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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. Past couple days couldn't have gone better.... and i managed to lose 3.5lbs in the process

    1. jane13


      WOO HOO~

      CONGRATS on throwing 3.5 to the other side!

    2. Dub


      Very well done !!!

    3. CHM
  2. BayougirlMrsS

    Mad Men Dress.....2014

    Thanks Lizzie
  3. BayougirlMrsS

    163 lbs lost - GOAL

    wow... you look amazing...
  4. BayougirlMrsS

    On 2016 I am going to...

    @@Julie norton Two years ago i joined this group.... http://thewellarmedwoman.com I can't even begin to tell you how much i enjoy this group. i love my guns....i conceal carry always...
  5. My surg. charged 8800 for my TT and if i had done the reduction and lift it would have been 12000. total.
  6. I signed on here in 2009....trust in the fact that i have had my share of conflicts on this site.... got into some pretty heated name calling and then i realized we are all different in what we are going through and how we handle things. Me... Im a hot head I know this and own it. Anyone who has been on the phone with me while im driving can attest. In fact i almost left the site recently because of a couple people... then decided i wasn't going to let them make choices for me. @@Chrystee we make post and most of the time we get replys that are helpful and some times you sit back and think WTF is this Bi$$h about. But then we have to remember that it's a public forum and people are going to disagree. The reply's that don't pertain... skip skip skip... I hope that in all this you have had some reply's that has helped you and has giving you comfort in the fact that you are diff not alone in what you are going through. Keep your head up... Chris
  7. Wow. Come on y'all put aside your differences or take it some place else. @@Babbs sweetheart You know I love ya. Your better than this. You make great post and are encouraging To everyone. I don't know @lili2333. Actually this is the first post I see. Not a great impression. Just saying Chrystee came here for a listen ear and to hear from people that are going through what she is. Maybe a little advice from people and too know she is definitely not alone. Not two grown women going at it like high school girls.
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    Shaving Armpits

    thank god i have very little to almost no hair in my arm pits.
  9. BayougirlMrsS

    LA - Baton Rouge Area Chapter

    I just saw this post.... I live in houma... anyone want to start one in NOLA.... I would deff. go. BR is a two hour drive for me.
  10. Quote from The Help: You is kind. You is smart. You is important.... You is beautiful

  11. @@Chrystee Of course you do. You wouldn't be human if you didn't wonder what it is in him that makes him desire a larger woman, when WE... see it as unattractive and disgusting. I avoided intimacy with him, i mean i never said NO, but i didn't initiate it either..... Now that im a "normal" size he want's nothing to do with me sexually. He hope that i gain the weight back. He has told me this. He said losing weight was the worst thing for our marriage. I told him... sorry, im not gaining it back to boost your insecurities... Not going to happen. You are a beautiful woman... and you are doing an amazing job with your weightloss.... Keep going and i pray he will come around. Chris
  12. just stopping in to see how TT went? how you are feeling and such..... Hope everything went beyond great.

  13. those are the moments in life after WLS that makes everything you go through, all the ups and down, that makes you beam with pride. I had that experience when i was at my lowest... Paula was my Dub. I did the same thing... i walk up to her and ask all those same questions.... she planted my seed of hope. You my friend planted your seed of hope... You probably will never know the emotional impact you have made on this young man. If it works out and he does the WLS... Oh man... the pride. I have had two such seeds that were planted.... My friend Leslie..Every time she saw me she would say...Chrisy you look great... i would say Leslie.. you can do this i know you can.. Well Last April 1st she had the sleeve done... i was there at the surg with her and know it would be a battle because of the negative family members... but i kept encouraging her... she has to date lost 109lbs. I beam with pride every time i see her... the other day i was going to Walmart and getting out my car... i hear Satan's helper (girls scout) ask, mam would you like to buy some Cookies... and i hear a very familiar voice say... No thank you.. I had bariatric surgery and i don't eat that anymore... It was Leslie... she saw me and said... Did you hear that Chrisy... I said.. I sure did... God i am so proud of you. My friend Jessie.... she had GB in june and has lost 115lbs.... i had dinner with her the other night.... OMG... She kept saying... thank you over and over... and how i inspired her... she is now paying it forward with her mother... It's those moments..... Dub...you keep encouraging and inspiring... You are doing an amazing job... but then again.. i always knew you would. These are two of my seeds.... I know they would be ok with me showing there face... but i blocked out anyway... Leslie is holding her pants.... and jessie is in the white jeans... (that was at 85lbs lost, she has lost 30 more since)
  14. BayougirlMrsS

    Your Healthy Lunch

    today's lunch: half of an avocado stuffed with chicken salad.
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Scheduled for plastics! Advice?

    @@Elode You are going to Rock this girl .....
  16. BayougirlMrsS

    New "addiction"?

    @ No my dear it is not just you. In all the years i have been here... the sex drive has to be one of the things that comes back with a vengeance. I know mine did. The getting hit on is a struggle... the attention and all the flirtation... is intoxicating (especially when you don't get it at home)... and can lead one to do things they once said they would NEVER do. Im learning now the hard way.... Who to trust and not... you would think at 47 i would know... But we live and learn... get knocked down and pull ourselves back up.
  17. @@Chrystee I read your post and it could have been something i would have written. It's no secret that me and my husband are not on the same page anymore. my story is a little different as we we first met i was a whooping 100lbs. So he has seen me at super thin, fat and then where i am now (which i say, curvy) others say thin. Anyway, he never ever called me fat or told me i was fat... but... once i started losing weight he did start making the "too thin" remarks. It not that i think he is attracted to Larger woman... i think he just like the control he had over the "fat-me". When one has no self esteem or confidence we do and say what ever we have to to keep what we have. I think that is true on both parts. He says the mean things in hopes that i will gain back...He now knows that won't happen. So now one of the only ways he controls the relationship is through SEX. He knows how my drive is and continues to reject my approaches. So i have stopped, im tired of the way i feel after he tells me no. So needless to say in the past 6 months we have been "intimate" twice. I have asked... no Begged for counseling... he wont go... or better yet the last time i begged him he said..... Get a part-time job to pay for half and i will go. (i already work a full time job). I have done the "sitting him down" and telling him exactly how i feel and how he is making me feel and how i assume he feels. This normally last for a few days and then things go back to the same. So i'm at the cross roads in my life and im stuck at the intersection... paralyzed with fear as to what road to take... Stay and be unhappy, unforfilled, unappreciated, not desired.... or the other that leads to divorce and the what if's.... what if i can't make it on my on, what if i end up alone for the rest of my life, what if i meet someone else and it turns out I'M the problem after all..... I really hope you and your husband can find some resolution. As for me i'm just taking it a day at a time.
  18. BayougirlMrsS

    CarolG 66alt

    wow... stunning. congrats on all your hard work. You look amazing.
  19. BayougirlMrsS

    Girl Scout Cookies

    the devil.....
  20. BayougirlMrsS

    Scheduled for plastics! Advice?

    @@Elode Think of it this way. After you had those c section you had three beautiful children, but was left with an ugly tummy. This Time you'll come out of this with an amazing set of boobs and killer stomach.
  21. BayougirlMrsS

    On 2016 I am going to...

    this year.... i will go skydiving.... few possibles.... lose another 10-15lbs., maybe do another play at the theater, buy another Harley...(i miss my bike), and you just never know what else.
  22. BayougirlMrsS

    Scheduled for plastics! Advice?

    @@Elode i promise you baby girl... it's not as bad as you would think. you survived 3 c sections.... it's the same thing. you can do this and will be soooooo happy you did. I really wish you could stay one night... but most dr. send patients home right after.... I was glad mine didn't. That one night stay was key i think. I can't talk on the boob part, as i still have the ones God gave me... lol.... My husband only had one day with me too... but he didn't want me to have the TT... but i did it anyway... I did have a friend that came for the first night at home and like i said my son and DIL came and checked on me twice a day for the shots. I even lost a few lbs after due to me not having any hunger at all. sleep in the recliner if you have one...get the pads... I walked like the Evolution man for a while... you know started off all hunched over, then each day i got better and better and more upright... STOP!!!! watching the vids.... they are scary as hell.. @@Queen of Crop I just read what you posted and i have to say.... a slimmer "kitty" was an unforeseen bonus. I didn't think that when they pulled up... that the kitty would trim down... but it did... I freaked out the first time i went to the toilet and things were not going straight down, but more forward should i say... and now with out the stomach flap.. i can shave kitty without any problems... So Elode... yet another reason to do this.... trim kitty.. lol
  23. Today is a great day.... Live, Love, Learn.....

    1. jane13


      sorry to hear that :/

    2. Dub


      Yes indeed......Live, Love and Learn.

    3. LizzieBeezWax


      Always a good day for that <3

    4. Show next comments  183 more
  24. BayougirlMrsS

    Scheduled for plastics! Advice?

    @Elode... First off..... wowwww girl that orange dress.... HOTTT... I think that size is perfect. I was fortunate in that my breast stayed full. I was a 44H and now im a 34H. Anyway, you asked for tips. I had my TT Feb 2012. Hip to hip with muscle repair. I like you had had 2 c sections, and a few other surgeries. I was expecting the worse with the pain from the tt.... But i have to say, it really never came. I didn't even finish the pain meds he gave. You can expect to feel the same as how you felt after the c sections. I spent one night in the hospital with a morphine pump. went home the next afternoon. I'm going to try and remember things that helped me. A great Dr. is key... i had his personal cell if i needed anything. My dr didn't do drains which i loved... most problems and pain i have seen came from drain tubes. He also didn't use stitches on the outside... he glued. Some dr. do lovenox injections for clotting... mine did, i was lucky that my son and DIL are both RNs and came twice a day and gave me the shots. Make sure the dr. gets you a great compression garment I slept in my recliner for the first week... If you have one... make it your home for the first week or so. Walk Walk Walk as soon and as much as you can. you being a RN know how much this helps. I read some place that pineapple juice helps with swelling... i drank it and it did seem to work. I bought the jumbo Kotex pads and taped them together like a train and put them across my incision. Be prepared for how it will look the first few weeks... Yes your stomach is swollen, the incision is dark and if your dr. does Lipo... you will have bruising... but all that goes away and you will have a nice flat stomach and look banging in a bikini.... I also bought the expensive lotion and it works... but so does the cheaper stuff... as long as you keep it moisturized.. that's all that matters. (after your dr says ok) I feel i was very lucky. my pain was minimal, my healing went great, the muscles in my stomach is still tight, and my scar looks great i think. No, it's not perfectly straight across... but its not visible most of the time unless i point it out. I'm thrilled with the out come. I was back to work in 12 days. Stop watch the youtube vids..... This is the garment i had and it worked wonders.... i wore it for the first 8 weeks... I took it off only to shower... This is what my scar looks like as of this past weekend which is 4 years 2 weeks. Hope it's not to much... to show here... but i hope it helps. You already look hot as hell... i can only imagine after... Good luck sweetie..
  25. BayougirlMrsS

    New "addiction"?

    @CHMD.... i know this struggle....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
