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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. if its the same as the test they do before you can leave, i didn't think it was that bad. I stood up and drank the liquid while the machine watched it go down.
  2. wow.... Amazing..... keep up the great job surgery twins.....
  3. BayougirlMrsS


    you look amazing and i love the dress
  4. BayougirlMrsS


    You are right.... i saw that after i posted.... 8 pack for shoooo
  5. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    Update:..... She will keep it to herself and just be mindful. She is a very christian woman and she said she's keeping shut and is going to pray about it.... i've learned to agree.... she is such a great friend Thanks to you all and if things change.... i'll let yall know.
  6. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    I KNOW THIS IS THE MEN's ROOM..... But i need a mans point of view. So a very close friend confided in me that she found out that her husband has a bottle of Viagra. She didn't tell or confront him about it..... But she keeps count. She is what i think an attractive woman. She asked me if I think she should confront him. I don't know how to answer her.... On one hand i want to say.... Yes confront him and ask him why he didn't feel comfortable enough to go to her and tell her he maybe having problems. (they still do have sex just not as often) But this would be telling him that she has been monitoring his use. The other half of me wants to say ..... keep it to yourself for fear of the damage that could come from it..... I don't know if shame is the right word... but he may fell that way and it could damage her marriage. What is the thoughts from a mans POV? To confront or not???? Help me out... for once i'm at a loss for words.
  7. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    so true..... there are somethings you just have to go to the "guys room" for.
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    All the DS Switch friends

    all i "think i know" is that most dr. consider this to be the "big one" and if you can't lose with the DS... hmmmm Also that it's the end of the line and there are no more aggressive WLS than the DS.... but i could be wrong.
  9. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    You guys are the best..... thank yall so much
  10. BayougirlMrsS

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    I of course had to check them out.... i see that have "sample" that you can buy for like $2 each.... not bad. For me, my only concern is the 20g of carbs in each and that they are each about 230 in cals. And i still have trouble eating a protein bar. Did you have trouble eating and having them go down?
  11. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    I knew i came to the right place. I talked to my husband last night about it and got his POV. He is in agreement with you all. That he is probably uncomfortable talking about it with her. I guess it's like woman and menopause. I'm planning on telling her exactly what you all said. I have another question..... could medical problems also contribute? She said he has had some teeth problems and has been on antibiotics and pain meds. Take Rx for high blood pressure.... and some other things i dont quite remember.... maybe ADD med.... Could all this be a contributor? I was thinking just the mouth would be enough.... she said they normally have sex 3-4x a week and over the past month its been once a week. and everytime he has taken the purple pill.
  12. BayougirlMrsS

    17 yrs with the band

    I too gave up the Big Macs. Haven’t gone as long as you. I am super impressed. might I as why you haven’t gone back in so long? Your fill should still be there. I know as much as I tried.... sonic hotdog called and I answered. I have to admit.... omg it was the best hotdog I ever ate. It is really hard to do it with out the band or when it’s empty. Hungry is real
  13. BayougirlMrsS

    Secretly taking Viagra....

    My thoughts are like yours.... if they match up... let it be. I’m going to talk to her Tomorrow. I was thinking about the performance aspect too. Then I thought that if he learns that she is monitoring that...he might feel like the trust is gone. might I ask.... what are the side effects you are talking about?
  14. BayougirlMrsS


    well.... you freaking ROCKING it...!!!
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Crappy Dietician

    I met with my NUT once before my revision. She looked at my Myfitnesspal and handed it back to me and said..... Good, keep that up. Then she said, well you should know what to do, this is your second time. Made me feel like a failure... which i was not. Anyway, Friday was my one year and yesterday was my one year appt. All they keep saying is you are doing an amazing job.... but still no sight of the NUT. I'm sure she is there... somewhere. @Keatsy I think i'm with you.... may go back and become a NUT.
  16. BayougirlMrsS


    Def. abs... and 6 pack at that.... You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the outstanding work.
  17. BayougirlMrsS


    I'm so glad you are still here with us. I could not imagine going through what you have. I do understand the wanting to be invisible...
  18. BayougirlMrsS


    I understand 100%. He and i would go with only having sex 2 a year... there for a little while it got better, but then it stopped again. I told him if he wasn't going to i would find someone else. We were the same... we lived like roommates. It was awful.... and what added insult... i was in my early 40ies and my sex drive was going 100mph... I told my husband now, if he can't keep up... don't apply for the job... hehe.... He keeps up and thats a lot to ask... When having WLS you have to have a strong relationship. I know that after i lot the weight and then had the tt, the attention from others was intoxicating.... and can get people in "trouble".
  19. BayougirlMrsS


    good morning.... Pretty much the same status i started with .... it was 2009 and at 5'2" and 232lbs. I had NO self confidence and NO sense of self. My x brought me to nothing. He (6'4" not overweight) is the most self-centered, selfish, controlling, norcicistic man you will ever met. I took it for 26 years... technically 29, we dated for 3 years. It was a gradual thing... At first it was my friends, then my co-workers, then my family. We would only do things with his friends and family. I could never do anything with friends and co-workers only if he was there. Family, i could on holidays and he would never come. He controlled everything even though i work all the time (2-3 jobs sometimes). He took all of my main jobs money. I was able to keep the cash of the other (waitress). This is what i used to buy personal stuff and my kids things. I couldn't even buy underwear without his approval. I would sew up the holes just to avoid an argument. Cut my kids pants for shorts for school.... it was ruff. I thought all those years ago, if only i were skinny i could make him happy. Make him love me again, make him want to be with me sexually... and life would be fine. But NO, life after the band got worse. From day one he hated the thought of me losing weight. He was very degrading to me and one of the biggest was my weight. Of course, he told me all the "normal" things you tell a large person..... Your fat, no one will ever want you, you are disgusting, Lazy.... that i was ugly... But when i tried to lose weight he would always sabotage it. He knew and would still make me bring him home cake, pie, ice cream...., Then say, you don't have to eat it. Well when i decided to have WLS, he fitted out... he did everything in his power to get me to change my mind, and when i didn't and was doing my 2 week liquid diet..... he decided to go on a 4 day bike drive to the mountains. I stood strong and didn't cheat not once. As it would turn out, that trip saved me.... My company did a massive lay off and i was to be part of the over 100 to be let go. But because i wasn't there they couldn't lay me off. That Tuesday i had the band sx and went back to work the following Monday and lost my job and insurance.... It was a blessing in disguise. Over the next year, i lost 69lbs. the next year i lost 20lbs and that's pretty much where i stayed. In 2012 without him know till two day before i had a TT w/MR and lipo to the flanks..... HOLY HELL was he mad. I thought i didn't come all this way to be left with saggy skin... As my confidence grew my tolerance of him got less and less. Even with him still degrading me.... I was too skinny, looked like a bag of bones, still ugly, but now he pointed out the wrinkles. And through it all...... Why are you losing weight? You must be cheating... NO. In 2014ish.... i got to the point where i hated going home. My oldest was out the house and married and my youngest was on his way. There was nothing at home except my dog and a hateful miserable husband. I asked him so many times for counseling... he said, if you pay for it, i'll go, but i don't need that, there is nothing wrong with me.... It's all you. That was it, the last straw... i started preparing my self to be on my own. In July of 2015 i told him that if things didn't change, i was filing for divorce come January. He of course didn't believe me, well January came and i filed. He still didn't believe i would go through with it.... but when i started going out and leaving him home he finally got it. I was gone forever. I made him move out July 4th.... My independence day..... It was like the world was lifted off me. I could breathe. And i figured if i had too, i would work 3 jobs again... My weight went up and down over the years, but never more than 20lbs.... i was at my lowest when he left 130ish. But got back to my normal 143lbs. Dating was exhausting and fun all in one. Then in Oct i signed up for Match on a "free" week just to see what was out there in crazy land. And i met the man of my dreams.... we talk, texted for a few weeks and then met in person. I never knew men could be like this. Opened doors, pulled out chairs, walk nearest the road, carried my luggage, complimented me, listen to all my crap... Including that i was dating others and was NOT interested in a relationship. But i found myself comparing all the other men to him... and my friend said, men like him and one in a billion, take him before someone else does..... and i did. He is the most incredible man, supports me in everything including my revision to the sleeve a year ago..... and our 1 year wedding is on the 28th...
  20. BayougirlMrsS

    Need personal docs help?

    You biggest obstacle my be yourself. And it's not just you, but lots of people feel the way you do. But if you want this SX you probably need to see the phyc dr. first. Without get your emotions fixed you are for an uphill battle. First place is to start with your insurance. If they do cover, ask what the requirements are. If not, you may need to look into self pay. Every person's insurance is different. I didn't have to go to my primary dr at all. The WLS RN called my GYN and had them send over my last few years of weight history. I showed a steady climb. I also had been on WW for a while and show that in all the months going i had only lost like 2lbs... I had no co mobidity. My insurance required a 40bmi with no co's. or a 35+ with two. I was the 40+. That was for the lapband. Sleeve i only went to the WLS.... i was considered a "revision" even though my band was removed 2.5 years before. Plus i was a cash pay. (14K) Be positive.... and start to do things for you that makes you feel proud to be you.
  21. BayougirlMrsS

    I am home

    I know it seems hard right now, but this too shall pass. Walk as much as you can... it really does help move the gas
  22. BayougirlMrsS


    You are such an inspiration. I wish i had your taste in clothes. Thank God my husband does and helps me... i need all i can get.
  23. BayougirlMrsS


    you look wonderful..... One of my first goals was to be in a "single-digit pants".....
  24. Not sure if it common, but i met with the SX first with both. Two different dr. With the band (2009) i actually had to go to his seminar, call about insurance, then i made an appt with him. After he felt i would qualify and felt i would be a great candidate, his staff made all the other pre op appointments. Sleeve (one year tomorrow) i called and met with him to talk to see if he would do a revision. It had been 2.5 years since that band had been removed and i gained 30lbs (paid 14k). I had to do a NUT & Phyic appt.
  25. BayougirlMrsS

    Gastric bypass today

    yayyyy you will do so well. You have a lot of good inspiration on here.... Good luck and Prayer

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