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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TamifromAL

  1. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Well, I just put it to the test! My doc's office doesn't recommend a liquid diet after a fill at this level, but I just had split pea soup last night to be on the cautious side. This morning I had Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and milk. I had to chew well and take it slow, and was able to eat about half of what I used to eat (about 1/2 c.). But, at least I know I can eat in the morning, and won't have to resort to protein shakes! (It's my TOM, too.) I used to have trouble eating dry cereal, because it would get soggy since I was taking so long to eat. Now, I put the milk in the bowl, and sprinkle in a tablespoon or so at a time, eat that, and then put in more cereal. That way it stays crunchy, and I don't waste cereal by over-estimating how much I can eat. Tami
  2. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    HopeWorks, is your ticker up-to-date, and are you satisfied with your rate of loss? If so, then maybe you're at a good fill level for you. But, I'd have to guess that if you can eat a whole sandwich without difficulty, then you are still pretty open. What does your doc say? Regardless, it's a very personal decision, and you can always get a fill when *you* think you need it, even if that's not until you reach goal! I take a different approach, though. I feel like this is a tool I paid for, and I want it to work to make this journey to better health a little easier. I went to the doc yesterday. They were pleased with my progress, but asked whether I get hungry between meals (yes!), and whether there's anything I can't eat (not really, although I avoid bread), and based on my responses, she said I needed a fill. I agreed, and got another .5cc in my 4cc band, bringing me up to 1.5, which she said is still a very moderate fill level. Tami
  3. TamifromAL

    Eating Frosty's Standing Up!

    Until you get an unfill, maybe you could substitute a healthy smoothie for the Frosty, like from Smoothie King or Planet Smoothie. Ask for one that's high protein/low sugar. Tami
  4. TamifromAL

    Where's all the Alabama bandsters?

    Congrats, bhamguy! Did you know there's a lap-band support group meeting this Saturday from 11-2pm at MCE? It's in the 2nd floor seminar rooms. I plan on going, unless something comes up. Tami
  5. TamifromAL

    **sigh** self sabatoge

    Good grief, at the rate you're exercising, it sounds like you're doing the "Biggest Loser" weight loss plan, and just about pulling the same numbers, too. Hey, even on there, sometimes they have a challenge that requires eating something "off plan", and they still lose. With that much exercise, your body can handle it once in a while. I know what you mean about the fill question, because I'm right there, with you. I've lost plenty, and doubt that I'll get a fill simply for that reason (appt. today), but I'm hungry between meals, and sometimes it seems like I can eat a ton. I ate a whole Taco Bell taco salad yesterday, and the last time I had one several weeks ago, I could only eat half. So, I really think I need one, but doubt I'll get it due to the weight loss. But, like you, I really don't want to be over-filled, either. So, I won't argue the point if the doc says to wait on a fill. Good luck and congrats on your progress! Tami
  6. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    I'm down 5 this week! :clap2: I have a feeling I'm not getting a fill tomorrow, afterall! Whether or not I'm at the mythical "sweetspot" as far as restriction, something is working, and I ain't gonna mess with it! Congrats on your loss this week, Mim. That's amazing! Sandranoelle, wow, you've done great, especially with no fill. As far as what we can do to prevent overeating at holiday parties, I do have a suggestion. As soon as you get to the party, take a huge bite of doughy bread, chew a couple of times and swallow. You'll probably get a heavy pain in your upper chest, start sliming, and have to run to the bathroom to upchuck. But ya won't wanna eat anymore! Just kidding, of course. Seriously, eat a small handfull of raw nuts like almonds or walnuts before you go. Then when you get there, get a glass of water with lemon, and maybe a splash of grenadine. If it looks like you're drinking "something", people won't say, "You're not drinking? Awww....:cry " And if you do drink, have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. But, the best thing about the band is that we can and should enjoy these special occasions. We have a tool, and hopefully we're learning the skills that will enable us to have a little bit of the treats that we love. Tami
  7. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Hey, maybe if we get one of those "Easy" buttons from Staples, we won't have to stress about whether we're losing/not losing and whether we need a fill or not! Nah, unfortunately, that's just fantasy. Even with the band, if we want to lose weight and keep it off, we have to work it, and part of it is trying to learn the signs and signals about what our body needs. And that's easier said than done. With all of us being only 3 months out, we just don't really have the experience yet to know what we need, but we'll get there, through trial and effort and the good advice of our LBT friends! Tami
  8. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    I understand the need for being fairly conservative with fills, and I agree. In fact, I cancelled my appointment for a second fill because I didn't want to be over-filled. I want to be able to enjoy eating normal, healthy foods. But, I've always been able to lose weight, and the fact that I'm losing now is not necessarily because I am properly restricted. (I got the band because I can't maintain, and had mentally gotten to the point that I couldn't find the motivation to even try losing again.) I'm losing not only because I'm eating less food, but because I'm eating better foods: lean meats, veggies, whole grains, and low-fat dairy; and I'm eating virtually no fast foods or convenience foods. So, I think I'd be losing weight even if I didn't have the band. But, I do have the band (and paid dearly for it), so why shouldn't I use the tool I paid for? I'll defer to the better judgement of my doc/nurse practitioner, but I just feel that relying on the "if you're losing weight, you don't need a fill" philosophy doesn't take into consideration that you might be losing weight even if you're not properly filled. And if have been restricted and lose weight, you might lose the restriction as you lose fat around the stomach. Tami
  9. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    That's why I don't understand why the main determination of whether or not a fill is needed is based on whether you are losing weight. If you are losing weight, you may need a fill for the reason you mentioned. Yet, because you're still losing, they may not want to give you a fill. It's like you're being penalized for being successful. Tami
  10. TamifromAL

    Anybody Used Xenical?

    I'm not on Xenical, and never have been, but it has nothing to do with hunger. It limits the amount of fat absorbed by the body. You excrete something like 30% of the fat eated, thus the oily stools and "leakage". Tami
  11. TamifromAL

    What's in a Name

    Hi Becky, Neal, Jack, Julie, Christine, Susan, Pam, Mandy, Paula, Josie, Derick, Betty, Sherri Jo, Ginger, Tonya, Henry, and Irene! I'm Tami and I'm from Alabami!
  12. TamifromAL

    Anybody Used Xenical?

    I was in a clinical trial for Xenical about 12 years ago. There were several stages, where they would adjust your medication. So, some people were on the meds, while others were on placebo, and it would change periodically. Of course, neither the patients nor the administrators knew who was on the medication. There were some nice benefits to being in the study besides the medication. They gave us a thorough medical work up before and after, plus nutrition and behavior modification counseling. I lost 90 lbs., to goal, while in the two-year study. But, I found out a couple years later that I had been on the placebo the whole time! I was one of the most successful patients at this study location, yet I was never on the med! I must have really skewed their results!:heh: 'Course then over the next 10 years I re-gained every pound plus more! A friend of mine is a nurse anesthetist, and was on Xenical. All her OR buddies knew she was on it, and concerned about "leakage", so one day they put melted chocolate on her stool in the OR. Thank goodness she saw it before she sat down! :pound: Tami
  13. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    :eek: Of course, there's always the possibility that they'll come up with an even better solution for obesity, but for right now, I'm convinced that lap-band is the best choice. And if they do come up with the miracle pill that my mother always told me would someday be invented, at least the lap-band is reversible! Tami
  14. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    Karey, please don't be concerned about the stuff that Dr. Rutledge says about lap-band. Here's one thread where he was discussed: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/anti-lapband-website-t25351.html?t=25351&highlight=Dr.+Rutledge The mini-gb *may* be a viable alternative to lap-band or other wls, but if it's so much better, then why aren't more doctors doing it? Tami
  15. TamifromAL

    painful fill

    My doc (his nurse, actually) offered to numb me, but pointed out that some people prefer to get stuck once intead of twice. Since I generally have a pretty high tolerance to pain anyway, I opted to go without the numbing shot. Fortunately, mine wasn't painful at all. Tami
  16. TamifromAL

    September Bandsters

    My weight loss suddenly came to a screeching halt, and then went into reverse! I'm up a pound this morning. :mmph: :Cry: Oh, well, I'll hope for a better week ahead! Karey, I can't answer your question, because I don't understand what's good restriction either. But, I saved a link to a site with some information that might help you: http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm Hope everyone has a great week! Tami
  17. scale Weight-loss Surgery The first large-scale review of weight-loss surgeries performed on older adults suggests bariatric procedures should generally be limited to people younger than age 65, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found. The study showed that older patients experienced less weight loss and far more complications than younger patients, indicating that the risks often outweigh the benefits of these types of surgeries in older patients. The study, which appears in the Archives of Surgery, reviewed more than 25,000 bariatric procedures from a national database. "Adverse outcomes increased with age, particularly after age 60," said Dr. Edward Livingston, chairman of GI/endocrine surgery at UT Southwestern and the study's lead author. "Beyond 65 years of age, the adverse event rate exceeded 20 percent and mortality was 3.23 percent." In addition to age, the study found that men and those with electrolyte disorders and congestive heart failure were at greater risk of death from bariatric surgery or related complications, said Dr. Livingston. Other conditions that increased risk for adverse events and required longer hospital stays included chronic pulmonary disease, diabetes and depression. Common complications included gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiac problems. Gastrointestinal problems were most common, occurring in about 30 percent of older patients who had complications. Respiratory-tract problems occurred in about 20 percent of patients with post-operative problems. Cardiac complications affected about 15 percent of elderly patients. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly one-third of adult Americans - more than 60 million people - are obese. Nearly 5 percent of adults are classified as extremely obese. The American Society for Bariatric Surgery Foundation estimates that more than 1,000 people die each day from obesity-related complications. Obese adults are at increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, stroke and even some cancers. Obesity ranges from mild (20 to 50 pounds overweight) to morbidly obese (more than 100 pounds overweight). Bariatric surgeries are usually reserved for those more than 100 pounds overweight. This latest study reviewed 25,428 bariatric procedures involving Medicare beneficiaries using the National Inpatient Survey database, which contains discharge information for 20 percent of all hospitalizations in the United States, a sufficiently large enough population to overcome limitations of previous studies. UT Southwestern is one of the few institutions in the nation that offers all types of bariatric procedures and is a regional referral center and leader in bariatric surgery, having performed the area's first lap band procedures and robotically assisted lap band procedures. UT Southwestern bariatrics programs have garnered national recognition as well, being named bariatric surgery Centers of Excellence by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery and United Resource Networks' Clinical Sciences Institute. ### About UT Southwestern Medical Center UT Southwestern Medical Center, one of the premier medical centers in the nation, integrates pioneering biomedical research with exceptional clinical care and education. Its more than 1,400 full-time faculty members - including four active Nobel Prize winners, more than any other medical school in the world - are responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and are committed to translating science-driven research quickly to new clinical treatments. UT Southwestern physicians provide medical care in 40 specialties to nearly 89,000 hospitalized patients and oversee 2.1 million outpatient visits a year. Dr. Edward Livingston - http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/professional/0,2356,58399,00.html Contact: Russell Rian UT Southwestern Medical Center
  18. TamifromAL

    American Idol 2007

    flabuless, I'm sorry for spoiling the last two seasons for you. Do they show them there at a later date? (Also, love your screenname!) skyeblu, I agree, and I didn't vote for the same reason. Although I listen to rock or sometimes R&B, when it comes to American Idol, I tend to vote for whoever entertains me the most, regardless of the type of music they do. Did you know that Kim Locke is going to be on Celebrity Fit Club? Tami
  19. TamifromAL

    American Idol 2007

    Huh? Kelly -- Pop Princess Ruben -- R&B smoothie Fantasia -- Soul Sister Carrie -- Country Star Taylor -- Blues Man How are they all the same? They are all from different genres of music, different looks, different style. I mean, good grief, who's style could you compare to Taylor? He's pretty unique! Tami
  20. TamifromAL

    American Idol 2007

    I don't really care, as long as he/she is from Birmingham, AL, home town of Ruben, Bo, & Taylor! Tami (Bham proud!)
  21. TamifromAL

    I Need a Kick in the Butt

    Even better, put out a bowl of nuts in the shell with crackers. You still get the snack, but it slows you down a bit. Raw nuts are great, full of healthy oils, as long as you eat them raw, not roasted. But, it's easy to over do it since they are so concentrated in calories. Tami
  22. TamifromAL

    I Need a Kick in the Butt

    These are some good suggestions, and ones that have worked for me to get back on track in the past. Another one that worked for me was committing to drink at least 4 cups of green tea per day. Green tea stimulates the metabolism, plus it's a nice little break during the day. I splurge and buy really good tea from the Joe Muggs coffee shop at Books a Million. Other coffee/tea shops have nice teas as well. Tami
  23. TamifromAL

    pre-op diet poll

    My doc did not put me on a pre-op diet. I only had to do Clear liquids the day before surgery. But, I wonder if some docs vary the pre-op requirements depending on the patient, because I ran into another of his patients who did have a pre-op diet. We were close to the same BMI, but she is apple-shaped, and I am pear-shaped. I figured that people who carry their weight through the middle might be more prone to having a fatty liver. Tami
  24. TamifromAL

    Any Regrets

    Any moderators on here today? I think it's time! :closed_2: :lock1: :lock1: :lock1: :lock1: :lock1: :lock1: :rip:
  25. TamifromAL

    What Foods Cant You Eat?

    Virginia, I am trying to bite my tongue, but it's not working! I don't think anyone wants to become the food police, I sure don't, but the main reason most of us are here is for support and information. So, I hope you'll take this message in that vein. As I know you've probably heard a zillion times, the lap-band is a tool. If we want to lose weight, we have to work with it. KFC chicken, unless you're removing all the skin, isn't a good choice. Instead, how about picking up a rotisserie chicken? Around here they are about $3.75, which is comparable to lunch at KFC. But even worse is Frappuccino. Those things can have 300-500 calories each! Instead, if you really want something cold and thick, maybe try one of the smoothie places. When I was still on liquids and was stuck out without lunch one time, I went to Smoothie King and got a 20 oz. chocolate Slim and Trim with Splenda instead of Turbindo, for about 170 calories. It was really delicious, and I could only drink about half of it. Good luck with your lap-band journey! Tami

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