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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shell04937

  1. I have no idea what is going on with me. I was banded on Friday Sept 22 after over 2yrs of waiting for it. First the pain was bad but now it is much better. I do have some discomfort in my abdomen but nothing I cant deal with. Everything I drink goes right thru me and nothing taste right. I am not particularly hungry but even when I feel a twing hungry noting taste right. I dont know what is going on with me emotionally because I just feel like I could cry. I dont have a clue as to why I just feel like I could cry. Has anyone else gone thru this right after they got banded?
  2. shell04937

    I burp too much**is that normal**

    I feel the need to burp also. Sometimes I will move just right and its like this long air bubble not a -burp but a ------urp. It's hard to explain. it is like someone put a pipe in and a steady release is let out....
  3. shell04937

    getting started

    In the past have you done weight loss programs? What kind and how long? is there documentation showing this of any kind? For example. I used the medication Meridea to loose weight and tried twice and gained all 20 lbs plus back. my old insurance was going to take that into consideration. But then we switched insurance providers and my new insurance Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusets just required Dr.'s recomendation, psych eval, nutrition eval and that was it. I was approved as soon as I had those things done. I just had my surgery on Friday Sept 22. I started looking into this process over 2 yrs ago but my old insurance gave me problems. Just keep pushing forward and the process wont seem so long. Good luck and welcome to the board.
  4. shell04937

    Eating Solid Food is Very Painful

    They told us at one of the support groups that when you get that feeling you should walk away because that means your full. That mentally you need to learn that its ok not to go back and eat what is left and to walk away. It is hard to do but that is the reason they say some have slow weight loss. Just what I heard anyways...
  5. shell04937

    Feel like I could cry....

    Thanks for the encouragment everyone. I am feeling much better now that my pain is down. The first few days I was in pain and not being able to drink my protein or anything else and have it taste half normal. I am feeling physically and mentally better. Thanks again...
  6. I had my surgery at 8:45am and was home at 2pm. Everything went will. The gas is making me so uncomfotable I cant lay down so tonight will be a night for the recliner. My husband got me some gas X about 3 hours ago and I have let out a few belches since them which gives me minor relife until it builds again. I can hear the gas moving thru my whole abdomen. I am taking the Tylenol #3 with codein. It helps but makes me sleepy and so I have been snoozing on and off in the recliner most of the time I have been home. Hoping that the gas keeps moving and morning will bring some comfort. I have walked around the house today a little but I have been so out of it that sleep has won over most of the time. I only sleep 3 hours last night so I think that is why the meds have hit me so much. I take Vicoden, Flexaril and a sleeping pill at night and it does not make me this exhausted. I tried the heating pad but it made my incisions hurt worse and did not do anything for the gas pains. I woke up with 6 incissions which confused me because I thought I was going to have 5. I can tell where my port is because when I woke up from surgery I felt like it was on fire and was pounding. The nurse told me it was where the port is plus my icission is about 2 inches long there. I felt like a wimp because I started crying and just wanted my family. They had a women with Cancer back in recovery so they did not want any family coming in until I got back into day surgery. After they switched from Morphine to Demerol my pained got ok enough for me to rest and get a grip. I am not having any problem with nause or vomiting now. I got a shot to help with nausea because when my pain was a 10 on the scale of 1-10 I thought I was going to get sick. I see the Dr on next Friday and he will remove my sutures. I have sutures in all my incissions because I am allergic to paper tape and steri strips. Anyways I need to go to the bathroom and try to walk around a little before bed. Hope everyone else is having less pain/gas.
  7. shell04937

    Well I am finally banded....

    The hospital told me that Ice would make my gas worse.... Maybe I need to try it....
  8. shell04937

    Favorite Liquid Meal???

    before surgery I started drinking my protien shakes....Body Fortress I liked it I really did. But right now the only thing my mouth is liking is Gatoraid. I keep trying other things but it is just not happening right now. Maybe tomorrow my taste buds will come back.
  9. shell04937

    Help - 3 days post op w/ major shoulder pain

    My gas has all been in my abdomen. I remember when I had my gall bladder out in 1997 I had such bad gas pain in my shoulders. It was horrible. I wish I had a suggestion for you on how to deal with the pain but I am lost myself. Just hang in there. This too shall pass...no punn intended.
  10. shell04937

    Well I am finally banded....

    I am glad to report that it has gotten a little better each day. Today I am feeling more optomistic then in the past 2 days. Yesterday I had 5 sips of Soup and then 1 hr later me 9 yr old made me some pudding not realizing it was too soon. She was trying to take care of me. Anyways I said I would take a lick of her pudding. Bad mistake....Almost instantly I started dry heaving. I dont think it was the pudding because it happened the second it hit my tounge. But she felt so bad. I told her today she is my offical pudding maker once I feel up to it. That made her happier. My port area is still wicked sore and cold compresses make the pain so much worse. I have found my recliner to be the most comfortable place. I took a shower today and that was ok. I am feeling more uncomfortable this evening but I know evening is always worse. Plus it still is not as bad a the past 2 days had been. One thing is that I have had the runs for the past 24hrs. I guess the constipation wont be a problem from the pain meds. THanks for all of the support and encouragment.
  11. shell04937

    I Need Help....

    Hi there... I just had my band done on Friday Sept 22. I can honestly say that I would not be ready to go back to work on Monday morning. Yes each day it does get a little better but the gas pain has keep me down and also where my port is, is very sensitive. If you have it on Thrusday and go back to work Wednesday maybe but I personally think monday would be a bit much. Who says you have to tell work what you are having done. I told a few people at the nursing home I work at what I was having done but for the most part I just said I have to have some laprosocpic surgery. Actaully the day of my surgery my work called to see if I could come in. Only the schedualing department new I was having surgery so when another nurse called while I was in surgery she was rather suprised. If anyone says this is the easy way out just tell them politly that you value their opinion but you have to do what is best for you. If having the procedure prevents you from a major heart attack down the road then it has done it's job. Having the procedure is a tool, it's not a free ticket to skinny vill... Good luck in the up coming month and no matter what you decide to tell them remember we are all here for you!!!!!!!!
  12. shell04937

    Where is your port?

    I can tell because my pain is worse there and my incission is 2 inches long vs 1/2 inch or 1 inch. How many incissions did you all have? I ended up with 6.
  13. shell04937

    Well I am finally banded....

    Constipation should not be a problem with me because I have irritable bowel syndrome and have had the runs since finding out 2 weeks ago that I was having it done yesterday. My concern is for the gas pain to stop long enough for me to be able to sleep. My husband is taking care of my girls tomorrow so I can sleep hopefully. It is 4am here in Maine and sleep is not working right now because of these stupid gas pains. I am going to take some pain meds soon since it has been 4 hours and see if maybe I can get some sleep. Anyways I know this will pass I just wish it was sooner then later....
  14. shell04937

    Well I am finally banded....

    I am glad to see that I am not the only one who whated their Daddy. I dont know who was going to cry more when he finally had his chance to come in to see me, Me or Him. I have been married for 13 yrs and he is the one person I always want when I am not doing well. He is my rock... sleeping in the recliner is not so bad with the meds they gave me. I will make it and then maybe tomorrow my bed will see more appealing to me.
  15. shell04937

    September Bandsters

    When I try to change my ticker I get invalid file.
  16. shell04937

    September Bandsters

    How did you change your ticker? I tried but cant...Any help would be nice. I cant deleat the one that is there...How did you do it?
  17. I cant belive it is the night before I am to be banded. I am excited and nervouse at the same time. I lost 3 1/2 lbs since last Thrusday because of nerves and doing alot of liquids. Everything I ate didn't want to stay in so I started my liquid diet early. Hope that my band twin from Austraila is doing ok. Well be thinking of her as I go off to sleep. :notagree Good luck to all other Sept 22 bandsters. See you on the other side....hehehehe:rolleyes:
  18. I will join the world of banding in just about 30hrs. I am so excited and ready to begin the new journy. But.... I have 2 little girls who I think are amazing and beautifull and are the loves of my life. My girls are so much like me it worries me. My girls were both 9 lbs at birth and have always been on in the 100% for height and weight. Well my oldest is very over weight and always has been big. Her height and weight have always increased together. She has a very hard time dealing with her weight and often breaks down into tears because of kids saying mean things. She is beautifull really, She has nice wavey hair, big hazel eye's and rosey red cheeks and red full lips. She says she is ugly because is in her words "FAT" I tell her she is beautifull al the time. I always tell her that we can try our hardest to eat healthy and excersise but sometimes we have no control over our size. I told her what is important is how we feel about ourself and that we are healthy. Well she and I are not very healthy. She has had asthma since she was a baby. She has had her adnoids and tonsiles out and tubes put in her ears. She is 9yrs old and weight 140lbs and is just over 5 feet tall. She is starting a 2 1/2 hour dance class this week so I am hoping it helps. My youngest is 5 and just this summer started to get chuncky in her belly and hips. She has always been closer to average on weight but tall for her age. She has not started worrying about her weight yet because it has not been an issue with other kids. My concern is that my girls will not belive me when I say it is ok to be big. Not that I want them to be but I dont want them growning up thinking they are not ok because they are big. You can be big and beautifull. I went went thru a phase growning up where I cried all the time because of the teasing from Kids at school. But when I turned 30 I excepted my body. I decided that as long as I was doing the best I can do then that would be ok as long as I was healthy. Well now I have a list of health problems a mile long and need this. I am having my surgery Friday morning. I am so happy yet a little part of me wonders how my girls will feel. Will they belive me when I tell them that their size is just a small part of who they are. THat they are such wonderful beautifull women. Will they look at me and think that I truly dont feel that way because I am having surgery to loose weight? WHen my girls turn 18 if they are over weight and are unable to slim down no matter how hard they try, I will pay out of pocket for them to have this surgery if insurance wont pay for it. I dont want them to have to wait until they are 32 with as many healthy problems as I have before they are allowed to have the surgery. How do all of you with over weight kids handle it? Has having the procedure done helped your family with their weight also or has it not made any difference? Do you think that it teaches my kids that being fat is not ok? What do you all think?
  19. shell04937

    Banded Tommorow

    I am being banded Friday AM and my nerves have been so bad that I could keep the toilet paper company in bussiness...hehehehe Good luck and hope your home before you know it...
  20. Thanks. I have told my girls that the only reason I am doing this is because of my Diabetes and back pain. I tell them that hopefully mommy will be able to do more with them once I feel better. My husband had a weight issue thru his schooling years but once he was out of school was able to get the weight off with diet and alot of exercise. He is now 6 feet tall and 170 ish pounds. My oldest knows I have been big since I was about 7 yrs old and I think she thinks she is just going to be like me and be big all her life. I tell her that maybe she has her dads genes because he was big from the time he was a baby until graduation and now is able to keep his weight off with excersising 3-4 days a week. Also my brother was big until he was about 12 so I tell her maybe she will be like him. I also always tell her that it does not matter what the scale says it matters who your feeling physically and hope that will help her to feel good emotionally. We are doing the 2 1/2 hr dance class so that she feels she is doing something positive about her weight. Anyways thanks for taking the time to reply.... :}
  21. shell04937

    September Bandsters

    I did everything Ithought I needed to do but still I cant get a ticker to work for me. What http:// do you use for your ticker link? They give you 3 kinds and used the http one. I filled it in and it is still not working. I thought I had some computer ability but this has just got me stumped..... :D i needed step by step instructions!!!!! Help me anyone?
  22. shell04937

    September Bandsters

    Isnt Chili considered more then a liquid? I thought a liquid is something you can pour and drink? Maybe I missed something?
  23. shell04937

    Home from GB surgrey.

    I had my GB out in 1997 and remember the gas pains like they were yesterday. I hope you dont get any of them. mine came around day 3 and went away around day 6 or 7. I am being banded on Friday the 22nd and am a little nervouse about those horrible gas pains up in my shoulders....
  24. I am having surgery 1 week from today and I was just thinking how are you doing? Have you weighed yourself yet? How is your pain? Are you having any nausea? Are you feeling hungery? Anyone can tell me your post op experience if you want I just know want2lose is still a fresh post op and thought she could give me insight as to what to expect next week. :puke: :guess Like I said I have exactly 1 week and am excited but wicked nervouse. I have had a hard time eatting for the past week and I think it is nerves. I know next Friday will be here sooner then I expect. At this time my sugery is scheduled for 9am but that may change. I went to my pre op visit at the day surgery unit at the hospital. The did the pre op testing like EKG, had me sign papers and re did a urine test because mine from last week showed I have a Urinary track infection. I had a gynocological procedure and that urine test was part of that last week. They did not treat me because they thought it might have been a contaminated sample. So they had me do another test and the new test also showed I have an UTI so they started me on an antibiotic so it will be gone by next week. Day Surgery said that the Dr might have cancled my appointment if I did have an untreated UTI but now I should be Good to Go!!!:bolt: Anyways I thought maybe everyone could share a story about their experience and that way it might help me pass time reading them before next week.
  25. shell04937

    almost there!!!!!

    I am now allowing myself to get excited. I got a call 2 days ago that my surgery is going to be next week Sept 22, 2006. I just decided on my personal goals. Sept 22, 2006 267 lbs band date Oct 22, 2006 247lbs Jan 1, 2007 217lbs Jun 1, 2007 180 lbs Sept 22, 2007 167lbs. Maybe it is too much to dream of loosing 100lbs since I havent seen that weight since JR High. But this is a new advanture so dreaming high is what I plan to do.... :cheer2: :confused: :Banane31: :Banane52: :Banane41: :Banane19: :Banane09: :not_ripe: :Banane29: :Banane39: :Banane49: :Banane27: :Banane16: :Banane05: :nanahump: :Banane47: :Banane25: :Banane14: :Banane02: :Banane24: :Banane13: :Banane03: :Banane12: :Banane33: :Banane43: :Banane21: :Banane10: All of this is what it might take to get me to goal!!!!!

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