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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KLY1977

  1. I had my surgery on Oct.8, 2009. I have hardly had any good days since then. Right after my surgery my depression kicked in badly and have been battling that along with anxiety. I am scared to eat and just seem to be nervous about everything. I am not even close to the same person I was just before surgery. I am miserable right now. Getting ready to go xmas shopping and am excited to go, but almost don't feel like shopping or even thinking about xmas. This is not like me I am a purpose who loves to shop, loves life, and especially loves xmas. If anyone can give me some advice I would really appreciate it.
  2. KLY1977

    Depression after Surgery

    I am having severe depression and afraid that I have done the wrong thing. I just can't see the light at the end of the trunnel right now. Still on mushy food so hoping that when I can start to eat again I will feel better. I am just so tired of feeling this way.
  3. KLY1977

    JEANS WITH POCKETS!!! WoooHooooo!

    Congratulations! I am so looking forward to new clothes. I always wanted to order them, but everything I liked went to a size 16. I was just banded on Oct. 8 so I am only a week in, but am hoping to be wearing them sometime soon. I have had an extremely hard week emotionally and am hoping that it will get better and hear a good story helps.
  4. I had post-partum depression really bad about 7 years ago and now have decided to have the lap band surgery done. I am having an awful time mentally with this and really need some help. Anybody out there have any of the same issues.
  5. KLY1977

    Need help

    I have already had the surgery done and have been having an awful couple of days. Went and saw my pcp today and he was tough but right. He told me that I elected to have this surgery done, which is true and now I have to deal with it. But he did say something that really made me think. He asked me if I am vomiting alot or if I am able to keep food down. I am able to keep food down so he said that if I choose not have a fill in the beginning it is completely up to me. If I don't want to be restricted to a quarter of a cup I don't have to be it is my decision and I am in control of it. A person I have been talking to on here told me that she is at about a cup and a meal and sounds like she is happy with that. So I don't know if this has helped you or not, but I know it sure helped me. I have lost 6 pounds in the past week so I was happy about that!!! My depression was under control before surgery, but kicked in right out of surgery, but a couple of nights after I was home and miserable I made a middle of the night visit to the doctor and he gave me some anxiety medication which helped some. He gave me more anxiety medication and upped my anti-depressant today, but his talk helped me more than anything. I haven't been going to a counselor, but am going to start going this week. I hope I have helped you in some way. I also started losing weight before my surgery and had the same thoughts that maybe I can do this on my own, but I knew that if I did get it off I would just gain it back and then some. My doctor said in 5 years I could setting in this same seat trying to decide that same surgery only a hundred pounds heavier with probably more health problems which is probably reality for me. Good luck I will try and help you anytime you need it.
  6. KLY1977

    My surgery is Oct 8th!!

    I had my surgery on Oct 8 and am having so much trouble with anxiety. I extremely scared that I have done the wrong thing. Could somebody please, please, please help me????
  7. KLY1977

    September 2009 Band Date

    I am afraid that life is over now that I have the band. I will never be able to go on another vacation again. I have anxiety issues and seriously need help. Is there life after the band?
  8. KLY1977

    September 2009 Band Date

    Having trouble adjusting to the band. I have only been banded for a few days, but am extremely scared that I have done the wrong thing and that my life is over. Could really use some advice. I am not doing well at all.
  9. I am so scared I just really need to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have terrible anxiety issues and am so scared that I have done the wrong thing even though I wanted it. I tried to call you tonight to talk, but got your voicemail, I left you a message. I am feeling that life is over and I know deep down that it isn't. Maybe when my body heals and I can do my day to day activities I will feel so much better. I really would like to talk to you sometime. I am feeling really alone, I have a great support system, but they haven't had this done so they don't fully understand. Please try and help me a little if you can!!!

  10. KLY1977


    Just had my surgery on Thursday. Had a rough couple of first days and had to go the doctors last night and get some anxiety medication. He also gave me some medicine to keep me from getting sick. So this morning seems to be better, hopefully it will only get better from here. I have anxiety issues anyways so I was not surprised as to how I was feeling. I am just thinking that everyday will be better. I know how much I wanted this and I know in the end it will be worth it. Just a big adjustment. Goodluck to everybody else who is feeling the same way as me.
  11. KLY1977


    I just had the band put in yesterday. I am sore and the pain medication makes me sick. I am now afraid that I have done the wrong thing. I can't seem to stop crying. Has anyone else had this problem after surgery.

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