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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by myqueen80

  1. myqueen80

    I was pumped----now I'm scared!

    Fanny, Excellent advice. Keep up the good work. Happy holidays!
  2. myqueen80

    I was pumped----now I'm scared!

    Hi, I just read your post and I'm here to tell you that your fears are very common. I was banded on Nov. 9, 2009, just one month ago, and I've lost 31.5 lbs so far. I'll tell you the truth, as I see it. The first 2 days after surgery I felt like I'd been hit by a truck-I ached from my jaw to my knees-but it started to subside by the 3rd night and quickly improved after that. I had gas but not so much passing gas as burping. I felt pressure between my breastbone but not pain. My dr. suggested that I take GAS-X and it seemed to help. Having nothing but liquids for the first 2 weeks was no problem nor was the soft diet for the next 2 weeks. I am starting on a regular diet today but plan to eat sensibly. I've been doing fine without carbs so why start eating them now. I know it's only been a month but I'm ecstatic with my results and still very happy that I did it. I don't come on the site too often but if you'd like to email me directly, here's my email address: myqueen80@gmail.com I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have. By the way, I'm 52 also. And I feel so much better, physically, already. Good luck with whatever you decide:smile2:
  3. myqueen80

    Hard to breath

    Sorry you're having problems but I'm a newbie so I don't have any advice. I'd call the dr.'s offcie back and insist on a call back, though. You deserve the proper attention.
  4. myqueen80

    Unfill? Slip?

    Dawn-anything is possible. It's good that you're going in for the dr. to check. If they need to remove some Fluid then that's what they'll have to do. You need to stay healthy. Good luck, Barb
  5. myqueen80


    Cindy-welcome and feel free to ask away. I'm only 4 days post-op but so far, so good. Take care, Barb
  6. myqueen80

    Surgery on Monday

    OMG! You've come so far already!! Good luck on Monday. I had my surgery last Monday. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
  7. Crishell, I hope you have a wonderful time on each of your dates and maybe one of them will turn out to be Mr. Right. Or at least Mr. Right-now. Have fun!!
  8. Hi Stacey,

    Sorry I haven't checked my messages. My name is Barbara and I was banded in New Brunswick, NJ. How are you doing? I felt like a truck hit me on Tues. and Weds., but not so much today. I started full liquids yesterday and ever since I've felt a lot of pressure between my breast bones. Once I burp it seems to ease up. I called the dr.'s office and spoke with nurse and she said it's normal. What has your experience been like? My regular email address is myqueen80@gmail.com. I check that one regularly.

    Take care and I will try to post a photo.

  9. Well, I'm 2 days post-op and not hungry. I do feel like I've been hit by a truck, though. Very sore from my jaw down to my knees. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Still glad I did it.
  10. Hope you're doing well. I had my surgery on the 9th and feel like I've been hit by a truck...very sore, but doing ok.
  11. Good luck...you'll be fine. I had my surgery on Monday the 9th. I'm very sore but getting along.
  12. Well gang, I had my surgery today and was surprisingly NOT nervous. All went well and I'm fine, except for a lot of soreness by the incision where the band was inserted and the port is, when I have to stand up or sit down. They told me that is to be expected. I haven't needed much pain med. but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Was on clear liquids and doing fine. I'll keep you posted... By the way, I didn't have much discomfort from gas today as I was told I would by some previous bandsters. Hopefully the lack of gas will continue.:tongue2:
  13. I bought Unjury Protein Shakes and they don't leave an aftertaste. www.unjury.com
  14. I bought Unjury Protein Shakes and they're really good...UNJURY Medical Quality Whey Protein Isolate. Great Tasting Whey Protein Supplements for Everyday Health! High Protein and High Quality.
  15. I don't know why any of us can't have this type of control all the time. But you did today and you will tomorrow. Keep up the good work!!
  16. Try the Unjury Protein Shakes. I love them! www.Unjury.com
  17. G's-mom...thanks for the support. I agree with your sentiments exactly. I'm ready for a new life but a little apprehensive about the unknown. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm leaving for the hospital in about 10 minutes. Take care all!
  18. Best of luck to you. My husband is also very supportive and since he's the closest person to us...that's what counts the most.
  19. Tomorrow's the day (Nov. 9) and I'm soooo excited. A little nervous, too. More afraid of the post-op gas than anything else. I keep thinking about that mantra from the 70's (yes, I'm that old :w00t:). "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". A life with a little less pain, a little less medication, a little less exertion and a lot more living. Good luck to all my fellow November Knockouts! See you on the flip-side. Barb
  20. Hope you continue to feel well.
  21. LBT Name: myqueen80 Height: 5'2 1/2 Surgery date: Nov 9 Starting Weight: 236 Surgery Weight: ? Current Weight: 232 Thanks for your efforts. I look forward to the chart. Good luck:)
  22. Thanks for the update and congrats on starting your journey. I hope all continues to go well for you. Barb
  23. Hi Stacey, Thanks for the friend request. I feel like we're "soul (band) mates" since I'm getting banded the same day. Keep me informed and I'll do the same. I don't get a chance to go online everyday because of work but I'll check in as often as possible. Talk soon, Barbara

  24. I know how you feel, Stacey4870. I'm sure this is the right thing for me for all the health reasons you mentioned but there are times when I question myself and decide it's just pre-op jitters. We will all do fine and be there to support each other. Good luck to all my sister & brother November bandsters.

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