2 months ago. I am down another 27 ish pounds for a total of 47 ish pounds lost. ( I say ish because my weight fluctuates from one hour to the next) 47 pounds gone in 3 months. I think that is pretty good. I am happy with the 2 to 2 1/2 pounds loss per week. The reason that I am hesistant about getting a fill is that I am still having food get stuck about 2 to 4 times per week. Call me crazy, but I really don't like that "STUCK" business at all. My concern, or fear, or whatever you want to call it is that if I get a fill my STUCK episodes will increase. I am a fan of losing weight, but I want to try to minimize the STUCK ness. Because getting STUCK really SUCKS. SO, what do you think? For those of you who have been where I am, what do you suggest? Does getting a fill = getting more stuck? OR does getting a fill = sweet spot = less stuck? THOUGHTS????????
  7. Sounds like a great recipe with the whey. How many grams of protein do you get with that?
  8. Well, I am curious as to what kind of protein shakes you got? How many grams of protein? etc...

  9. Lean Body has a low carb shake that is 40 g of protein and is about 230 calories. It works for me.
  10. sclftn

    If your stalled, this is what worked for me.

    I did the same thing. This last Saturday I picked up some Lean Body low carb shake mixes. THey have 40 g of proteins. You are right, I have lost about 5 pounds this week. The shake holds me till lunch. If I am good and watch the quantity at lunch and dinner I am successful. I feel like I am on a row, and I have to give the credit to the shakes.
  11. sclftn

    New to lapband talk

    I never worried about the whole half cup idea. I just tried to be smart and ate until i was satisfied. The first month or so I was just letting my body adjust. Consequently, when I went and saw my doc. at 4 weeks i had lost 21 lbs. Don't try and starve yourself. My advice is eat the right things, but eat till your satisfied (eat very slow) not until your full. Hope that helps. BTW - I am three month in now and down 45 lbs. Good Luck
  12. sclftn


    Great. You look awesome. Keep it up
  13. sclftn

    A brand new me!

    Good for You. You look amazing.
  14. sclftn


    You look great. Keep it up
  15. sclftn

    Miami Halloween

    You look fantastic
  16. sclftn

    BCBS of Texas

    not to discourage you, but I could not get it done. That being said it was because there was a provision in my policy that did not cover obesity procedures. Good Luck.
  17. sclftn

    any good protein drinks?!?

    I like the Myoplex light shakes. Good Protein source
  18. sclftn

    3 Months since banding.

    I am right there with you. I will be three months out on the 23rd of this month. I am having to find a way to mix in tuna fish, or just grilled fish. Hang in there and you will get back to losing very quickly. Quick question, have you had a fill yet because I have not.
  19. sclftn

    img037 leaves

    how do you do that??? That looks cool.
  20. sclftn

    Better than a joke!

    I agree. The Doc recommended the bypass for me as well. I too see all the people who are losing weight like clock work. I feel that all i have to do is to stick to the plan and i will be successful. 10 weeks now and i am down 38 lbs. If i can do it so can anyone. It really has not been that hard. hope it stays that way. good luck
  21. sclftn

    IMG 5435

    You look great.
  22. sclftn

    February 2009

    From the album: Before

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
