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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by benfon

  1. I wish my surgeon would even give me the time of day. Had I known the complete lack of attention (from the surgeon) was going to be like it has been then I probably would have gone to another surgeon. He is not available...I should say his staff is available. He has not been present with the exeption of the FREE seminar. Im not bitter about the band but I am feeling a bit left out on a limb. I asked questions about my first fill and hey only toldd me when and how much it would cost. Im feeling a little like I just came off the assembly line still searching for my owner. All is well though. Plenty of nice people here and Im sure the support groups will be equaly valuable.


  2. Thanks...its all so new Im not sure what full feels like. I know I think I can eat more than I should and its difficult not to over do it on a few days. As for their experience...I have no idea there either. They only do obesity surgeries there so one would hope that they have plenty of experience! Thanks again for the quick response. I think I am due for a fill.


  3. Hello to everyone! I was banded on July 27th and I go in for my first fill on this Friday. I keep reading that some people are rejected for their for their first fill. I have lost 27lbs since the surgery and nothing the last week and a half or since I have started solids.

    I was also not happy with the very unpersonal relationship with my surgeon. I have only seen him at the initial seminar. His assistant tried to tell me to come to their office (I am self pay by the way) for my fills. She never mentioned that the first year of my fills were free at the surgery center where I was banded. I nurse whispered that one to me after surgery.

    Here are my questions:

    1. What are the reasons they reject someone the first fill? Im having a very hard time with quantity of food right now.

    2. Are there cons to using my surgery center for my fills or should I stick with the Surgeons office? (I hear that my unpersonal Doc doesnt do fills anymore)

    Sorry for the length...my first post!

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