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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TinyaK

  1. Hey BG. Thanks for your encouragement...I am trying to stay patient with weight loss...You live in Indio? I use to work out there!! Hot, hot.. (smile)

  2. Still haven't lost weight in 3 weeks...but I do feel less anxiety. Thanks for encouragement from some folks...:smile2:
  3. TinyaK

    Still Haven't Lost Any Weight After Fil?

    Thank you for your encouragement...I really know it is, I am doing everything right!!! I just want it off now!!! LOL
  4. TinyaK

    Still Haven't Lost Any Weight After Fil?

    Still haven't lost weight in 3 weeks...but I do feel less anxiety. Thanks for encouragement from some folks...:confused:
  5. TinyaK


  6. I don't understand you can gain weight eating almost 2/3 less food that prior to banding? I have lost weight very slowly. I was banded 3/2009 and just had a fill, gained weight almost immedialty without eating. :wink2:
  7. TinyaK

    How Do You Gain Weight Eating Less Food

    I don't understand you can gain weight eating almost 2/3 less food that prior to banding? I have lost weight very slowly. I was banded 3/2009 and just had a fill, gained weight almost immedialty without eating.
  8. TinyaK

    weight lost slowing down

    Hey, I noticed you joined this group in May 2009, did you just have surgery?
  9. TinyaK

    weight lost slowing down

    I feel I am in the same situation. I was banded on March 3, 2009 and have lost 46 lbs. I was feeling happy about this until I visited this site and see that most people loose weight faster than that. I only eat a fraction of what I use to...don't go out to eat, no fast food, no sweets...so I don't understand why I am not loosing faster. I am 54 maybe thats it. Well I do feel better and I am increasing exercise. I got a fill, but had to immediatley have part of it unfilled. I couldn't keep water down. But this week I don't feel any restriction. This was my first fill since my surgery. Good Luck...things will probably OK in the end. I almost wish I would have had gastric bypass.
  10. This is a great blog site....I was fooling around with post and they all seemed so old. I was banded on 3/3/2009 and have lost 46 lbs...I was thinking that was good until I saw that some people have lost 95+ This is the first time I have felt depressed...I am finally getting use to the fact I just can't eat much..but little weight loss sucks!!!!

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