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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jessress87

  1. I am insured through my work by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO and I am just in the beginning stages of the whole process (as some may have read in my introduction post). I am 22 years old and have a BMI of 48.5. I went to my PCP last Friday and he referred me to the local WLS surgeons. They faxed my info to the Bariatric center on Monday and the Bariatric center called me and scheduled a Lap-Band seminar which is next Tuesday (10/13). I'm pretty excited about the seminar, I just want to get the whole thing under way! I read that in July BCBSIL dropped the 5 year history and changed the 6 months supervised diet to 3 months, can anyone verify this? What else did you need to do? I've requested a list of the requirements from BCBS but I'm very anxious (and wondering why if they said they were sending it Monday I don't have it yet on Friday) How has your experience with BCBSIL been? I want to make the process as smooth as possible so I was hoping I could get some advice. Any help would be great!!
  2. I am an animal lover and self-proclaimed 'crazy cat lady.' I can't bear the thought of someone killing innocent animals and I was wondering how everyone else feels about the topic. Keep in mind that was born and raised (and still live in) a rural farming community where it's an everyday thing for a tractor to roll through town and where you'll commonly see a truck pass by with a gun rack. Having been raised on and around farms I have grown to accept selling, raising and eating livestock as a fact of life. I am not a vegetarian but I am a member of the ASPCA. I love any type of animal you could throw at me. Now, that doesn't mean that I'd cuddle or keep a snake as a pet, but I do have a high level of compassion for any kind of life. The reason of this poll, however, is directed specifically towards hunting. I realize that hunting is a fact of life (I've seen plenty of deer carcasses hanging from trees). I just can't understand how someone can hop in their truck and spend their evening stalking beautiful, majestic deer and celebrating as their life drains out of them. One of my brothers is an avid hunter, he and I have agreed to disagree on the subject. How is chasing down a raccoon, squirrel, or deer fun? With what are they supposed to defend themselves? What does that doe feel when her mama doesn't come back after leaving to feed? I do realize that deer are overpopulated, as I'm sure that will come up, but I still couldn't imagine taking the life of an innocent animal and keeping it's head as a trophy...
  3. I know that there is no set amount of time and that every state is different but I'm just kind of curious about how long everyone ended up waiting for their approvals. I've completed the three month pre-op diet and all my info was submitted to insurance on 12/21. It's only been a week and I know that they say it could be 4-6 weeks before I hear from anyone but, like I said, I'm just curious. I'm excited to get this show on the road and stay positive! Thanks for any feedback!
  4. jessress87

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    *rubs eyes in disbelief* I actually had to read your post a couple of times to make sure I didn't slip into an alternate dimension inside my monitor. PG, I must say, I've never met a psychic before- this is very exciting. I consider myself to be a Christian but that doesn't mean that I have to kiss the butts of every conservative republican on the face of the planet. Since you've already decided why I don't like Sarah Palin this may be a moot point by I'm going to go ahead and tell you why I really don't like her: I feel like she is a spot-light seeking media-hound who kills innocent animals for kicks. That is why I don't like her. Let me also emphasize that I am using the words 'don't like', not hate. As a matter of fact, I just scanned through the other posts and I didn't see anyone else use the word 'hate' either. Why do you feel so threatened by the fact that peole don't like someone who is a Christian? When you encounter someone who doesn't care for you do you *imagine* it's because you're a Christian? Did it ever occur to you that maybe people don't like her because they think she's a jerk? Or because they think she's fake? That would be like me saying 'you just don't like me because I'm white.' Or you just don't like me because I can't dance. Or you just don't like me because I like the Golden Girls. What does that have to do with anything? Give me a break. If someone truly does dislike her simply because she is a Christian they are lacking some serious brainpower.
  5. jessress87

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Ughh. I hate this word. Growing up (and still living) in a small town I hear it a lot, and that is unfortunate. My big pet peeve is when people try to justify saying it by saying that not all black people are (the n word) just the jobless ones with five kids relying on welfare. I don't care who it is, you don't call someone that hateful name. And where I come from I've seen PLENTY of white people doing that very thing. If the only time you leave your house is to pick up your welfare check- that's a problem (no matter what race you are). Don't get me wrong- assistance is a good thing when it's used the way it's supposed to be but too many people abuse it. Heck, I have a friend who got laid off of his welding job over a year ago and has been sitting around collecting unemployment and plans to continue to do so until they cut him off. He'll be the first to tell you that 'it's awesome, I'm getting paid for sitting on my ass.' And he wonders why no girl is interested in dating him... That said, I get equally irritated when black people say it too. I know they say they are 'taking back' the word, but who wants it?? Do you want your kids calling eachother that yucky name? Now, THAT said, I must agree with an earlier poster who said that they're irritated when black people who were born and raised in the US call themselves African Americans. My family is from Germany, but I don't refer to myself as German-American. Shouldn't we all be celebrating that we are from America- wouldn't that bring us closer together? Granted, I don't get all bent out of shape about it- it doesn't affect me- just an observation. While I'm on my soapbox I would also just like to add: BET, Ebony Magazine, Black Awards shows: is this not some form of racism in itself? There is no White Entertainment TV (nor should there be), or Ivory Magazine, White Awards shows... can you imagine? As a matter of fact wouldn't it be an insult to get a scholarship because of your skin color- as if you couldn't get in on your merits alone? Bottom line is: Every race has its less savory members. Just like there are credits to every race. No race is superior to another race. None. Ever.
  6. I couldn't agree more. Killing animals for fun... that's how Jeffery Dahmer got started- not a good thing. Growing up on and around farms I could not eat hamburger from a cow that I 'knew.' I can go to the grocery store and buy hamburger but I've never been able to eat an animal that I knew personally lol.
  7. Ugh. That has to be the absolute worst kind of 'hunting.' These poor animals don't even have a chance. I read a quote once from a nature photographer that said he much more enjoyed shooting animals through the lens of his camera than through the barrell of his gun. What a lovely sentiment.
  8. Why, thank you :smile2:
  9. jessress87

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    Couldn't have said it better myself!
  10. jessress87

    Is this ever going to happen?

    Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you are having- I can certainly understand your plight. I've been battling my insurance company for four months now- I think they're just having a good time sitting back saying 'dance, puppet, dance!' I agree with the previous poster, I would see if your regular DR is able to do the cardiac testing before I'd pay out of pocket. Good luck!! Don't give up!
  11. Ugh- how awful. It's too bad there aren't stiffer punishments for those...monsters who would do such a thing to a little girl. You must be an incredibly strong woman.
  12. What an awful situation for any woman/girl to be in- to be raped and end up pregnant. My first response would be to carry the baby full term and put it up for adoption. However, I have never been pregnant or raped. I can't imagine how terrible it would be to have to be reminded every day for 9 months (and surely everyday after the baby was born) about the rape and possibly dealing with the guilt of giving the baby up. (NOT that anyone should feel guilty for putting a baby up for adoption, I'm sure that 99.9% of the time it's the best choice for mom and baby ((and the lucky couple who are blessed with the baby)). I simply don't know what I would do to be completely honest. I know that a couple years ago I head about a 9 yr old gir being raped (incest at that) who got pregnant and there was a bid debate about her having an abortion. In that case I would absolutely not blame this girl (who is a baby herself) for having an abortion. Just because the plumbing is in doesn't mean that the house is ready to occupy- can you imagine the strain of a pregnancy on a 9 yr olds frame?! I feel like, because these circumstances do exist, making abortion illegal could not work. In fact, forgive my being frank, but it's too bad that these incestuous sick-o rapists weren't aborted themselves before they could inflict this pain on someone.
  13. Okay. Blue Cross Blue shield, with the help of my PCP's office has completely driven me to distraction! I did my three month Dr. supervised diet, jumped through every single hoop they threw my way and they still denied me. Don't get me wrong, my surgeons office said they have never been able to get someone approved through BCBSIL on the first try. I called BCBSIL this week to see if they could (or would) tell me EXACTLY what they want to see. The csr I spoke to was actually really helpful and went through all my paperwork. Basically he found everything they need but said that it needed to be in a different format in the doctors notes. Grrr. I went to my PCP today for my 4th month visit and asked if there was a way for them to go back, take the info from the other appointments and put it in this different format. Short answer: No. My PCP was acting really defensive and kept saying that they would have denied me no matter what (which may be true) and that they sent everything they were supposed to. She said that BCBSIL is just being difficult and that I am just going to have to keep coming back until they finally approve me. Long story short, she wants me to start weight watchers (which I have done before and lost weight but gained it all back...twice). So weight watchers it shall be. I guess I just feel like BCBSIL is being difficult and my PCP is being difficult. Meanwhile my surgeon's office is insisting that what I need is another letter of medical necessity from my PCP, I specifically asked BCBSIL if that is what they need and they said no. I told my PCP and surgeons office about this and they both insist that they right. I know they are trying to help but I feel like their pride is getting in the way. Did anyone else do WW for their supervised diet? If so, what documentation did you provide to insurance??
  14. I was scanning through channels on the radio the other day and heard someone say the word 'fat,' so, for some reason I flipped back to hear what they were saying. They were talking about this local girl who had died suddenly as a result of an accident. The DJ proceeded to go on about how it is such a tragedy that such a good-looking girl died and another DJ joked 'would it have not been a tragedy if she was ugly?' and the first DJ said-'let's be honest with ourselves, it's much more upsetting for a hot chick to die than a fat or ugly chick.' Are you SERIOUS??!?!? Are all 'chicks' not someone's daughter, sister, mother, wife? Like I said, I'm not easily offended but I was really upset by this. How could someone say that? How did that person get a job in broadcasting? Also, anyone who knows me gives me a hard time about my obsession with crime shows. I like crime-drama's, true stories, whatever- it facinates me. However, a couple months ago I stumbled on a show called: 'Young, beautiful and vanished'. It's a tragedy no matter how you look at it but why is it that the first thing they go to is how beautiful the girl was. Would it not matter if you were 'Forty, chubby and vanished?' or 'Old, homely and vanished?' Since when is the life of a beauty queen worth more than the life of your average Jane? Lord help you if you have a child who society deems less-than attractive who disappears. What is this world coming to?!
  15. BJean, thank you for sharing this story- I know it must not have been easy for you. I think that is something valuable to consider for anyone who believes that a mother should sacrifice their life for the chance that their baby might live. Even worse, what if eventually the government decided to take over that decision too...
  16. Patty: Originally Posted by jessress87 Well, I must say this thread has got me thinking... and thinking... and thinking....... I'm also very frustrated that after all this thinking I can't come to a firm conclusion. When asked if I am pro-life or pro-choice my knee-jerk reaction is to say pro-life. I would answer pro-life because I personally would not have an abortion (unless my life is being threatened by the early pregnancy). I will tell you right now that my answer on the poll was that I am pro-life except in cases where the life of the mother is threatened. But I read and read and read some more and have to admit that I swayed a little bit when I considered that I too do not want the government to take over my choices. What might they do next? Do I believe that abortion is morally wrong? In most cases yes- but who am I to judge? For someone who doesn't believe that a life is being taken it would not be morally wrong- it's all relative. And just because I beleive it's wrong doesn't mean that belief should be forced on EVERYONE. Why not, Jess? People have many differing beliefs about all the laws we have. Beliefs of all kinds are forced on people everywhere with all our laws. My son feels there is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking pot. He says it's not as bad as alcohol is. Yet, the laws force him to smoke in hiding. I think that the whole issue is that no one can come to an agreement about whether or not it's murder. If it was black and white, like some might consider smoking pot (I've never smoked pot nor really knew anyone personally so I can't say I know what kind of ill effects it has- but I take its being illegal is due to the facts of it's obvious ((or not so obvious to me,) negative effects). I just don't want it to get to the point where the government starts forcing more and more of their beliefs on me. Armed robbey is wrong, rape is wrong, assault is wrong, therefore no one (that I know of) has any objection to these things being illegl. However, not all people consider abortion to be murder because not all people believe that an 8 wk fetus is a baby. I do, but not everyone else does. So until the scientific community can come up with a determination that this fetus, at this stage is technically a human being, whether or not it's 'murder' will always be a gray area. I do, however, cringe at the stories of women who have had 4, 5, or 6 abortions- have you ever heard of birth control? I do realize that it isn't always 100% effective but it's definitely more effective than nothing at all! I think that one of the things that really bothers me about abortions is that I know more than a few women who have suffered miscarriages or who have not been able to have children. I feel like it's so unfair that someone who didn't want it (or for whatever reason chose abortion) would be blessed with such a gift when there are women that want it desperately that haven't been able. I have another dilemma from the analogy provided earlier about if exterminating the Jewish was legal. (sorry, I know this is inflammatory but I can see its relevance)I knowthis is just hypothetical but in this situation, how could I just say, 'well I'm not going to participate but I'm also not going to do anything about it. I know it's not the same thing, but still. On the other hand, abortion is legal and I'm not going to go around harassing people about their choice. I'm not going to go to abortion clinics or campaign or anything against it, but when asked how I feel about the legalization of it, I will alwys give my strong response to anyone that I am totally against the killings that this country allows daily. I can appreciate that. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion, as everyone else is, and you absolutely should feel free to express a strong response against something you disagree with, as long as that strong response isn't throwing pigs blood on young women coming out of an abortion clinic . (Totally kidding, btw- you seem like a reasonable lady, I'm sure you wouldn't do that) I think that in order for something to be called murder there has to be mallicious intent. I don't think that every woman having an abortion is saying 'take that, fetus!'. I'm sure it's a very, very difficult situation for most (except for maybe those who seem to use it as birth control). But I also do believe that some form of life begins at conception. I do agree that women who have abortions are not thinking that they are murdering anyone. They are focused on their 'problem' and want it to go away. But it is a fact that they are murdering none the less. It's all relative. I brought this subject up to my fiancee last night and I must say that I was VERY surprised at his response. I asked him if he thought an abortion would be acceptable under any circumstance. He said no. I said, 'what if the mother's life was in danger,' he said no. If it's God's will for you to die in order for your child to live, it's your time.' This scares me. I have to say that if a doctor was telling me that I AM going to die if I don't have an abortion, I think I would have to. Am I being selfish? I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die either. I try to think about it this way: my 6 wk old fetus is a tiny, comfy, content life. He doesn't know anything yet. He hasn't seen anything yet. But I have. I've seen corn blowing in a breezy summer night. I've experienced true love. I've made sacrifices. I've made mistakes. I've been disappointed. I've been elated. I would never get to see my mom, my dad, my brothers, grandparents, nieces, nephews again. Which of us would be more valuable to humanity? I can't answer that question- again, maybe I'm just being selfish. I believe that every person has a right to defend themselves. If she is going to die from carrying and delivering her baby, then, and only then, should she be able to live by aborting her own death sentence. I know that other pro-life people do not agree with this view, but I believe it is the right one. I agree :frown: I do consider myself a non-religious Christian, which in itself is something I'm sure some people would have a problem with. Definitely not me. I do not like 'religion'. I prefer people to have a personal relationship with God, one on one, without the interference of organizations and their made up rules and ideas. That is refreshing to see. I feel a lot of judgment sometimes for feeling that way. I am of the belief that Jesus died for my sins. I think that says it all right there. We are all sinners- that's why Jesus died for us. I believe that you should try to be kind to others, I believe that you should help somebody if you can, I believe that you should try to be tolerant when dealing with someone who has different beliefs than yourself. When I get ticked off at a bad driver, or a cranky cashier just as I reach the point of irritation I try to remind myself that I don't know what happened to that person today. They're grandpa may have just died. They could be going through a rough divorce. I know that the day I found out my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer I was out of sorts, I hope no one would hold that against me. (They caught it early, he did some extensive radiation and is now doing great (knock on wood! Thank you Lord!)) I believe that Jesus loves us all, despite our sins. I don't believe that in order to have a relationship with God you have to attend Church every Sunday and Wednesday and doing so doesn't automatically make you a 'good person' it doesn't make you a bad person either. Just like I would never peg someone with different beliefs as me as a 'bad person,' it's not my place to judge. I feel like we should always try to be understanding and treat others with respect. I'm not saying I've been perfect with this, but who is? I agree.
  17. Thank you for the reply. I must say I was really shocked about what he said. I think that if we were actually in that circumstance and losing me was a real possiblity he might change his mind, however, I don't want to wait til' the last minute to figure that one out. He can be a little unreasonable sometimes, INHO :tt1:.
  18. I would also like to say that I am a little bit troubled about the Republican & Democrat generalizations. A republican isn't any more likely to be a scum-bag than a democrat and vice-versa. Listing all the crummy things that republicans have done is meaningless when there is an equally long list of crummy things democrats have done. Both parties have their A-holes. I think it's unfair for anyone to throw out a generalization like that. *steps off soapbox*:tt1:
  19. Well, I must say this thread has got me thinking... and thinking... and thinking....... I'm also very frustrated that after all this thinking I can't come to a firm conclusion. When asked if I am pro-life or pro-choice my knee-jerk reaction is to say pro-life. I would answer pro-life because I personally would not have an abortion (unless my life is being threatened by the early pregnancy). I will tell you right now that my answer on the poll was that I am pro-life except in cases where the life of the mother is threatened. But I read and read and read some more and have to admit that I swayed a little bit when I considered that I too do not want the government to take over my choices. What might they do next? Do I believe that abortion is morally wrong? In most cases yes- but who am I to judge? For someone who doesn't believe that a life is being taken it would not be morally wrong- it's all relative. And just because I beleive it's wrong doesn't mean that belief should be forced on EVERYONE. I do, however, cringe at the stories of women who have had 4, 5, or 6 abortions- have you ever heard of birth control? I do realize that it isn't always 100% effective but it's definitely more effective than nothing at all! I think that one of the things that really bothers me about abortions is that I know more than a few women who have suffered miscarriages or who have not been able to have children. I feel like it's so unfair that someone who didn't want it (or for whatever reason chose abortion) would be blessed with such a gift when there are women that want it desperately that haven't been able. I have another dilemma from the analogy provided earlier about if exterminating the Jewish was legal. (sorry, I know this is inflammatory but I can see its relevance)I knowthis is just hypothetical but in this situation, how could I just say, 'well I'm not going to participate but I'm also not going to do anything about it. I know it's not the same thing, but still. On the other hand, abortion is legal and I'm not going to go around harassing people about their choice. I think that in order for something to be called murder there has to be mallicious intent. I don't think that every woman having an abortion is saying 'take that, fetus!'. I'm sure it's a very, very difficult situation for most (except for maybe those who seem to use it as birth control). But I also do believe that some form of life begins at conception. I brought this subject up to my fiancee last night and I must say that I was VERY surprised at his response. I asked him if he thought an abortion would be acceptable under any circumstance. He said no. I said, 'what if the mother's life was in danger,' he said no. If it's God's will for you to die in order for your child to live, it's your time.' This scares me. I have to say that if a doctor was telling me that I AM going to die if I don't have an abortion, I think I would have to. Am I being selfish? I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die either. I try to think about it this way: my 6 wk old fetus is a tiny, comfy, content life. He doesn't know anything yet. He hasn't seen anything yet. But I have. I've seen corn blowing in a breezy summer night. I've experienced true love. I've made sacrifices. I've made mistakes. I've been disappointed. I've been elated. I would never get to see my mom, my dad, my brothers, grandparents, nieces, nephews again. Which of us would be more valuable to humanity? I can't answer that question- again, maybe I'm just being selfish. I do consider myself a non-religious Christian, which in itself is something I'm sure some people would have a problem with. I am of the belief that Jesus died for my sins. I think that says it all right there. We are all sinners- that's why Jesus died for us. I believe that you should try to be kind to others, I believe that you should help somebody if you can, I believe that you should try to be tolerant when dealing with someone who has different beliefs than yourself. When I get ticked off at a bad driver, or a cranky cashier just as I reach the point of irritation I try to remind myself that I don't know what happened to that person today. They're grandpa may have just died. They could be going through a rough divorce. I know that the day I found out my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer I was out of sorts, I hope no one would hold that against me. (They caught it early, he did some extensive radiation and is now doing great (knock on wood! Thank you Lord!)) I believe that Jesus loves us all, despite our sins. I don't believe that in order to have a relationship with God you have to attend Church every Sunday and Wednesday and doing so doesn't automatically make you a 'good person' it doesn't make you a bad person either. Just like I would never peg someone with different beliefs as me as a 'bad person,' it's not my place to judge. I feel like we should always try to be understanding and treat others with respect. I'm not saying I've been perfect with this, but who is?
  20. jessress87


    Well, I called BCBSIL today to see if a decision had been made yet and I was told that they need to see my 3 month supervised diet documentation. I told her that I know that my surgeons office has it and that I would have them refax it and she said that was fine. I called my surgeons office and spoke to my 'insurance lady' there who said quite confidently that it's not that they didn't get it, it's that they are saying that what was provided wasn't detailed enough. I can't say that I'm shocked because I'm sure we've all heard about others having the same issue. What bothers me is that the girl with BCBS didn't say that- she didn't even use the word 'denied'. The good-ish news is that my insurance lady said that they've never had someone with my insurance be approved on the first try. She said that they'll deny me twice and they may have to appeal before they finally approve it- they want me to back down. Well, Sorry Charlie, that's just not going to happen . I must admit I'm a little bummed to know that this is likely going to drag out but at the same time I'm thankful that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm going to keep doing whatever I have to do to get this surgery approved (as I'm truly not in a position to attempt any kind of self-pay). Side note: Does anyone have the Wii Fit? My mom got it for me for Christmas. My mom was setting up her profile and everything and I was all excited becuase it was really neat. However, when I got on it it informed me in bright red text that I exceed the maximum weight limit, which I'm sure goes without saying, was humiliating! I know that I am hovering right around the weight limit but I didn't know that it was going to not let me use it. There are a couple ways to get around it but I mean to tell you, the first thing it does is it weighs you and if you exceed the weight limit it won't let you go any further. When we were using it yesterday I would have to have my fiancee stand on it before I could hop on and do any of the games. Does anyone else find it ironic that a tool that is supposed to help you get healthy or lose/maintain weight has what I would call a pretty low maximum weight limit (330 lbs)?
  21. jessress87

    I'm not too easily offended, however...

  22. jessress87

    I'm not too easily offended, however...

    I share your sentiment. I'm not the kind of person who says 'oh, I'm so fat' expecting someone to say 'no you're not!'. Of course I am, I know it, you know it, the paperboy knows it! However, I just couldn't believe that this sorry excuse for a man would come out and say that it's more of a tragedy for a young beauty to die, than a 'fat chick'.
  23. jessress87


    lol- it says 'OH!' everytime anyone steps on it, it's kind of a jerk. And it asked my mom if she found herself tripping when she walked because her balance was off. I have to use someone elses avatar to actually go in and do anything- other than that it's okay.
  24. I kind of feel like I'm kicking a dead horse here- like I've been posting a little excessively so please forgive me BUT... My surgeon's office faxed over all my pre-authorization info last week so I called BCBSIL today just to make sure that they have everything they need and the Rep, who was very nice by the way, said that she actually just sent it over for review today. I told her I know that she must get asked this about a hundred times a day, but roughly how long does it usually take for a decision and she said it shouldn't take more than a day or so. WOW! I'm really excited now that I know it could be so soon- now I can't stop thinking about it! I'm trying to think positive thoughts- I've been telling everyone that I'm 'waiting on approval', not 'waiting on a decision' and silly as it sounds it's been helping. I just want this so badly- I NEED this so badly! Now I'm going to try to keep myself from calling and harassing them- I'll be sure to stop by the post office every day and check my mail. Wish me luck! :thumbup:

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