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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    ding ding.... and we have a winner. I was wondering when you'd pull that one out. Only took a few posts. I knew you had it in ya and you didn't disappoint.
  2. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    lol.... i didn't shame anyone.... pretty sure that was you calling me down.... but hey, do what you must. can't handle a little disagreement.
  3. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Girl thank you..... my world was fixing to come to an end..... i hate when i get those mixed up.... you know like there and their.... to and too...... I just can't sleep at night. dang that was a close one
  4. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    i'm not a pansy @ss that report when someone has a difference of opinion...... I've been on this site since 2009 and trust that i've agreed to disagree before.... some people can take the truth and some can't. Those who can't, attack. I'm a big girl, i can handle a few people disagreeing with me..... it's the way of the world. Don't need to hold up a sign or burn any buildings down.... it's just a WLS site.... not going to affect my world.
  5. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    When have you seen me attack before? But i won't be bullied by people who think i'll back down.
  6. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Your welcome..... glad to help
  7. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Disingenuously.... hmmmm .... if that's what you think, you have every right to. Just like i have mine. I'm annoyed with how judgmental some people are when they have a difference of opinion. and as far as "superiority".... again your opinion.... i for one don't think anyone is superior to me or that i'm superior to anyone. I am who i am.... Is it my fault you and or your family couldn't have a funeral.... No. so don't blame me for this. I had my own battles with my husband and covid. Your right some people don't care about there weight right now......But i'm also not the one who thought nothing about getting on a plane and flying to Fl to get more Plastic Surgery in the middle of an epidemic... so don't come at me with a "superiority" you choose yourself when you did that You made yourself "superior"..... So yes... now i'm calling you down for thinking you and your plastic surgery was more important.
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Just this ..... thanks to all of you for being on this site.... i appreciate and admire you all. We are all here for the same purpose.... to live the best and healthiest lives we can. I wish you all the best in life always. you all are great people and wonderful role models..... I look up to you all
  9. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    my point exactly....
  10. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Trust in the fact that i don't have to congratulate myself on anything.... and yes i know about the articles on Covid... AS MY HUSBAND HAD IT!!! You are welcome to draw any conclusion you want... that's what his website is for. I'm allowed to have my questions just like you are allowed to have yours. Seems like you like attacking people that don't agree with the way you do... cool. But so am I.... This is why when i disagree with you are anyone... i agree to disagree.....
  11. BayougirlMrsS

    Have lost way too much weight

    thank you so much for posting this. I found that losing with the band came to a natural stop and i stayed at the same weight for years..... with the sleeve i feel i have no control
  12. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    you are so right. I was just trying to figure out the connection... If any. as you all know my husband had the corona v.....he has put on about 20lbs since then. i could see how stress would make people eat. I fall into the opposite... Even before with the band i lost weight during times like that or when on vacation.... just like this past weekend. We went to ATL and came back 4lbs lighter.... didn't mean too, i just become hypersensitive to not overeating.... thus.. i don't eat at all.... ughhh.
  13. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    5lbs is where i fluctuated when i had the band.
  14. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    that is a valid point.... one i didn't think about.
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    whoooo..... hold up ..... I was no way looking down on anyone.... It was a question. Isn't that what this site is for.... Are is it to just nod and agree? Weight gain and reasons are a legitimate question. What does the fact that i'm a two-time WLS patient have to do with my question.....IN THE RANT AND RAVE SECTION..... very happy for both of my SX's. So what of it. If you didn't like my post.... KEEP ON Scrolling.... just like i do when i don't like something someone says.... no one is forcing you to say anything.... Been here since 2009 and i have never not once been forced to make a comment on anything i didn't want too.
  16. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    Yes.... I am one of those people still working M-F..... It was not to point fingers, i was just asking how covid was making people gain weight.... NOT JUST ON THIS SITE.... I belong to a number of FB pages and it seems a trend that people are saying Covid was making them gain weight.
  17. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    you are soooo awsome..... It's not just here, it on FB pages too. i just keeping hearing..... "i gained XXX lbs. due to covid".... I never was a boredom eater.... i've always been a grazer.... Guess i'm lucky that i'm not stuck in the house like some people. My husband is and he has deff. put on a few. but i would never tell him that. and he is not a WLS patient.
  18. BayougirlMrsS

    Gastric Band Revision To Sleeve

    Good for you. Only thing that was ever covered by insurance was 2009 banding (232lbs). My ER removal was OOP (2017 143lbs), and so was the Sleeve (8/28/19 173lbs). Have you talked to him about the MGB?
  19. BayougirlMrsS

    Gastric Band Revision To Sleeve

    guess i'm just one of the lucky people that didn't have acid reflux with the band. Banded in 2009, removal 2017 due to a slip from a stomach virus. Sleeve 11 months ago tomorrow. Sleeve was the easiest sx i ever had. SW w/sleeve 173lbs. today 121 You guys have to know that there are other WLS: Gastric Sleeve Surgery Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy – VSG Gastric Bypass – Roux-en-Y Mini Gastric Bypass Duodenal Switch – DS Gastric Plication – Gastric Sleeve Plication and others..... I was wanting the MGB, but my SX didn't do them and didn't want to go to Mex to have it done. I paid 14k out of pocket for the sleeve.
  20. BayougirlMrsS

    Lap-Band Removal

    I completely know that feeling..... I didn't know you were having trouble
  21. BayougirlMrsS

    Lap-Band Removal

    Personally i would have NEVER chosen to have my band (2009) removed just because. If it's not giving you trouble, i would leave it alone. After mine was ER removed 2017 (143lbs) about 2 weeks later, hunger came back with a vengeance. I couldn't get a revision because i "didn't weigh enough". I had no problems until the stomach virus that caused violent vomiting...... NOT the bands fault, NOT my fault.... It wasn't until 2.5 years and a gain of 30lbs that i paid out of pocket 14K to have the sleeve done 8/2019. Starting weight with that 173ish. Today i weigh 124lbs. and even with the weight loss i still preferred the band. I liked the control i had with the band. As far as the removal. That was on a Thursday and i was back at work on Monday. Sleeve was done on a Wednesday and back at work on Monday I say this to all my band friends...... if you feel like your band stopped working for you ... it didn’t, you just stopped using it...
  22. BayougirlMrsS

    covid test

    I had 2... both were in my car. The first lady gave me these instructions: You can either hold on to the steering wheel or sit on your hands... I chose to sit on my hands... Then she said turn to me and tilt your head back and keep looking at the roof. No matter what you do, DON'T GRAB MY HAND. I was so glad i chose to sit on my hands because my first instinct was to grab her hand... hehe.... she took this (what looked like 12") qtip and put it up one side of my nose. It felt like she was coming out my a$$ , then did the other side.... uhgggggg.... Second time in the car also, different medical office, she only did one side and i found much more gentle. Both test were negative. the first test was because my husband tested positive... so my work required i have one. then another at the end of 2 weeks so i could come back to work.
  23. BayougirlMrsS

    When can we eat rice

    All depends on you and how your stomach handles it. When i had the band, i went nearly 8 years without rice because i threw up everytime i tried.... With the sleeve i think over the last 10 months i have maybe had a total of 1/4 cup..... i try to stay away... not worth the feeling of blahhhhh.
  24. Congrats on the awesome job. be prepared for everyone to start telling you ...... You need new clothes.... My first time around (banded 2009) i shopped a lot at second-hand stores.... It was a very smart move. Got down to a size 6 and stayed there for years. So i bought "good" stuff and wore them for years. Then i lost my band in 2017 and put on 30lbs over the next 2.5 years.... Sleeve 8/28/19 at 173lbs. Now those size 6 that i'm so glad i didn't get rid of are too big... so now i'm slowly but size 2's and 4's. Today's weight 125 and holding.
  25. BayougirlMrsS

    PREGNANT ! ! ?

    If it makes you feel better, my close friend Jessie had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and couldn't get prego. Then she had the GB and bam..... last year she had her second beautiful healthy baby. She is back down in weight also.

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