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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Peanut

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/30/1979
  1. Happy 34th Birthday Peanut!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday Peanut!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary Peanut!

  4. I had my first fill on Thursday and I have had a swollen throat ever since (feels like a sore throat you might have with congestion). Has anyone experienced this? If so, when does it go away? Also, my doctor only filled with 2 cc's because he told me that they will gradually increase it over a year. Is that a normal amount for 1st fill? What is the maximum fill that most people have in their band? I wonder how many more fills to expect. How many fills did you have before you noticed restriction? I haven't had any yet. Thanks for your help! :help:
  5. Peanut

    pain in left side?

    angel, I am also about 3 weeks post-surgery. I wonder if there is any correlation there? What about the rest of you?
  6. Peanut

    pain in left side?

    Yes, sometimes it does seem like it is after I eat. Other times, it comes about for no discernible reason at all... I wish we could figure this out! It's very uncomfortable...
  7. I have a horrible pain in my left side, near the bottom of my ribs. It feels like when you run and get a stitch (or charley horse) in your side -- that is really the only thing I can compare it to. I am at work and I cannot sit in a comfortable position to make it stop hurting. The only time that it is somewhat alleviated is when I lie down at night. Does anyone know what this could be and why?? My port is on my right side, so I know it's not from that.
  8. Peanut

    Really embarassed to say this...

    Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate all your encouragement and advice. I will try the hot drinks and see if that makes a difference. I'm really glad that there is a forum like this where we can receive support from each other. Thanks, I really needed to hear your kind words...
  9. Peanut

    Really embarassed to say this...

    Thanks for your response, Rain. I know you're right, too, I need to just make the decision for myself to stop cheating. I hope that it's not too late and that I haven't already done long-term damage to myself. Thanks for your encouragement. It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who struggled through this time.
  10. ...but I was banded on 9/28 and I haven't been sticking to the fluids. I am so ashamed that I am so weak, but it's been really difficult for me for some reason. I was on medifast before the surgery to drop some weight, and I think that doing that on/off for a month before and now having to go back to fluids again is driving me bananas. I just want to feel some texture in my mouth, to have that full feeling in my stomach again. Instead, I always feel sick afterward. You'd think I'd learn but I've already cheated about 3 times since my surgery on Friday. The first time was Sunday night, I had probably the worst thing I could have - a spoonful of peanut butter!! Then yesterday, I had a cracker and cheese in my Soup, and today I ate a small package of crackers! What is wrong with me? Why am I such a failure? I'm really embarrassed to admit this and it really makes me question what my long-term success will be with the band. It is very unlike me to be so weak! I went on a liquid fasting diet twice for more than two months in the past, not to mention all the other restrictive diets we have put ourselves in the past. Has anybody gone through this? Does anybody have any advice for getting back on track? I seem to have the mentality now that I've already screwed up so what's the point on being diligent? Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for my ranting... Thanks for listening.
  11. I'm a sept bander, too. I was banded on 9/28, and I'm having a really hard time sticking to the liquids. I'm starving! It probably didn't help that I had been on a medifast diet prior to the surgery to drop some weight for the surgery so I feel like I've been drinking fluids forever! I've lost about 5 pounds in the past 4 days. How bad is it to start the mushies early? I feel like I just need something with some substance!
  12. I got approval for my surgery back in March, but due to other obligations going on in my life these past few months, I had to wait and schedule it for June. Well, I found out when I went to my pre-op appointment yesterday that I have gained about 25 pounds since then , which put me over the limit for my insurance to pay. Consequently, I had to cancel my surgery until I lose the 20 pounds. I am so disappointed!! :cry I wish that they (at my dr office, who handled the insurance approval) had told me at the time that I needed to be within a certain weight range to qualify because I would have been on a strict diet until my surgery (especially since I was on the high borderline of the range to begin with). I think from the anticipation of things, plus studying for a major exam for admission to grad school, I gained some weight due to stress. I'm just sick about this whole thing... I was so ready to do it. For those of you who did have weight to lose before your surgeries, what did you do and how much weight did you lose? I'm trying to find something that will help me lose 20 pounds pretty quickly, but reasonably, so I can get back on track soon. I really appreciate your advice
  13. Peanut

    Protein Shakes

    Hi, eyespy, Here is another thread that discusses Protein shakes that people enjoy: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f76/protein-shakes-33926/ I did want to say that my nutritionist told us that it was more important post-diet to be getting in protein anyway you can (even if that is through caloric drinks). If you can't find another Protein Drink you like, you might just stick to what works for you, at least until the solid stage when you can eat protein foods that you like. Good luck! ~Peanut
  14. Great advice! I will be sure to get some and get started taking it! Thanks for your well wishes, too. ~Lucy (Peanut) Congratulations on your surgery! I'm glad to hear that you had such a quick recovery, too. I will be sure to keep moving when I get home. You have a great attitude about things and I'm sure you'll continue to do great! Keep me posted on your progress! :star: ~Lucy (Peanut)
  15. Hi, Edie, Yes, that's a really good idea. I did do a liquid diet a few years ago for a couple months, so I could say that I'm doing that again. Even when I do reach the blended foods part, I could still continue drinking Protein drinks/other liquids during work. (This might also take care of my other issue of being afraid to PB or vomit at work.) Thanks for your input and congratulations on your progress! :clap2: I hope I do as well as you. I'm jealous! ~Lucy (Peanut)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
