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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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BayougirlMrsS last won the day on April 22 2020

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About BayougirlMrsS

  • Rank
    Bariatric Legend
  • Birthday 07/29/1968

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  1. BayougirlMrsS


    Who else wants to go shopping in @Arabesque closet?? You have the best taste in clothes.
  2. BayougirlMrsS


    Yes....... I love them....
  3. BayougirlMrsS


    I'm loving the sexy long hair.......
  4. BayougirlMrsS


    Thanks, glad to be back. Yes, Chicos was delivered last week. Nice pair of white pants and a festive shirt. A new golf shirt golf started many years ago when I was married to x #2 ….. lol. He was a superintendent but would never teach me. Tim and I have enjoyed learning together. I’m doing really good. Scoring around 99 average. My handicap is 31.5. headed to San Antonio for granddaughter back surgery
  5. BayougirlMrsS


    doing great. sitting at a happy 130. it's hard to stay at this weight. but my hip have come back, my hair came back and well the boobs are still.......... well, huge. hehe I don't come here much. I should.... Oh and i started playing golf
  6. BayougirlMrsS


    you look so great..... and look how long your hair has gotten.
  7. BayougirlMrsS

    Eating and drinking at same time.

    If you want to continue to lose weight and keep it off don't drink and eat.
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    Lap band removal/replace

    as a former band-er..... I would suggest that you remove the fill and see if it gets better. I wish I had done that. Maybe I would still have my band. But, my band had slipped and I couldn't even swallow spit. So, how do they know it slipped? Are you having trouble eating? Drinking?......... Mine was removed 2017 ... went 2.5 years and then I gave in and did the sleeve. I don't regret it, but not one day goes by that I don't miss my band and the control I lost when I lost her...... I listened to everyone but me when I got sleeved. I wish I had went with my gut.
  9. BayougirlMrsS

    Vomiting food 10 weeks post op

    @Arabesque said what I was thinking. Well-cooked anything at is point will not be your friend. Also, the bread is more likely your enemy right now. Try just the patty-cooked med. Cut into tiny bites like the size of your pinky nail. Take a bite, put the fork down, place your hands under your butt, chew at least 20 times, and swallow........ never never have any drink near you. Wait 20-30 min to drink after your last bite. Right now you should only be eating about 3 bites. Also, try and keep your food log up to date. This way you can go back and see what is working and what is not.
  10. BayougirlMrsS

    Regretting the surgery

    i've had two WLS and regret was not felt...... uncertainty was..... I had a bad case of the "what ifs". I can say at 100% I am happy with where I am today. My problem was not the SX but the pain meds they gave me.... I can't do Demorol....... I will throw my guts up. Just keep doing your best to walk. In my life i've had 8 SX's and have found that walking really does help the most.
  11. BayougirlMrsS


    I need your bathroom stalls....... you look amazing. I'm longing for sweater weather............. mississippi is still 75 degrees daily.
  12. My son is an CRNA and I would deff disclose that in the pre op before they put you to sleep........ just to be on the safe side.
  13. BayougirlMrsS


    You look amazing as always.......... Happy anniversary to you!!!!
  14. BayougirlMrsS

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    Happy that you made the choice to have WLS. I'm going to give you a different way of looking at this. LOTS of people (meeee) have body dysmorphia. Crazy but when i was 232lbs (5'2") and i looked in the mirror.... I didn't see 232lbs. I saw what was in my head. In fact I decided to have WLS (lapband) when I saw a picture and didn't know it was me.... the feeling was awful.......... fast forward...... 143lbs (lapband) and all I saw in the mirror was the fat girl............ fast forward....... 2+ years after lapband removed 173lbs I didn't see how terrible I looked again............ Sleeved at 173lbs and now i'm at 125-129 and I still don't see the person everyone else sees in the mirror...... I got down to 120 and i got a lot of "your soooo skinny". It's crazy how the mind plays trick on us...... and yes i'm in therapy. So she probably doesn't see what you saw.
  15. BayougirlMrsS


    my friends brian and christopher...... it was wonderful

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
