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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by TinyaK

  1. Ok, I am pretty tough and can deal with a lot of stress, I thought and I know that I use to eat to deal with emotions. But I did not think it would be so difficult to manage my anxiety after being banded. I went through a time when I was just grumpy, now I feel so vulnerable, tonight I almost started crying in a group because I got so mad at a person in the group I was facilitating...that can't happen..I get out , exercise, and other stuff to relax...anymore suggestions!:confused:

  2. I tried 3-5 chips and didn't have problem with them but I felt so quilty that they weren't worth it. No chips for me.

    Chips don't bother me, but I feel so guilty like I am wasting my time getting banded...but I won't lie they sure taste good and go down well...don't keep them in house..to tempting LOL:drool:

  3. Everyone is always teasing me about my big clothes. The fact is that I don't want to spend too much money on clothes..I thought I would wait a little longer to buy some clothes...and you know there may also be some underlying stuff going on? My husband asked me when I was cleaning out my closet, I don't know...unlike me, not knowing...but It could be a brain malfunction:)

  4. I feel I am in the same situation. I was banded on March 3, 2009 and have lost 46 lbs. I was feeling happy about this until I visited this site and see that most people loose weight faster than that. I only eat a fraction of what I use to...don't go out to eat, no fast food, no sweets...so I don't understand why I am not loosing faster. I am 54 maybe thats it. Well I do feel better and I am increasing exercise. I got a fill, but had to immediatley have part of it unfilled. I couldn't keep water down. But this week I don't feel any restriction. This was my first fill since my surgery. Good Luck...things will probably OK in the end. I almost wish I would have had gastric bypass.

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