No...not sorry, I just wish I had timed it better. Of course, is there ever a "convenient" time to make a life-changing decision and then live with the results? I wasn't ready to make the commitment at that time, I just didn't know it. Fortunately, the band does not have a margin of success time. When I am ready to commit to what it takes to make the band work--because it doesn't work by itself--it will still be there for me.
Ignore every single thing your family says, for or against the band. This is YOUR decision and yours alone. They will not be the ones throwing up now and then, they will not be the ones exercising, they will not be the ones watching the scale change. This is a HUGE commitment because, unlike a diet that you can go off, the band is going to be part of your life whether you like it or not, 24/7. That's both a good and bad thing, as anyone who has one can tell you. But it's YOUR thing.