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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Mama0Gorda

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  • Birthday 10/27/1957
After being overweight for most of my life, and trying every diet on the planet, I was fortunate to find a primary care physician who supported me in my desire to seek medical intervention.  I was diabetic and scared to death of eventually having to undergo dialysis as a result of the diabetes.  It was painful to walk for any distance because of the weight placing stress on my knees and ankles.  Enough was enough!  I was so happy to get the surgery and despite the disappointly slow weight loss thus far, I would do it all over again.  Although it has been 11 months since my surgery and I have only lost 27 lbs. I have to say that I have had success in that I am completely off all my medications (diabetes, blood pressure, gastric reflux, cholesterol) and I have gone from a size 20W to a size 14W.  I would love to see the weight come off faster than it has been, but I'll take what I can get!  Hopefully soon we will find my "sweet spot" and the weight will start to fly off!

Age: 66
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Starting Weight: 245 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 218 lbs
Goal Weight: 170 lbs
Weight Lost: 27 lbs
BMI: 37.4
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 07/18/2008
Surgery Date: 11/26/2008
Hospital Stay: surgery_stay_15
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 2nd Letter Appeal Approval
Mama0Gorda's Bariatric Surgeon
TMC Bariatric Center
6226 E Pima #3
Tucson, AZ 85712

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