Hi there everybody. I've been browsing this site and find it very informative so far. I am at the beginning of my journey with the lapband. I have to attend a seminar on the 14th of Sept. I was hoping to get a consultation sooner than that. I'm anxious to see if I'm a candidate and if my insurance pays for this surgery.
I'm at my wits end with my weight. I definately know how to lose it 10, 20,even 50 lbs at a time and then back on it comes because I feel like I'm above it all. I always think I'm in control and can "will" the weight off without the hard work. I do work very hard at it and give up like its all nothing. How frustrating! I will be 36 this month and weigh 285. I feel fatter everyday and I am getting more and more sedintary as each day goes by. I know I can do better than this.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which could be completely cured if only I took the weight off and kept it off. I'm infertile and unhealthy because of this problem and can't believe I won't stick with a healthy lifestyle to save my life!
The biggest problem in my mind with this lapband procedure is my fear of losing the control. I already feel rebellious over not being able to eat what I want, how much and when I want. The fear of the pain and of other side effects haunts me too but i really really want to be healthy. I want to enjoy life and want my body to reflect my spirit. I am an outgoing, upbeat and jovial type of person but don't feel this way with my weight this high. I want to hide myself away and not see people who will judge me or be disappointed that I allowed myself to get like this.
I know others here have had the same feelings. Those of you who have had the lapband--is it worth it and have you found the support you need to get through the toughest emotions that accompany the lapband?
Thank you for letting me vent about all this here!