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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by girlcoulter

  1. girlcoulter

    Broke through plateau!

    Phew! Broke through it and during the holidays to boot! I was stuck at the same weight for a month, well up and down the same 3 pounds. 3 weeks ago I did something to my hip, well, I wore boots at a party and woke up the next morning and could barely walk. I limped along all day until I couldn't take it anymore. My left hip felt like the muscle had ripped! Or I tore something. I went to Doc in the Box because there was no way I was making it through the night without pain killers. They X-rayed and found only mild arthritis and the doc thought I had pulled the muscles or ligaments around my hip and I had to take it easy for two weeks! Are you kidding me? I was just starting to walk! No walking he said for two weeks and especially not for one week. Hell, believe me I couldn't! So I limped along for 2 weeks, taking muscle relaxants and pain killers when it got too bad. But never missed a day of work. I think that is my tenacious character at work. When you own your own business and are partners with your father, you don't show any signs of slowing down. But I didn't feel well, and I was losing my ability to stick to the doc's recommended diet too! Throw the holidays and christmas goodies around me and I was hopeless. But I stayed on track with maintaining my weight. Then I got brave and stepped on the scales the day after christmas and had finally lost 4 pounds! Just like that? So I have started back at the gym, working out on the eliptical machine, reclining bike and some other climbing machine. All no impact type cardio machines. I have signed my 14 year old daughter up at the gym and she is working out with me. So we are working out on the circuit weights too! And again I got brave today and stepped on the scales, another pound down! Wow and my hip is feeling better! Thank the Lord! Now I have my first fill January 6th! It was originally set for December 28 but the doc's office rescheduled it to next week :tt2:. But I am doing ok. My goal was to break the 200 mark by new year's. I will be short of that goal, but that is a hefty goal less than 2 months out from surgery with no fill. So let's see what January brings with my first fill, my new gym workout, and my hip healing! I am officially ready to retire my biggest pair of jeans, they are so baggy on me, it is almost embarrassing. But will try them on and post a pic showing how HUGE the waist is on me. Heck I lost 4 inches off my waist, but I didn't even measure until after surgery and I had already lost 10 pounds. So who knows how big that sucker was when I started! There is nothing stopping me now! :w00t:
  2. girlcoulter

    Starting to get momentum

    All right! I am down 22 pounds and I am one day away from my one month! Woo-hoo! Already dropped a pant size and getting into some of my 16's again! Feeling better, like I am finally recovering from my surgery, popped port, stitches, etc. Brought my gym bag to the office finally! So now I hope to get serious about my walking. My gym just built a brand new, HUGE gym across the street from my office, now I have no excuse!! I am so encouraged by bandsters on this site and they keep me motivated and not depressed. So if you are reading my blog and you are contemplating this surgery, I am ALL FOR IT!!!! :wink2:
  3. girlcoulter

    Starting to get momentum

    All right! I am down 22 pounds and I am one day away from my one month! Woo-hoo! Already dropped a pant size and getting into some of my 16's again! Feeling better, like I am finally recovering from my surgery, popped port, stitches, etc. Brought my gym bag to the office finally! So now I hope to get serious about my walking. My gym just built a brand new, HUGE gym across the street from my office, now I have no excuse!! I am so encouraged by bandsters on this site and they keep me motivated and not depressed. So if you are reading my blog and you are contemplating this surgery, I am ALL FOR IT!!!! :thumbup:
  4. girlcoulter

    Diet Ticker

    Oh, wow! Thanks for the help! I finally broke through the no weight loss yesterday and dropped 1.5 pounds!
  5. girlcoulter

    Diet Ticker

    Just filled out this weight loss ticker online. Not sure how it will show up on here if at all or how to do it. But the url is http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wn2JIKJ/"> > I see it on other posts and the chart shows up but can't figure out how to do it. I am a chart person and get more excited with graphs and charts than numbers on a page. Go figure and I am a financial advisor. I haven't lost a pound in a week and I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. Not sure what is up with that either. Oh, well, from the other blogs and pics on this site I am not too discouraged. It will come. Hard to believe that the amount of calories I am eating are drastically less than before and I am still not losing anything. What's up with calories in calories out?
  6. girlcoulter

    Diet Ticker

    Just filled out this weight loss ticker online. Not sure how it will show up on here if at all or how to do it. But the url is http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wn2JIKJ/"> > I see it on other posts and the chart shows up but can't figure out how to do it. I am a chart person and get more excited with graphs and charts than numbers on a page. Go figure and I am a financial advisor. I haven't lost a pound in a week and I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. Not sure what is up with that either. Oh, well, from the other blogs and pics on this site I am not too discouraged. It will come. Hard to believe that the amount of calories I am eating are drastically less than before and I am still not losing anything. What's up with calories in calories out?
  7. What's up with the chat room? Have you been able to get in it? I haven't been able to log in it since Wednesday!

  8. girlcoulter

    One of those days

    Girl, I have those days too! It's like my life before revolved around eating. Meeting friends for coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks......now I don't do that at all. It's like I don't know how to interact with my friends without including food or drinks. And I forget to fix food for my kids too! It's not like they can't fee themselves but they love their mom to fix them something. I'm starting to get used to not eating the same things with them. Besides I'm still on mushies, so they don't even want mashed potatoes anymore!!! So I guess we just have those days.... hang in there.
  9. girlcoulter

    Chat Room

    What's going on with the chat room on this thing? I haven't been able to log on for 3 days now! I need the interaction with other bandsters to help me!!! The support! It's just not the same......no wonder I see so many posts for people being depressed:sad:
  10. girlcoulter

    Chat Room

    What's going on with the chat room on this thing? I haven't been able to log on for 3 days now! I need the interaction with other bandsters to help me!!! The support! It's just not the same......no wonder I see so many posts for people being depressed:sad:
  11. girlcoulter

    Port trouble!

    So I made it to the two week mark post surgery. Any weight loss I was experiencing has stalled. Not sure why. I stepped up the excercise, getting the two shakes and 45 g of protein, sticking to the mushies list.......then last night I do what I do every day when I get home. Reached in the back seat to get my purse and something in my stomach ripped or popped! I immediately thought it was my port incision and felt and it was fine. It was internal! My port felt like it popped out! I carefully got out of the car and lay down on the bed to feel it. It felt more prominent and I could feel the tube coming out of the port along my stomach! Ouch! What did I do? I didn't lift anything heavy! In fact it was my nearly empty purse I had reached for! This morning I had my normal network meeting at 8am but I was soooo nauseated the entire time. I wasn't feeling so hot. So after that I called the doctor's office and eventually spoke with the nurse. I told her what happened and she said to come in and see the p.a. She said she doubted I did anything but should get it checked out. I met with the p.a and she felt it and couldn't believe what she was feeling, the plastic piece coming out of the side of the port and something running up my stomach. She said she didn't think it could be the tubing but it definitely felt foreign not like scar tissue. She left to talk to the Dr. Great! What the heck did I do to myself? She came back and said the doctor said to wait until my first fill and he doubted I flipped the port. When they put the needle in for my fill they will be able to tell if I flipped it or if my tube came out if I don't feel restriction! That's not until December 28th! Why me?
  12. girlcoulter

    Port trouble!

    So I made it to the two week mark post surgery. Any weight loss I was experiencing has stalled. Not sure why. I stepped up the excercise, getting the two shakes and 45 g of protein, sticking to the mushies list.......then last night I do what I do every day when I get home. Reached in the back seat to get my purse and something in my stomach ripped or popped! I immediately thought it was my port incision and felt and it was fine. It was internal! My port felt like it popped out! I carefully got out of the car and lay down on the bed to feel it. It felt more prominent and I could feel the tube coming out of the port along my stomach! Ouch! What did I do? I didn't lift anything heavy! In fact it was my nearly empty purse I had reached for! This morning I had my normal network meeting at 8am but I was soooo nauseated the entire time. I wasn't feeling so hot. So after that I called the doctor's office and eventually spoke with the nurse. I told her what happened and she said to come in and see the p.a. She said she doubted I did anything but should get it checked out. I met with the p.a and she felt it and couldn't believe what she was feeling, the plastic piece coming out of the side of the port and something running up my stomach. She said she didn't think it could be the tubing but it definitely felt foreign not like scar tissue. She left to talk to the Dr. Great! What the heck did I do to myself? She came back and said the doctor said to wait until my first fill and he doubted I flipped the port. When they put the needle in for my fill they will be able to tell if I flipped it or if my tube came out if I don't feel restriction! That's not until December 28th! Why me? :biggrin:
  13. girlcoulter

    1 week post op 223 lbs

    It's a combination of the pre op and post. I lost 5 lbs in pre op. I'm having hard time with eating mushies. It's like it's too much food. I'm stuffed all the time.
  14. OMG! I just realized we have the same birthday! I'm exactly one year older! How strange is that?

  15. Great job! It will be no time. Just keep checking in on the website and chat room. It helped me

  16. girlcoulter

    I'm home!

    It's the sunday after my surgery (Wed Nov 4th was the surgery). I was in the hospital from 6am to 1pm the next day. Surgery must have been a breeze according to the dr. But my dad said the doc was very proud of himself for finding a hiatal hernia and 'fixing it'. Now I don't know too much about them but I do know that I have had many years of misery with my stomach! Was told I just had acid reflux. The gastro doc did every test imaginable and that was the diagnosis. Here take this pill, there is nothing else I can do. And then it was the allergist to test for food allergies. No allergies there, but I had asthma! Where the heck did that come from? Never had it in my life before! Then it just was one thing after another....bad back, sleep disorder, stress....and now the hiatal hernia is 'fixed'. It seems that was the problem! I ate because it relieved the a nausea. I woke up every morning sick to my stomach and green looking even after trying 5 different acid reflux medications. And it took me deciding to have lap band surgery and taking my health into my own hands to figure out what was really going on. Dang! I feel so much better. Sore from the staples, stitches and surgery and I didn't do too well in the hospital with the anesthesia, but I would do it all again just to get rid of the constant nausea, lack of sleep and continual weight gain!!! What a blessing! After a horrible year, this has been the easiest thing I have dealt with. I look forward to my journey and again being a 'hot mamma'! And will gladly share it all!
  17. girlcoulter

    I'm home!

    It's the sunday after my surgery (Wed Nov 4th was the surgery). I was in the hospital from 6am to 1pm the next day. Surgery must have been a breeze according to the dr. But my dad said the doc was very proud of himself for finding a hiatal hernia and 'fixing it'. Now I don't know too much about them but I do know that I have had many years of misery with my stomach! Was told I just had acid reflux. The gastro doc did every test imaginable and that was the diagnosis. Here take this pill, there is nothing else I can do. And then it was the allergist to test for food allergies. No allergies there, but I had asthma! Where the heck did that come from? Never had it in my life before! Then it just was one thing after another....bad back, sleep disorder, stress....and now the hiatal hernia is 'fixed'. It seems that was the problem! I ate because it relieved the a nausea. I woke up every morning sick to my stomach and green looking even after trying 5 different acid reflux medications. And it took me deciding to have lap band surgery and taking my health into my own hands to figure out what was really going on. Dang! I feel so much better. Sore from the staples, stitches and surgery and I didn't do too well in the hospital with the anesthesia, but I would do it all again just to get rid of the constant nausea, lack of sleep and continual weight gain!!! What a blessing! After a horrible year, this has been the easiest thing I have dealt with. I look forward to my journey and again being a 'hot mamma'! And will gladly share it all!
  18. girlcoulter

    Surgery Countdown

    It is Sunday, my surgery is Wednesday. This is the last Sunday I will be at this weight. My heaviest. I'm not nervous, I am excited. There are not many friends I have told about this surgery because when I was thinking about doing this, one friend put me down and begged me not to do it. Well, guess what? That friend is 8 years older than me and thin. She hasn't had this weight battle her entire adult life. I look back over the years at my pictures and I look good and back then I thought I was a cow! Will I think the same as I lose weight? Will I ever see myself as anything but a cow? You see me from the shoulders up and I look normal but look below and all I see is big. Big boobs, big stomach, big butt, big hips, big legs, big calves. But I am proportionally big. I'm going through my second divorce and all that rings in my ears is my STBX texting me over and over that I am a FAT A**. I know he was trying to hurt me and he did. I know he was abusive, which is why I kicked him out of the house. But he didn't go without a HUGE fight. That was March. During that time my first ex husband and father to my children, we got closer. Even though he still did things that got on my nerves, we were talking and working together for the betterment of our children. Then WHAM!!!! I got a call August 10th from the coroner. My kids dad was killed in an automobile accident. He was the passenger, the driver lost control and the truck flipped. Neither one of them had on a seatbelt. They were both ejected from the car and the truck landed on top of both of them, killing them instantly. The hardest thing in my life was telling my 11 and 14 year old that their dad was dead. My mom almost died in April and I had to call 911 and rush her to the hospital. My dad was helpless, my kids were there, my nephew was there but there is something in me that just kicks in and I am calm, take control, make decisions and calm everyone down. My mom is so much better now after 2 surgeries this summer. Can you say stressful???? I tell all this because it is time I start taking care of myself and be there for my kids. Who knows when is the right time to have this surgery? With all the negative things that have happened to me and my kids this year, this was just easy. My doctor said it would be good for me, my surgeon said I was a perfect candidate for it. I was nervous about the psych evaluation given all that I have been through this year. But once I passed that it has been easy. When things go this easy and you don't have to put any effort into being approved, setting up the surgery and you aren't nervous? Well, it is a sign it is a good decision for me. I look forward to my journey to be healthier, feeling better and being able to run and play again with my kids.
  19. girlcoulter

    Surgery Countdown

    It is Sunday, my surgery is Wednesday. This is the last Sunday I will be at this weight. My heaviest. I'm not nervous, I am excited. There are not many friends I have told about this surgery because when I was thinking about doing this, one friend put me down and begged me not to do it. Well, guess what? That friend is 8 years older than me and thin. She hasn't had this weight battle her entire adult life. I look back over the years at my pictures and I look good and back then I thought I was a cow! Will I think the same as I lose weight? Will I ever see myself as anything but a cow? You see me from the shoulders up and I look normal but look below and all I see is big. Big boobs, big stomach, big butt, big hips, big legs, big calves. But I am proportionally big. I'm going through my second divorce and all that rings in my ears is my STBX texting me over and over that I am a FAT A**. I know he was trying to hurt me and he did. I know he was abusive, which is why I kicked him out of the house. But he didn't go without a HUGE fight. That was March. During that time my first ex husband and father to my children, we got closer. Even though he still did things that got on my nerves, we were talking and working together for the betterment of our children. Then WHAM!!!! I got a call August 10th from the coroner. My kids dad was killed in an automobile accident. He was the passenger, the driver lost control and the truck flipped. Neither one of them had on a seatbelt. They were both ejected from the car and the truck landed on top of both of them, killing them instantly. The hardest thing in my life was telling my 11 and 14 year old that their dad was dead. My mom almost died in April and I had to call 911 and rush her to the hospital. My dad was helpless, my kids were there, my nephew was there but there is something in me that just kicks in and I am calm, take control, make decisions and calm everyone down. My mom is so much better now after 2 surgeries this summer. Can you say stressful???? I tell all this because it is time I start taking care of myself and be there for my kids. Who knows when is the right time to have this surgery? With all the negative things that have happened to me and my kids this year, this was just easy. My doctor said it would be good for me, my surgeon said I was a perfect candidate for it. I was nervous about the psych evaluation given all that I have been through this year. But once I passed that it has been easy. When things go this easy and you don't have to put any effort into being approved, setting up the surgery and you aren't nervous? Well, it is a sign it is a good decision for me. I look forward to my journey to be healthier, feeling better and being able to run and play again with my kids.

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