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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by UnsureJackie

  1. Thanks people. I agree, how come people can have plastic surgery and that is ok but for us to do something about our health, not our looks, we are labels as cheats. I am not yet done and was scared of peoples reactions so I have told no one but my husband. Unfortunately, my family and country town of residence are all pretty judgemental so it will remain that way. Mums the word.


  2. Hi all, I have had trouble with my weight for years and years, have done Optifast and lost 20 kgs but of course, over time put that back on. I'm seeing a surgeon in two weeks and am very nervous. Do I want to do this or not? I definately want to learn to control my weight better as I am scared of future health issues. Did most people feel the same? Are there any questions that I should ask when I see him? Most of you seem happy with the results of your lap bands but are there down sides. I just want to be aware of all or most issues before I go down this road. Can anyone help me?:o

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