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LAP-BAND Patients
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About happy2lose

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/31/1964

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm a numbers girl. Spelling/grammer-not my thing
  • Interests
    Bicycling, hiking, swimming, camping
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  1. Happy 49th Birthday happy2lose!

  2. Happy 48th Birthday happy2lose!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary happy2lose!

  4. happy2lose

    Does puking always scare you?

    "Puking" isn't the same with the band as you are describing. When we banded people vomit the food is not digested yet, therefore doesn't contain stomach acid. It actually isn't even the same as vomiting. It is called "PB" (productive burping) and the food just comes out. It's really not as bad as you think so don't sweat the small stuff.
  5. happy2lose

    Have I done major damage?

    Relax, sounds like you took in too much food and you are experiencing the "full" sensation. Just be sure to stick to your surgeon's post-op diet and you will do fine.
  6. happy2lose

    Does anyone else throw up at every meal?

    Once you vomit you need to only have Fluid for the next 24 hours to give the swelling around your band time to go down. DO NOT keep eating because you will most likely keep throwing up! This does not necessarily mean you are too tight....it means you must modify your eating behaviors. Sounds like you are eating too fast, eating too big of bites, and/or not chewing well enough! It takes time to learn how to eat again after each fill. Slow down and take your time!
  7. Ayana, Please don't give up hope! The band will work for you but good restriction is key! Tell your doctor you would like him to be more aggressive with your fills. Until you are at the right restriction for you, you have to exercise a huge amount of self control. Find ways to distract yourself when you feel ravenous....go for a long walk and change your focus because like it or not, you still have to watch what you eat and exercise to make the weight come off. There are people on this website who insist you can lose the weight without exercising but this has not been the case for me. If I don't work out regularly, I don't lose anything. I have lost weight the most consistently when I only eat 3 small meals per day. Adding two Snacks to my day seems to keep me from losing. I try to stay right around 1,000 calories/day and focus on my Protein. Best of luck to you and have faith.........restriction will come!
  8. happy2lose

    soul searching

    This is a giant step! I just know that one year from now you will look back at all the positive changes in your life as a result of the lapband and ask yourself.........WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG TO DO THIS????
  9. happy2lose


    Whillow, My last plateau lasted 4 months! It is my opinion you need a fill.
  10. happy2lose

    Disgusted with Myself

    Kerri, For about the first 10 days of any diet you will have sugar withdrawals and crazy cravings. You need to remind yourself of why you chose this procedure and post it on your refrigerator, pantry or anywhere you keep food. I also recommend you post a picture in those places of yourself at your heaviest weight. This will be a reminder of what you don't want to be. I know not all surgeon's prescribe the same pre-op diet but when I was on mine I was starving and ravenous. I was sure to snack on high Protein foods such as hard boiled egg or yogurt. The biggest suggestion I have for you is to rid your house of all the temptations. It will not hurt your family to do without until you have your band and enough restriction to be tempted. Do not keep any sweets or starches in the house. Best of success to you! ~Donna
  11. happy2lose

    So. Tired.

    Your body is still recovering from surgery so being tired is perfectly normal. Also, the greatly reduced nutritional intake is bound to make you tired and lack energy. Once you are back on solid food and get all your protein in each day you will feel better.
  12. Everything you describe is perfectly normal. Until you reach good restriction you will most likely have most of those same feelings and you may even have regrets for the first couple of months. It is all about restriction! Once you get there and your band begins working and you begin losing you will feel it was the best thing you have ever done and ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner.
  13. Ask yourself this question........If I can't stick to my "2 week" pre-op diet, how the heck am I gonna stick with a 4 week post-op diet????? I am just over 1 year post-op and I'm here to tell you the the only way you will ever get the weight off and keep it off even with your band is by making serious lifestyle changes. I have lost 100 pounds but it has taken shear determination, dedication and hard work! The band is not magic, it is only a tool that will help you to feel satisfied on much, much, less food. If you continue to make poor choices with the band, you will not lose weight and may damage your band..........just the cold hard facts!!!
  14. happy2lose

    Easy Way Out....

    Obviously the doctor you work for has absolutely no clue how the band works. I have had my band for a year and losing the weight has been anything but easy! Tell him he should really educate himself before making such ignorant comments!
  15. Hey Donna, I don't come on here much either...but thanks! You look soooo good in your picture :) I posted some before/durings in the Twenties forum.

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