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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1019Joanne

  1. 1019Joanne

    where did my will power go???

    unfortunately, you are in whats called "bandster hell" where you have the band, but there is nothing (or little) fluid in there, and you have no restriction as of yet. Hang in there! Once you start your fills, the restriction in the band will help you feel more satisfied sooner during meals. You are both doing great! Keep up the great work!
  2. 1019Joanne

    12/23/09 Happy Holidays!!!

    Merry Christmas to you, and your family!
  3. 1019Joanne

    Week 29...I am almost there!

    Happy Anniversary - and congratulations on your weight loss! You are an inspiration!
  4. 1019Joanne

    Putting the fork DOWN!

    This journey back to health means so much to me...sometimes, it's hard to find the words. I am seven weeks post-op, and 6 days out from my first fill. This past week has been an eye-opener....was my fill too much, why could I not swallow, OMG what can I eat, and at one low point, what have I done? However, I am learning so much about myself, too..... I am not a quitter, I can follow this diet, I will succeed, and I will put down my fork when I am full. I do not have to eat everything on my plate....I do not have to try everything in front of me, and most importantly, I am starting to see just where 30+ lbs have left my body. Today was a pretty normal day.... my youngest left for school, I took the dog for a walk, and then got myself ready for work.....worked and came home....had some errands to run, and let me daughter drive (she has had her license for a week) and off we went....just a normal routine for a busy mom. Arrived back home, and thought as we pulled into the driveway "whew - time for a sugar free jello, and then some relaxation..".....however.....as my daughter parked the car, I guess she did not put it into park, and as I was headed to the door, I looked over my shoulder and witnesed my car, rolling down the driveway and headed directly toward a tree. Oh yes....it hit the tree, and with quick an impressive thump, too. My daughter, meanwhile, was screaming at me to do something.....and what could I do? I walked over to the car, afraid to look at the backend, and peered at the trunk.....all the while envisioning the tree trunk embedded smack dab in the middle, but, lo and behold, no dents in sight. So, I carefully got in the car, and pulled it forward, got out and looked again....no significant damage to the car, just a small scratch on the bumper. The tree, however, has a more impressive mark on the trunk, but it is still standing upright. I have to remember that if this is the worst accident my daughter ever has, then she is a lucky girl, and I am a lucky mom. So, here is to living and learning, and taking something with me from that lesson....gratitude, happiness, and the ability to put down my fork.
  5. 1019Joanne

    Putting the fork DOWN!

    This journey back to health means so much to me...sometimes, it's hard to find the words. I am seven weeks post-op, and 6 days out from my first fill. This past week has been an eye-opener....was my fill too much, why could I not swallow, OMG what can I eat, and at one low point, what have I done? However, I am learning so much about myself, too..... I am not a quitter, I can follow this diet, I will succeed, and I will put down my fork when I am full. I do not have to eat everything on my plate....I do not have to try everything in front of me, and most importantly, I am starting to see just where 30+ lbs have left my body. Today was a pretty normal day.... my youngest left for school, I took the dog for a walk, and then got myself ready for work.....worked and came home....had some errands to run, and let me daughter drive (she has had her license for a week) and off we went....just a normal routine for a busy mom. Arrived back home, and thought as we pulled into the driveway "whew - time for a sugar free jello, and then some relaxation..".....however.....as my daughter parked the car, I guess she did not put it into park, and as I was headed to the door, I looked over my shoulder and witnesed my car, rolling down the driveway and headed directly toward a tree. Oh yes....it hit the tree, and with quick an impressive thump, too. My daughter, meanwhile, was screaming at me to do something.....and what could I do? I walked over to the car, afraid to look at the backend, and peered at the trunk.....all the while envisioning the tree trunk embedded smack dab in the middle, but, lo and behold, no dents in sight. So, I carefully got in the car, and pulled it forward, got out and looked again....no significant damage to the car, just a small scratch on the bumper. The tree, however, has a more impressive mark on the trunk, but it is still standing upright. I have to remember that if this is the worst accident my daughter ever has, then she is a lucky girl, and I am a lucky mom. So, here is to living and learning, and taking something with me from that lesson....gratitude, happiness, and the ability to put down my fork.
  6. 1019Joanne

    By jove I think she's got it! Down 9 lbs in 5 days.

    isn't it just amazing what one fill can do? I had my first fill last Wednesday, and I am 8 lbs down! I now know when enough is enough, and when I have to put the fork down. Congratulations on your success! I am so proud of you!
  7. 1019Joanne

    Monday is the big day

    wishing you all the best! I had my surgery 7 weeks ago, and this site has helped me get through it all! Congratulations on making this change for yourself!
  8. 1019Joanne

    sooo...THIS is what a fill feels like

    Today I am six weeks and two days post op....and today was the BIG day! I was ready for my first fill! My weight loss has stalled....hanging tough at 30 lbs since my journey began, and I am ready to get back on track and start losing again. The office was packed when I got there, and I was so happy to see a familiar face - my friend "Dan" who had been through all of my pre-op classes with me - he was in for his two week check up, and he looks great! Finally, it was my turn....and I hopped on that scale (after shedding my shoes, of course!) and there is was....30 lbs down...and I really am very proud of losing those first 30. Quite a milestone for me. Finally, in the room, and able to chat with my doc - have to say, I think this is one of the nicest people on the planet. Even tho the place was sooo busy, I did not feel rushed, or as if he was too busy to talk to me, and take his time with me. Next thing I knew, I was sitting back up, and my fill was over! No drama, no pain, just done! I drank some water, and felt pretty full after a couple of sips....and off I went. Back for another recheck in January! Tonight, I feel very full...not sure if this is "normal" or not. Still on liquids today...tomorrow I move to pureed ....Friday is soft food, and Saturday back to real food. I am ready to start this next step of the journey!
  9. 1019Joanne

    sooo...THIS is what a fill feels like

    Today I am six weeks and two days post op....and today was the BIG day! I was ready for my first fill! My weight loss has stalled....hanging tough at 30 lbs since my journey began, and I am ready to get back on track and start losing again. The office was packed when I got there, and I was so happy to see a familiar face - my friend "Dan" who had been through all of my pre-op classes with me - he was in for his two week check up, and he looks great! Finally, it was my turn....and I hopped on that scale (after shedding my shoes, of course!) and there is was....30 lbs down...and I really am very proud of losing those first 30. Quite a milestone for me. Finally, in the room, and able to chat with my doc - have to say, I think this is one of the nicest people on the planet. Even tho the place was sooo busy, I did not feel rushed, or as if he was too busy to talk to me, and take his time with me. Next thing I knew, I was sitting back up, and my fill was over! No drama, no pain, just done! I drank some water, and felt pretty full after a couple of sips....and off I went. Back for another recheck in January! Tonight, I feel very full...not sure if this is "normal" or not. Still on liquids today...tomorrow I move to pureed ....Friday is soft food, and Saturday back to real food. I am ready to start this next step of the journey!
  10. 1019Joanne


    rest well, and heal well! I am cheering you on!
  11. 1019Joanne

    Throwing in the Towel

    Hang in there....the week just prior to surgery is the hardest to get through! The journey we are all on is not a smoothly paved road - there are curves, and hills, and traffic signals, etc.....and the support system on this space will be there for you every step of the way. So, enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with your family, and know that you will be in my thoughts as your surgery approaches! Joanne
  12. 1019Joanne

    Onederland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and so proud of your accomplishment! Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. I live in Waterford, down in the Southeastern part of the state (close to Mohegan Sun) ... I am doing ok - only banded for 5 weeks today, but so far, so good!

    hang in there! It will all work out!

  14. 1019Joanne

    oh dear.....STUCK....for the first time

    Here I am....happily banded almost five weeks ago on what appeared to be a normal Saturday.....normal for when I work on Saturday. Off to work I went - and in such a rush to get there today, I forgot to grab my lunch out of the fridge....hmmmm....someone always orders lunch out, so, I knew I could get something....BIG mistake! It seemed as if the entire office was ordering chinese food today, so I joined that bandwagon, and ordered steamed veggies with white rice. I thought that would be my most healthy choice. When lunch arrived, I made sure I cut up my lunch into very small bites, and chewed every bite into mush.....and then.....I guess I forgot....and my lunch was STUCK....the pain in my chest was unreal! I tried to take a sip of water and it stayed right in my throat, and I knew I had done it! To make a long, and yucky story short, and I think chinese food is a part of my past. The pain was terrible and after lots of slime and pacing the office with my hands raised above my head, I finally got some relief. I am still a bit uncomfortable, and decided on a protein shake for dinner and lots of water tonight. I guess it was going to happen sometime...sooner or later...whatever. And I am know wiser and have a little better understanding on what to do if this ever happens again (which I hope not!!) :cool2:
  15. 1019Joanne

    Why do people have to be so mean?

    Hi Eileen - we all know that women are MEAN - don't let it get you down! You have lost 42lbs! OMG - 42! That is amazing! You are the better person for sticking it out, and being there. Just think, by the time the Christmas holidays come along, you will be even thinner. I am in Connecticut, too....and it's not that big a state, if you need a shoulder to lean on! Joanne
  16. 1019Joanne

    oh dear.....STUCK....for the first time

    not sure if the hands above my head worked, or if it was all in my brain, but remember when you were a kid, and something went down the wrong "pipe"?? My mom always said to put your hands up, since it opens up the airway, and I thought it might help with this too... Today I am feeling much better - thanks for the kind words - although I have sent myself back to mushie food! I think a day or two of mushies will set my mind at ease! I, too, had been very scared of the stuck feeling, and sliming....however, I lived thru it. It was not the worst thing that has even happened to me.....and here is to hoping it never happens again! Best wishes to you both!
  17. 1019Joanne

    Surgery tomorrow at 7:30am

    Congratulations, and best wishes! This is the start of a whole new life!
  18. 1019Joanne

    oh dear.....STUCK....for the first time

    Here I am....happily banded almost five weeks ago on what appeared to be a normal Saturday.....normal for when I work on Saturday. Off to work I went - and in such a rush to get there today, I forgot to grab my lunch out of the fridge....hmmmm....someone always orders lunch out, so, I knew I could get something....BIG mistake! It seemed as if the entire office was ordering chinese food today, so I joined that bandwagon, and ordered steamed veggies with white rice. I thought that would be my most healthy choice. When lunch arrived, I made sure I cut up my lunch into very small bites, and chewed every bite into mush.....and then.....I guess I forgot....and my lunch was STUCK....the pain in my chest was unreal! I tried to take a sip of water and it stayed right in my throat, and I knew I had done it! To make a long, and yucky story short, and I think chinese food is a part of my past. The pain was terrible and after lots of slime and pacing the office with my hands raised above my head, I finally got some relief. I am still a bit uncomfortable, and decided on a protein shake for dinner and lots of water tonight. I guess it was going to happen sometime...sooner or later...whatever. And I am know wiser and have a little better understanding on what to do if this ever happens again (which I hope not!!) :biggrin:
  19. JulieAnn - I was readying your post today, and I was amazed and inspired by your story. I am about 4 1/2 weeks post op, and your story made me again realize why I started this journey.

    Thanks for sharing

  20. 1019Joanne

    "MY DAY" to become a LOSER.......

    Congrats! I am so happy for you!
  21. 1019Joanne

    First Fill

    Hi there! So happy you shared about your first fill - I have mine on 12/2, and I have the same concerns! Keep up the good work!
  22. 1019Joanne

    7 years, lost 120, got rebanded!

    I, too, am inspired by you! Congratulations on your success, and to your husband on his success! I am four weeks post op, and still learning how to live this new life. It is reading testimonials like this that reaffirm my decision that banding is RIGHT for me. Thank you, and best wishes on this recovery period for you.
  23. 1019Joanne

    la di dah!

    I am almost 4 weeks post op....and I am feeling really good today! I realize now that I have not been consuming enough protein - which had been making me very tired, and just about putting my weight loss at a stand-still. After talking to a friend at work (who had this surgery about 15 months ago and has lost over 115 lbs) I am getting more protein, and I feel sooooo much better. My friend suggested putting protein powder in sugar free pudding as well as making sugar free jello with isopure plus protein drinks, just as a way to make sure that even during my afternoon snack, I was giving my body what it needs to get back on track....and today.....VOILA! I feel like a different person! I am not exhausted to the point of falling asleep in my chair at night, and instead of looking as pale as Casper the friendly ghosts sister, I now just look like a distant cousin. Thank goodness....with each day out, I am more and more like me! I had to work today, and when I came home, I took my youngest to the mall with me, and we both got new haircuts! We went all out - wash, cut and blow dry (with a little flat-iron tossed in for good measure!) and what a great feeling! A new look for the up and coming new me!

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