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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. socks.... don't forget socks.
  2. i know.... i love them... the fit perfect.... and me being only 5 2... the short are great fit. plus i love the buy one get one half... i can get two pair for around $40 bucks... so i get a fitting size and the next size down for inspiration.
  3. I really don't care what store..... just as long as it's not The Avenue or Lane Bryant..... I do buy a lot from Dillards, Jc penny's, limited, maurices (love their jeans), im also an Ebay buyer... Love Ebay.
  4. BayougirlMrsS

    What are your other addictions/ obsessions?

    coffee, shopping, guns, shoes, bikinis, tanning, mirrors.... and still buying sexy underwear.... lol..... it's all about ME ME ME....obsessed with ME i started this post last year.... not much as changed... looks like shopping is still a big one. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/338396-new-addiction/
  5. fit bit is great.... What is your bmi right now? If it's borderline.... be careful of how much you do lose... you don't want to lose to much and not qualify for not being fat enough.... lol I actually had to gain 10 to get my band.... and i would do it again and again. i had no co morbids and my bmi was 39ish... and it had to be a 40. But i knew this before going in. So me and chic fa lay milk shakes became best buds. Do you know how easy it is to gain 10... lol. I lost those 10 on pre diet plus a few
  6. @ Have you done any other WL program like WW or dr. regulated diet? I was able to get my done with the history from WW, Gyn, and GP. I went to them and got all my weights. This showed the losses and gains over the years. Not saying is your answer... but it maybe something to look into just in case. Good luck
  7. @@tiffanymarie6997 When people come to me and ask about WLS i always ask a few questions: 1) if you are married and/or have a significant other, how strong is your relationship? 2) how is your support system? Family? friends? #1.... even the best (NOT ALL) relationships are strained sometimes... and WLS has brought even the strongest to an end..... i found that out the hard way. My husband has never been supportive of my WL. He loves the unhappy, no confidence, stay at home wife.... and has tried everything he can to make me lose site of where i am now. But it's not working... #2.... support system.... My dear this is SOOOO very important. Can you do it alone, sure... but it's so much better when you have people in your corner cheering you on... Those At-a-girls mean a lot. I have told many to become more aware of who your "true friends" are.... the will rise to the top... And i have to say this first off..... You my dear are a stunningly beautiful girl... OK.. This is what i have found (my experience, not everyone).... The "thin" friends.. most will be supportive of your weight loss.... until you start to become competition. This i mean... All fat girls have those thin friends they love hanging with you because you are fun, funny, charismatic.. and a NON threat... BUT... you start losing the weight and men start hitting on you, you now are competition for them. This is bad for them, especially the ones that rely on looks. Those will drop like fly's... Good riddance. THEN there are the "fat" friends... these are the ones that it hits the hardest..... they don't want you to lose weight, they want you to stay fat with them.. and yall can go out and party in a big fat girl group... I know that sounds harsh.. but it's true. The Fact is when you start losing more weight more of the men will start to hit on you... (im sure your friend experienced this) Every pound you lose is a reminder to them that they are still fat... and your "friend" that had WLS will see all your losses a her failures. I know she is your best friend, but i would think long and hard about her being a part of your support system. If you are waiting for her to give you the At-a-girls... your setting your self up for disappointment. Im not saying dump your friend, just to be aware of the people you surround yourself with. It's important that they are positive and uplifting... A year before i had my LB surg. my sister in law went down to Mexico and had it done. She did well at first, but then started to gain it back. By then i had already had mine done and was well on my way to a new me. It seemed the more i lost, the more she gained. Every time i suggested to my brother that we get together, she gave him a reason not too. Well i finally asked my brother why? He said, she can't bare to be around you... WHAT? Why i asked, he said because i was a reminder of her failure... WOW... i never thought of that. So, a year or so later she revised to another band.... that was a failure too... two years ago she did the GB. That worked, she had great success and under went a lot of PS for the skin.... So now we can hang out again.... lol. Good luck....
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    shorts 2

    From the album: #_After

  9. BayougirlMrsS

    shorts 1

    From the album: #_After

    hope they are still there
  10. BayougirlMrsS

    I get new tatas! - TMI

    @@kranky813 Congratulations too you... at one point i really wanted a reduction and lift. I was one of the ones that didn't get deflated tata's during my weightloss. Started at a 44H and now a 34H..... Now i just learned to embrace them... hehe I agree with the Hubs... if you can do the TT at the same time.... DO IT!!!
  11. BayougirlMrsS

    Would you move where has someone died?

    @@heather5565 according to the people i talked to say its a Orb.... like a spirit @@Dub You wicked wicked boy.....
  12. i know that my attitude has changed.... at least that's what my husband tells me. I know i don't take crap from people anymore...
  13. BayougirlMrsS

    More critical of facial features after WLS?

    First let me say... i do understand the whole face thing ... my husband said... you looked prettier fattier, couldn't see all those wrinkles... FU Dude. Everyone here knows i call it like i see it.... so here it go..... top to bottom: You have great hair and do you know how many woman would love to have you beautiful Almond shaped eyes... and you full lips... OMG... and your nose is not big or bumpy..... Your shape is adorable and i love the dress... if i were to critique anything.... Loss the black stockings... go for no stockings at all.... you look like you have great legs. Loss those since-able shoes.... get your self some cute heel strappy ones.... Maybe some highlights in your hair, and an appointment with a make up artist that can give you tips on what works best for you.... not that your make up looks bad.. That's it.. You really are a pretty woman. You should smile more... Remember this....... Nothing looks better on a person than self confidence.....
  14. BayougirlMrsS

    Veterans....#1 thing you miss / don't miss

    Just came across this thread... how did i miss this one. OH WELL... So going on year 7 with the band, couple things i miss... A local Dive Rest. has the best PattyMelt EVER, i miss them... and a Fried bologna sandwich.... Actually eating with my family. Im a pretty good cook and i miss eating a lot of what i cook for them... Eating out most of the time i sit and watch them and have a cocktail instead... hehe And i so understand the missing butt cushion... What i don't miss... Being FAT in general and all that comes with it. I was never a sick fat person... just fat. I don't miss having to pass on activities with family and friends because i just couldn't do it... or too embarrassed. I don't miss having to buy size 20 clothes at freaking Lane Bryant, wearing sense-able shoes (because no one wants to see an elephant on stilettos) grandma panties and bras, hurting knees hips back...., being treated "less-than"...... And i never thought of this back then, but i really missed being attractive, sexy, desirable,..... I know that sounds bad... but it's my truth. Now men damn near break a leg trying to open my door..... the attention is intoxicating....
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Would you move where has someone died?

    I was trying to be careful and wake only you......damn....bumped into that picture and so much for stealth........sorry. My ninja skills are better these days.......as long as my trick back isn't flaring up. I need new ninja-clothes.......the old ones are way too baggy.....sorta ruins the visual impact of the whole outfit. No shock & awe.....just evokes laughs from womenz...."WTH is this? Why is he wearing black sails and sheets.......wut he trying' to do.......he a ninja? Naw....he just got a bunch of fabric on sale at Cloth Barn and trying to impress". Old broke down ninja-hood is tough times, Vixen. Clothes are too-loose........ @@Dub You keep me in stitches.... how does one come up with this.... LMAO I thought i head a deep voice calling me... just figured it was a ghost...
  16. BayougirlMrsS

    Would you move where has someone died?

    I completely believe in the super natural. When my husband's grandmother died of natural causes in her recliner, upon her death his mother inherited her house. They in-turn gave that house to my husband. For a few years my son and his family lived in the house. They told me on many occasions they would wake up to the sound of cupboard doors slamming and items moved from the place she sat everyday to do the cross word puzzle. She was a mean old woman... so i would have to say, it depends on the person that lived and died there. If they were a nice old lady or man... sure.... mean and hateful... hell no. October 30, 2011.... All hollows eve... me and a group of girls thought it would be fun to go sleep at http://myrtlesplantation.com/ Yes it has been named one of the most haunted homes in america.... We slept in the caretakers cottage.... i promise you in the middle of the night we were all sleeping and a painting just fell from the wall... Earlier that night we were outside by the gazebo ... this area is surrounded by Water and dense trees ... and go look it up, there was no moon that night... These two photos were taken. A month or so later i went to my card reader and she told me that i have a spirit that protect me and is always with me.... I truly believe that. I have had too many close calls not to have some one watching over me.
  17. @@BBweightlossjourney .... I would just stick with the 5... you don't want you bmi to go lower that 40 or you will not qualify. I was at 39bmi when i started.... NO co morbids. With the coaching of my friend, she said... Chris you need to make sure you are at 40bmi before you step foot in the dr office. So i got geared up and put on a few. Walked in 40bmi. did all the test and qualified for Band...2009. I made sure i brought in all my old WW sheets that showed losses and gains through the years... my GYN visits that showed the weight progression.... and my GP's weights... All this proved that i could lose, but would also gain it right back plus a few more. Might i ask why your dr wants you to lose 5lbs before he will approve you? Most of the time, it's the insurance that dictates what Hoops you need to jump through. If you still have to lose.... cut out your carbs... no bread, rice, potatoes, Pasta.... and move as much as you can.
  18. im going on year 7 with my band. Knock wood i have had no problems. But if for some reason i would have to have it removed.... and i have thought long and hard about this... I think i would do the GB. Not that there is anything wrong with Sleeve. I just think i would do better with the GB. My friend and mentor Paula had the band done a year before me and had great success. But she is a heavy soda drinker and smoker (don't know if that had anything to do with it) but developed problems and was sleeved about this time last year. She loves the sleeve. She has had no issues at all that i know of. Her wife Maia had her band done the same day and me by the same dr. and has done great, but is thinking of removing it and getting sleeved also. For me, i hoping that the Band Gods keep smiling on me. Weight loss is still at 85-87lbs... depending on how much alcohol i drink over the weekend... lol.. Couple note: Im never hungry, sometimes is late in the evening and i think... Damn i didn't eat today. Sometimes i do forget and eat too fast and have to uneat food... but, that's my fault. I would have a serious talk with the dr..... discuss why the band and you didn't get along. Im sure he/she will point you in the right direction. Good luck
  19. BayougirlMrsS

    OK... so be honest with me...

    Trust in the fact that i could have pulled up MANY post that the men invaded the woman's room... in fact i could have sent you one that was started by a man IN the lady's room.... and back then this was Lapbandtalk... there weren't that many of us to begin with.... and still the men were out numbered. There are many.... post i could have pulled up where the woman invaded the mens room and people didn't get bent out of shape like some people now do.... I picked that one... because he was asking about the very topic the OP asked about. Gosh people life is tooooo short to worry about all the small stuff.
  20. BayougirlMrsS

    OK... so be honest with me...

    @@OutsideMatchInside Hell yes i knew it was in the male only site.... Pretty sure the first thing i said was.... I KNEW. what i think is BS that You (a female) us using this as an excuse to post here.... from what i can see you went into the male room and read male post... Just like all the rest of us..... So get over your holier than thou attitude... it doesn't work here. I can't take anyone serious that doesn't have the balls to post a pic of them selves here but seems to have opinions about everything.... here's an interesting post form 2013...... as you can see WE have been talking about this for a long time.... and ended up have a great time with it.... both men and women.... http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/171887-is-it-true-what-they-say/
  21. BayougirlMrsS

    OK... so be honest with me...

    The forum name is in print at the top of the thread on the app and on the website just like every other forum. The fact that sometimes you can't see the blue button isn't a valid excuse. It is just laziness and entitlement. Even when women see it is a men only thread they will still post. If guys happen into a womens only thread they will usually back out and apologize. Most of the guys that post here are older married, or formerly married guys and they are respectful of womens spaces. The women that post here however don't care and run roughshod over the whole forum, because the forum is mostly women. There is one forum, one entire forum out of all the tens of forums here that isn't for them and they can't respect that, not even a little a bit. It is a good psychology experiment on when minorities become the majority, they act just like the majority, no respect for other people. Anyway I see it happening all the time and it is rude and annoying. It is one thing to make the mistake but like I said before when women see the the mistake they just keep going because they feel entitled. Men, especially since they are the minority in WLS on this forum and in the world, should be able to have a forum they can post in, and feel safe about posting without women popping in with their uninformed and unsolicited advice. First things first... Let me apologize to @@Proud2BMe that was wrong of me to assume.... Hope we can still be friends...(insert cheesy grin). Secondly...... last time i checked @OutsideMatchInside... you identified your self as Female... so what give YOU the ok to post here condemning other females from doing the same dang thing..... must be your since of entitlement.... My reason was my business... Ive been here long enough to have had many many talks with both sexes on sizes and shapes of just about everything you could imagine.... We have been talking about Penis sizes, boob sizes, labia size, fat mound around penises... around vaginas... for years... so to say we are ALL uninformed... well speak for your self. and by the way.... if you look to the right in the trending Topic.... there is no indication that that post was located in the men's only place..... only place it says [male only] is at the very top on the tab... and who the hell looks at that. I knew because a Male friend sent me the link. The forum name is in print at the top of the thread on the app and on the website just like every other forum. The fact that sometimes you can't see the blue button isn't a valid excuse. It is just laziness and entitlement. Even when women see it is a men only thread they will still post. If guys happen into a womens only thread they will usually back out and apologize. Most of the guys that post here are older married, or formerly married guys and they are respectful of womens spaces. The women that post here however don't care and run roughshod over the whole forum, because the forum is mostly women. There is one forum, one entire forum out of all the tens of forums here that isn't for them and they can't respect that, not even a little a bit. It is a good psychology experiment on when minorities become the majority, they act just like the majority, no respect for other people. Anyway I see it happening all the time and it is rude and annoying. It is one thing to make the mistake but like I said before when women see the the mistake they just keep going because they feel entitled. Men, especially since they are the minority in WLS on this forum and in the world, should be able to have a forum they can post in, and feel safe about posting without women popping in with their uninformed and unsolicited advice. First things first... Let me apologize to @@Proud2BMe that was wrong of me to assume.... Hope we can still be friends...(insert cheesy grin). Secondly...... last time i checked @OutsideMatchInside... you identified your self as Female... so what give YOU the ok to post here condemning other females from doing the same dang thing..... must be your since of entitlement.... My reason was my business... Ive been here long enough to have had many many talks with both sexes on sizes and shapes of just about everything you could imagine.... We have been talking about Penis sizes, boob sizes, labia size, fat mound around penises... around vaginas... for years... so to say we are ALL uninformed... well speak for your self. and by the way.... if you look to the right in the trending Topic.... there is no indication that that post was located in the men's only place..... only place it says [male only] is at the very top on the tab... and who the hell looks at that. I knew because a Male friend sent me the link.
  22. BayougirlMrsS

    IUD - What should I expect?

    Let me drop my two cents into the bucket... ching ching. So coming from an old woman that had ran the gauntlet when it comes to BC .... Lets see.... First of all i got pregnant the first time at the age of 16 and im 47 now... so oblivious.. i have had many years to do some trial and error.... First was the pill... ONova 150ies... for those young woman, these were the best but were taken off the market. So the dr tried me on many diff strengths....all had issues. Plus im terrible at remembering. Then at 18 i got divorced and opted to do Condoms. this worked... no unwanted kids and no STD's win win. Then i met my husband and we dated for a few years and decided we were going to get married and stopped the condoms.... BAM. Jason... After Jason, i gave pill another try.. nope, so then came the Diaphragm... Oh Holy hell... anyone who has used them will tell you... the UTI's because you have to leave it in place for a while after sex... NOT GOOD. Then came the Depo shots.... I gained 50lbs in Three months on them and said... oh hell no..... THEN cam the IUD... I liked the IUD. Mine was inserted during my cycle and i thought the insertion was Not terrible. I had cramps worse then that... But i do have a high tolerance for pain. My issue was the heavy bleeding... it was bad... not going to lie. Then upon an ultra sound my GYN discovered that my IUD was implanted (not by her) wrong and i could have gotten preg at anytime.... OMG... Thank you Lord for knowing that giving me another kid would not have been good..... So then we did the Nuvaring, I don't care what anyone says. This one, for me, worked the best, this was the lesser of all the Evils..... I didn't have to remember to take a pill, didn't have to hope it didn't break, NO Uti's, No weight gain. I could control when my cycle started.... During sex (how little there was) i would remove and then reinsert after. The Bleeding still happened, as i had always been a 7 full day heavy bleeder.... But it worked. and after a few years on that we, my dr. and i decided on a partial Hysterectomy... Due to the bleeding. So i still have my ovaries .... Just no more babies... no bleeding.... Can you say HEAVEN.... Truth is i didn't know what kind of pain i was putting up with until the pain was gone. Now im home free..... yes LORD and thank you Jesus... Free at last free at last, thank God oh mighty im free.... at last...
  23. BayougirlMrsS

    OK... so be honest with me...

    Im a rebel.... so im going to break the law here and post in the men site..... Now all i hear in my head is breaking the law by judas priest @@Proud2BMe You have to remember... that the majority of people that come to this site are Women. I know this sometimes sucks... but it's a reality... Woman are also just nosy by nature and must know whats going on.... to us its like a bad wrack on the side the road.... We know we should not look... but damn it we just can't help our selves. Put up "men only" is like a Neon flashing lite that says..... COME... READ ME... I do believe that there should be a way to stop us from posting... but please don't take away our reading material.... I personally don't care if a man reads or comments in the woman only room... I Love a mans pov. Lets face it... Woman can be so catty and judgmental. You being a gay man should know this..... But, I have gotten some of the best advice from my guy friends, but then i do tend to get along with them better. I have to disagree with you on Dubs most recent post.... i don't think its BS at all... just because you have gotten bad advice from woman... doesn't mean all advice is bad. True....We should be old enough and wise enough to make our own decisions... but sometimes we do need a little encouragement. Peace, Chris
  24. Sometimes people come into our lives at the right moment... and we think they are there for you to help them... and it turns out, they were sent to help you.

    1. KeepCalm


      Very true - sometimes it takes a while to figure that out :)

    2. BayougirlMrsS


      yep.... it does.

    3. Dub


      Life is full of pleasant surprises and discoveries. Sounds like this is true in your world, too. Good people arrive at times when may never expect it.

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