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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Doer

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/09/1958
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Doer!

  2. My surgeon recommended bypass from the get-go, and I insisted on the band. I thought, based on the little patient information, that it would be a great fit for me. I couldn't have been more wrong, and just like Suzy, I was basically bulimic for four years. A very SMALL bulimic woman - but bulimic! I struggled, thinking "I failed," too, then finally it was so bad that I had to let go of my stupid guilt (really stupid since I had done everything right!). I had it pulled out in November, and an RNY February 10. My surgeon does it in two surgeries because he said the stomach needed time to heal. Money-making scheme or not, that's the only way he would do it. I was scared I'd gain a ton of weight in the months between, and did, but either way, I had to wait. The bypass in February has been a great success. I have absolutely NO food intolerances, no throwing up, NOT ONCE, no problems with anything. It is a very different feeling, though, from the band, and takes some getting used to. And, since it was revision surgery (and my body is basically saying, "um, enough of this starve me routine, I'm holding on to this weight!) I am losing FAR more slowly. But I always lose a pound or two a week. I am not suffering AT ALL, and I never have reflux or gird or trouble sleeping. BUT ... with the band, even in those few good months, I really could only eat maybe a half cup TOTAL of anything. The bypass is different: I'm not about to puke because I've eaten too much, not ever. So I think I have to work a lot harder with this surgery. People have shared that the experience changes as the bypass heals, too, and that I will feel full more easily and the feeling will be more pronounced. I also DO feel hungry, often! But since the entire bottom of my stomach has been cut off from my pouch, I realize it's my brain telling me I'm hungry, NOT my stomach. I try to ignore it and drink a lot of water! The Vitamin thing is a pain (which is why I chose the band in the first place), but ... I've learned to schedule taking them all and manage it in the not quite three months since the surgery. No regrets - I'm very very very happy with the new surgery and it's milder results!
  3. I had my band removed in November, and had RNY surgery February 10. I don't think I'll ever look back. I lost a TON of weight with the band, but because of all the horrible side effects, was effectively bulimic. I puked more than I ate for four years. When the gird and reflux got so bad that I never slept more than a few winks here, I eventually returned to my old binge eating habits. Only worse - because only a milkshake would stay down. I am THRILLED with my slower RNY results, becuase I have not ONCE been sick!
  4. Doer

    Eastern CT, RI, Southeastern MA

    I'm from the quietest part of CT, I think. Southeastern. Old Lyme. I would love to find a support group around here.
  5. Doer

    I have 16 days till surgery!

    Good luck! It was a very different surgery than the band - and my recovery has bit a bit longer, and a bit easier at the same time! I've followed my surgeon's advice 100%, and have found there is nothing that makes me sick, or doesn't agree with me. What a difference from the band!
  6. The struggle, right!?1 Well ... some of the more experienced bypassers have put their two cents in, saying 21 pounds is still a ton of weight (it is!), basically that I should be grateful for it (I am). But still, there are so many others who have lost nearly forty in the same time or less! No point in whining over it. It's weight lost, and I am happy! I'll be happier still when my clothes start falling off!!
  7. I'm seven weeks out today, and I still LOVE my tempurpedic! But I did have to get up carefully in the first two weeks!
  8. Seven weeks today - 21 pounds. Ugh, revision, the slow race!
  9. I loved that I lost so much weight (157 pounds). It was seriously fun to be a size 4 again. But I hate that I had to become essentially BULIMIC to do it! Throwing up, heartburn, GIRD, reflux, the whole deal was unlivable after a few years, skinny or not! I never slept, and can't remember a day when I didn't throw up a bunch of times.
  10. Doer

    Band to Bypass discussion

    Yesterday after work was my first appointment in my surgeon's office since my surgery February 10. He has a "satelite" office about ten minutes from where I live, which is how I came to know of him. Had I realized what a pain it would be to have a surgeon who for most things is a good hour and a half away, I would rethink my choice. But I do adore him, and everyone in his office, and I know that counts for a lot. Turns out my surgeon wasn't even IN yesterday, but I met with the PA (whom I love and trust). With a worried expression I got weighed in (down 19 since Feb 10), and shared my concerns with her. * worried that since I don't feel "full" when I eat as much as 3/4 cup of something, maybe I've already stretched my pouch. * worried that since some people say my pouch may be bigger as a result of the revision from band (on account of scarring), maybe that's why I'm not losing as much as I thought I would. *worried that maybe I'm not "doing it right" *worried because I'm so darned tired all the time - the only negative about this surgery experience being that I'm really exhausted after work, much more than I thought I'd be six weeks out. She told me that my pouch is not bigger, that, if anything, revisions sometimes are smaller. She told me that she, too, lost a lot slower after revision (from band) and that she, too, was very perplexed by how different the two surgeries make you feel (as to hunger and fullness). She told me that I'm doing great, and actually encouraged me to eat MORE whole foods. Turns out in relating what I've been eating, during the school week I drink a shake for Breakfast (easy, quick, lots of protein) and a shake for lunch (same!), and only have a "real food" for dinner. She says she wants me to have only one shake a day, and perhaps even drink that as a snack. She also told me that it took her about six months (after the bypass) to feel "restriction" ... meaning to feel like her pouch only held a little bit of food. And now she's just about always totally full eating 1/2 cup to at most 1 cup of food. Totally full. She also told me not to sweat ONE BIT the fact that I drink about a half a cup of real coffee every day, or that I've had a half glass of wine a couple of times when I went out. I'm drinking plenty of Water, doing everything I'm told, taking my Vitamins, and it's all as it should be. I just wanted to be skinny again TODAY heheheh.
  11. Doer

    One Surgery or Two?

    I had the band out in November, and the RNY in February - two surgeries. My doctor would not do them together, but he did admit me for the band removal in "emergency" to assure my insurance would cover the removal. My bypass took him about an hour and a half longer than what he says is his usual because of scarring from all the problems I had with the band. After reading what other people have posted here, I wonder if maybe I also have a bigger pouch due to the band. That would explain why I still feel hungry and why I don't feel restricted at all.
  12. Doer

    Band to Bypass discussion

    I'm nervous about the same thing EVERY DAY!! I actually asked the PA if my doctor made a mistake and gave me a big pouch! She laughed, and told me, "No way." But on top of being shocked that I can swallow, eat, and never throw up, I am losing weight about half as quickly as I did with the band. In the first month after band surgery, I had lost almost 30 pounds. Oh, and other new bypassers lose 30 or even 35 in the first month! Not me! I've lost 18 in six weeks since the surgery. Oh, AND I FEEL HUNGRY all the time!! People keep telling me it's "head hunger" ... but finally someone else just posted that she felt hungry all the time, too, for the first couple of months! I go for my first follow up Monday after work, so I'm eager to see what they think about my progress and questions! But the good news is I don't have that horrible crazy-making band in me anymore!! The bad parts of the band were unbearable!
  13. Doer

    Any Band converters under........

    I lost amazingly, remarkably fast with the Band (which my doctor said was unusual). And after three years of complications, had the band pulled out in November, and the RNY on February 10. Since the bypass surgery, I have lost 17 pounds (almost 6 weeks) which I know is great, BUT ... the zillions of people who did not have the band removed first are losing 30, 35, or 40 in the first month. I was so concerned that I was "doing something wrong" that I called my doctor's office. They reassured me that for whatever reason, the weight loss is MUCH SLOWER after revision surgery. I feel bummed. Then again, I have no reflux, no gird, no gurgling afwul sound after I take a sip of Water. I sleep at night, I never throw up. Sounds good to me. I can wait for the wait to come off, as long as it comes off!!
  14. Doer

    Band to Bypass discussion

    OMG I feel the same way! I feel (as compared to the band) there is no restriction at all. Same exact thing. I was shocked I could drink Water, shocked I could down a cup or more of Soup. Shocked that I've never thrown up, not once. I keep waiting for the full feeling to kick in, but I can't recognize it yet. On another site, bypass people have shared that it's going to take a while for my stitches to heal, which should make my little pouch tighter. My doctor pretty much said the same thing. But he also told me flat out that because I had the band first, the weight loss would be slower (it is), and I was prepared (but not happy about it!). I'm still trying to figure this new surgery out - just like you!
  15. Soccer Momma, thanks SO MUCH for giving me hope that maybe next year I will be in the same spot. The band made me terribly sick, all the time. So I'm glad to be rid of it. But because it made me terribly sick (and I could hardly eat!) I lost tons of weight, and kept it off as long as I had that band! I had the bypass five weeks ago, and the weight loss is much much slower this time. But I'm never sick, ever. Never nauseus, ever. I never have reflux or gird. I do feel constantly hungry (they tell me I'm not really hungry, because that's been cut!) but I feel "empty." And in nearly six weeks I've lost about 17 pounds - nothing like the huge losses when I first got the band. Again, thanks!

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