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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TamifromAL

  1. TamifromAL

    New SHOES!!!!

    I still wear a size 9, but now I can find medium width shoes that fit, rather than searching for the nearly non-existent double-wide! It opens up sooo many more choices. I was so sick to death of Cobbie Cuddlers and Naturalizer granny shoes! What a pleasure it was to toss 'em in the trash! Tami
  2. TamifromAL

    I know I am shooting for the stars but 6 pack ABS??

    I think it's certainly possible, but a lot depends on how you carried your weight. I tend to be naturally thinner through the waist, and already have well-defined abs (not quite a six pack, though), at a BMI of 25. But, I have to be honest with you and say that you might not want to focus too heavily on having a wonderful tummy, because you'll still have scars and a lump where your port is located. I know some people can still pull off a two piece bathing suit (like Jachut!), but I'm gonna stick with a one-piece or tankini, even with pretty awesome abs. Tami
  3. Oh, there's plenty. But I'm not just an American. I'm a *Southern* American. Bad as I hate to share it with ya'll, I reckon I gotta: Southern Hillbilly Dictionary.....Originals For You (Pay no mind to me. I promise to stay on track here on out!) Tami
  4. I've kept a moderate fill level since the beginning, and rarely have trouble eating. When I got to goal, I talked to my doc about it, and he said that if I was on the tight side, he'd remove some fill for maintenance, but that it's best to keep some saline in the band. *For me* your level of restriction would be a bit too much. Tami
  5. If anyone else is struggling with Aussie slang, here's a bonzer site with big mobs of slang to help prevent bodgy translations. Aren't I just bottling my blood's worth? (arvo = afternoon) AUSTRALIAN SLANG, AUSSIE LINGO, AUSTRALIAN PHRASES, SLANG IN AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIAN DICTIONARY, AUSTRALIAN WORDS, SPEAKING IN AUSTRALIA, AUSSIE TALK Give it a burl! Tami
  6. Hi all, I was so glad to run across this thread. I've kinda been at a loss over the past few months for an internet "home". I haven't read all the posts yet, but so many are hitting home with me! I look forward to getting to know ya'll, and learning to "pass for thin". One of the things that always gets to me is laundry. I'll be folding the laundry, pull out a pair of jeans, hold them up and wonder, "whose are these little jeans? Oh yeah, they're mine." Tami
  7. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Long time, no see! Just thought I'd check in with my old September Bandster buddies to say "Happy Bandiversary!" It's been an awesome year for me. I'm 157 lbs., down from 273. Was a size 26W, and now a 8-10. I'm in the best physical condition of my life. Now to just KEEP it off! Wishing all of you continued success! Tami
  8. TamifromAL

    Alabama bandster

    Hi Barbara! Congrats on your surgery. You're off to a wonderful start with a 20 lb. loss! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss the support group meeting this month. We'll be at the beach, soaking up the sun and sippin' margheritas (not too many, though!) Good luck with your first fill, but don't be surprised if it takes you 2-3 fills to get good restriction. Keep up the good work! Tami
  9. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Oops, never mind! I just noticed that it's already been done! I obviously don't spend enough time at LBT these days. I didn't realize they'd dropped the monthly support groups into a sub forum! Tami
  10. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Dang, the edit feature is so messed up! I tried to edit a post through the smiley faces, and it just kept getting worse! So, I'm trying to delete the whole thing and start over! Just wanted to check in and say that I'm holding steady at 165. We've been busy this summer, with lots of events that involve food and alcohol, and I've not been very good at resisting temptation. I have to thank my band and spinning classes for keeping my weight steady. I've had two plastic surgery consultations, and will probably be getting a breast lift/augmentation. I decided to hold on on any lower body work because based on what the docs said, the results I can reasonable expect just don't seem worth the cost, pain & scars. Plus, I don't relish the long healing process and having to skip exercise for so long. I was wondering whether the original poster of this thread is still with us, and might consider editing the title of the thread to September 06 Bandsters to distinguish us from the folks who will be banded this coming September. Hope ya'll are doing well & having a great summer! Tami
  11. I just wanted to let ya'll know about a change in the schedule for the lap band support group meeting this Saturday at Medical Center East in Birmingham. The meeting will be: Saturday May 19, 2007, 10:30 am, Medical Center East, BLDG 50 Classrooms 1-4. PLEASE note the changes above. The time has been moved back to 10:30 am instead of 11:00 and the class has been moved back to the same rooms where you attended the seminar. I have the pleasure of addressing the group this week, to tell my story and "tips for working the band". Hope you can come! (Although this group is primarily made up of patients of Dr. Miles & Schmitt, others are welcome, too.) FYI: The web site for this group is banders4life.com Tami
  12. TamifromAL

    Alabama bandster

    Season, wow, your surgery is almost here! I'll bet you'll be OK for the photo shoot. I was pretty much back to normal within a week, except for heavy lifting. You asked about my anniversary...it's our 27th this year, which is so totally hard for me to believe. I got married when I was 10, of course. LOL I had some gas pains in the first couple of days after surgery. I had a really bad gas bubble in my lower left abdomen in the recovery room, and it took some extra pain meds to even get me to the point where I could stand up. But, it eased up enough for me to get on home, and it was gone that afternoon. The remaining gas pains weren't all that bad. I think I was off of pain meds by mid-day the 3rd day after surgery. As for the skin, well, it could be better. I'll have to admit to already having had plastic surgery in the past. I lost 90 lbs. about 12 years ago, all the way to goal, and had a lower body lift and breast lift/augmentation. Unfortunately, I threw that all out the window with the re-gain. :-( My breasts definitely need some work, but I think I'll wait a bit on anything else. I'm 47 years old, and don't have a real driving desire to have a tight bod any more! I'm just thrilled to look good in clothes again. At the pre-op appointment they want to make sure you have paid if you are self-pay (lol---hey, they have their priorities, too), do a blood draw, and an ekg. I think that's when Naomi gave me the book by Jessie Ahroni, too. And they give you a link to the Emmi site online, which is basically an instructional site to make sure you know what you're getting into. They also give you some pre-op info, like fasting the day before surgery, and doing a bowel cleanse. For the bowel cleanse, you drink this nasty-tasting stuff and stay verrrry close to a bathroom for several hours. Bamalama, yep, my surgery was outpatient. I went in at the crack of dawn, had the surgery at 7am, and was on my way home by noon. I only live about 25" from MCE, so that was no problem for me. I agree with the idea of staying a night in town if you can. Dothan would be quite a drive right out from surgery. But, on the other hand, as long as you're on your pain meds, and can recline in the seat while someone else drives, you'll probably just sleep most of the day, anyway. One tip for those of you getting ready for surgery. Make sure you take your pain meds on that first day. I fell asleep when I got home, and was a couple hours late for my next dose. It then took about 30-45" for the pain meds to kick in. So, even though you'll probably sleep a good bit that first day, set an alarm, or have someone wake you to take your medicine. And get up and walk around, too. That really helps with the gas. Also, see if they'll give you the prescription for your pain medication at your pre-op meeting. I didn't get mine until the day of surgery, and that meant a side trip to the pharmacy on the way home. Make sure you have a liquid medicine measuring cup/spoon, or pick one up while you're there. Good luck ya'll, Tami
  13. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    <p>Hi ya'll. Got on the scale this morning and I've dropped those last two pounds! I'm at goal! But, to be honest, it feels a little anti-climatic. I think I still want to lose 10 lbs. more or so, and will need to look into some plastic surgery if I want to be happy with my body nekkid. But, I think my biggest fear is maintenance. I've just never been able to maintain a weight loss over time. I think it's because it's harder to keep up the good habits without the scale victories for motivation. But, this is why I got the band. I surely do hope this will make the difference in my ability to maintain.</p> <p> </p> <p>Tami</p>
  14. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Hi ya'll. I managed to lose the one pound I gained last week, plus two more, for a total of -3 for the week. Just two pounds to goal (initial goal, anyway!) Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Tami
  15. TamifromAL

    Alabama bandster

    Season, congratulations! I'm so glad you've been approved and are ready to go. When I got my surgery last fall, I was able to schedule it within 2-3 weeks of calling. But, based on the number of people at the support group meetings over the past few months, I'm guessing their schedule is getting fuller! Let us know when your surgery is scheduled! And, thanks for your kind words about my talk at the support group meeting. I hadn't spoken in front of a group in many, many years, and was surprised how nervous I was! I love talking about the lap band, though, and wish everyone who is severely obese would at least consider it. It's made such a huge difference in my life. For the first time in my life I don't have anxiety about food. I feel like I'm at peace with it. I can have a treat/splurge now and then, and the band is always there to help me get back on track. Bamalama, Dr. Miles did my surgery, but I went to a seminar by Dr. Schmitt and he did one of my fills. He also did the surgery for one of my good friends. I really like them both, and wouldn't hesitate to go with either one. June 27th is my anniversary, so in a way I got "banded" on the same day as you will be! (Wedding banded, that is.) Good luck with your surgery. Tami
  16. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Hi ya'll, how's everybody? We had a busy Memorial Day weekend: 1 big party + 1 trip to the lake w/ friends + 1 family cookout = 1 lb. gain for the week. Then, yesterday I came down to spend a couple of days with my son in Auburn. I'm playing housemom to the boys. Unfortunately, that also means I'm facing many food temptations that I don't have in my own house! Wish me luck! Mim, congrats on reaching goal! That's awesome. I can't imagine having a drop like that at this point out. Hi Pat, and welcome to the group. Let us know a little about your food and exercise habits, and maybe we can help you get back on track. I always say the band is only about 25% of the solution. You have to also add good food choices/limited snacking, exercise, and positive mental energy. Are you drinking your water? That makes a huge difference for me. I've recently noticed something, and wonder if anyone else has ever experienced this. I slacked off on my water drinking the past two days, and my band seems much tighter. I've always heard that drinking lots of water acts as a diuretic. (I guess your body realizes it doesn't have to hold onto water, if you're constantly giving it plenty.) So, I wonder if this recent tightness is due to water retention? That also might be why some people get tighter around their TOM, I suppose. Tami
  17. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Mim, great picture! That guy looks for real! We're going to a balloon jubilee this weekend (hot air balloon races), and I'm hoping to add "rode a hot air balloon" to my list of life experiences. Karey, darn glad to see you! And lifelongband, too (although those avatar pics are sooo little. I wish LBT had better photo storage capabilities. April, thanks for the slip info. Over on OH, it seems like every week there's someone else with pouch dilation or a band slip, and even people with lots of band experience under their belt. They all seem to agree that being too tight is often the start of their problems. But, dang, how do you know when you're too tight? One day I can be loose as a goose, and the next day I'm so tight I get stuck on everything. I'm tighter after exercising, too. It's weird and unpredictable. OK, so I seriously don't know how I pulled this off, but I'm down 4 lbs. this week. I actually had my first true binge one day last week. I won't tell you what I ate, 'cause I don't want the responsibility of triggering anyone else to binge, but let's just say I lacked prudent control. So I don't know how I managed to have a good drop, except that I just finished my TOM. Whatever. I'll take it! Tami
  18. TamifromAL

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Hi ya'll. I reached the grand milestone of -100 lbs. last week. I had my surgery on September 5 of last year, so I'm just 8 months out. I'm 6 lbs. from my initial goal (may re-evaluate at that point), and couldn't be happier. I'm down from a size 26W jeans to size 12. I am off of 3 blood pressure-related prescription meds. My plantar fasciitis is completely gone. Knee pain gone. My flexibility, stamina, and strength are up, up, up. Tami
  19. "Before", 2004. Not sure how much I weight here, but at least 260. Eventually got to a top weight of 273. After, 5/07, 173 Down 100 lbs.!!
  20. TamifromAL

    Alabama bandster

    I posted this as a separate "Alabama forum" thread, but then happened to think that it might reach more people if I post to this thread, where a few people are already subscribed. So, please excuse the double post. --------------------- I just wanted to let ya'll know about a change in the schedule for the lap band support group meeting this Saturday at Medical Center East in Birmingham. The meeting will be: Saturday May 19, 2007, 10:30 am, Medical Center East, BLDG 50 Classrooms 1-4. PLEASE note the changes above. The time has been moved back to 10:30 am instead of 11:00 and the class has been moved back to the same rooms where you attended the seminar. I have the pleasure of addressing the group this week, to tell my story and "tips for working the band". Hope you can come! (Although this group is primarily made up of patients of Dr. Miles & Schmitt, others are welcome, too.) FYI: The web site for this group is banders4life.com Tami
  21. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Hi ya'll, Has anyone else been having trouble with LBT? I keep getting error messages. I guess they don't have all the bugs worked out with the new format. The scale was kind to me after my Mother's Day indulgence, and I was still at 173 on Monday, which was down 1 lb. for the week. My 16-year old daughter has been wanting to walk in the evenings, and of course I want to support her fitness efforts, so in addition to my spinning classes, I've been doing some power walking in the evenings. Of course, I'm getting nothing *else* done in my life these days *except* the exercise. Lisa, I admire your running. I actually tried it the other day, but the ol' knees reminded me that I was practically crippled with knee issues a few months ago, and we *don't* want to go there again. I also keep a fairly moderate fill level, but it's my own choice. The fill nurse at my doc's office is pretty lenient, and offered me .5 at my last fill, but I declined, and asked for .25. That's been perfect for me. I can still eat solid foods, even a little bread occasionally, but am able to keep my hunger under control. Karey, let us know what you think of the Body Bugg. I've heard really good things about those. My daughter just got a pair of the Nike Plus shoes. You put in this little device, which sends a signal to her iPod Nano, and tells her # of steps, calories burned, and let's her design fitness routines which it monitors on her computer. Pretty cool. Sandy, congrats on the 3# drop! And, yes, my blog is visible. If you go to my LBT profile, there's a link there to my OH profile. If you have trouble finding it, let me know. Mim, you're gorgeous *and* a computer whiz? Dang, what a combination! Congrats on being "normal"! Unfortunately, no matter how much weight I lose, I will always be slightly *abnormal*. April!!! It's good to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear your problem resolved itself, and that you've got your band in gear again. Don't stay away so long! Lifelongband, 7 lbs. in one week??!!! That's awesome, congratulations. You're really moving along. I had a really nice NSV this week. I was crossing the street, and a couple of guys drove by in a hot sports car, and one of them yelled out the window, "Lookin' good!". Made my day/week/month! Tami
  22. TamifromAL

    Alabama bandster

    Hi Season! I'll see you at the support group meeting! Tami
  23. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    If you have the opportunity to visit Savannah, GA, I'd say go for that! I have no idea if that's at all close to where you'll be. We were passing near Savannah several years ago, and decided to take a couple of hours to visit. We stopped by a visitor's center and picked up some information, including some maps that had directions for a driving tour. I just loved that city. It has real old world charm, with the antebellum homes and all the trees dripping with Spanish moss. Lovely. Tami
  24. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Thanks, Karey. I'm sorry I haven't responded before today. I didn't realize that I only get one email response until the next time I visit the forum! I have to say that I did sort of work up to the spinning. I started out with the elliptical and recumbant bikes for about 2 months, gradually increasing the time and intensity. It was still a big step for me to try the spinning, because I envisioned that being for "elite" athletes. But, there are really all kinds of people who take the classes at my gym. If you're interested in trying it, talk to the instructor first, and let her know you're new at it. She might recommend a padded gel seat cover, or padded shorts. I never used them, and it really only took 2-3 classes until my bottom was used to the saddle. My daughter took the class once, and bruised her bottom either from being improperly positioned on the bike or from bouncing back to the seat too hard after a climb (when you stand up while peddling). Unfortunately, she never went back. Whatever you do, I really think it's important to switch things up now and then. This past week I took a "group power" class, which is group weight training with barbells to music. I thought I was in pretty good shape because of the cybex training I've been doing in addition to the spinning, but that class tore me up! (In a good way, sore muscles = muscle growth!) A personal trainer is a great way to go. I worked with one twice a week for 4-5 months several years ago. It really helped me with consistency (because I had an appointment to keep), plus helped me to learn correct form, and of course to push me beyond my "comfort level". I eat a lot, though. Plenty of protein, veggies, and some starches. I write down what I eat on my OH blog, but I don't count up calories, etc., all the time. Once in a while I log it into SparkPeople.com just to see if I'm still on track for 1200-1400 cal per day, and 60- 70g. or so protein a day. Lately I've been drinking too much, though. Before the band I might drink alcohol 2-3 nights a week. Then, after surgery I was down to once every few weeks. I'm starting to slip into old, bad habits, and I seriously have got to nip this in the bud before it starts showing up on the scale. And don't ask what I had for Mother's Day dinner. Let's just say I'm *not* looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow morning! Tami
  25. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Hi September Bandsters! I have some exciting news this morning. I made it to -100 lbs. this morning! I was down 3 on Monday, which was great. Then I got a fill that afternoon, and had another nice drop this morning. I am absolutely giddy this morning. I stood in the bathroom for the longest time, looking at the mirror, and thinking about how just a few short months ago I didn't think it was at all possible that I would ever be this size again. To say I love my band is a huge understatement! I rub my poochy port like a Buddha belly, and thank my lucky stars for this surgery! Tami

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