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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1019Joanne

  1. 1019Joanne

    100 lbs gone in 12 months

    Congratulations! 100 lbs is AMAZING! I am so happy for you, and I wanted to say that you are so right! We need to follow what our physicians prescribe diet-wise, and the weight WILL and DOES come off! Thank you for being such a great inspiration! I can only hope that in 6 more months, I too will be saying that I lost 100 lbs in a year! Best wishes and continued success! Joanne
  2. 1019Joanne

    6 months out

    Tomorrow is my 6 month "bandiversary"! I cannot believe it! In some respects it feels like yesterday, and in others, years ago. I visited my surgeon for my 6 month check last week, and he was very pleased with my progress - I currently have 6 cc's in my 9cc Realize band, and I do have restriction. After losing 12 lbs since my last visit to him in February, the good doctor decided to leave me alone this time around, and I will see him again in July if I am consistantly losing between now and then. He was very happy that I am working out 5-6 days a week, and said that getting moving really does make all the difference in the world, and he is right. I feel better after hitting the gym, and every time I reach a new gym milestone, I know all the blood sweat and tears that went into it. So, now it's onto the next six months of this journey - I am very excited to see what changes will be coming!
  3. 1019Joanne

    I'm getting banded today

    Good Luck today! Today really is the beginning of a whole new you!
  4. Hang in there. I think second thoughts, and what if's are a part of our vocabulary after being failing at other weight loss opportunities. I know that I was worried about me failing at this, HOWEVER, today is my 6 month band anniversary, and I am not looking back one bit! Is this new life different than by preband life? Heck yes. I am happier, I am healthier, I am more fit, and I weigh less than I have in years! I am wearing a size of clothing that 6 months ago was just a wish! You are doing everything right - you have taken all the steps necessary to become educated on the living with a band. Whatever decision you make is going to be the right decision for you. As I said before, the decision to be banded was the right one for me, and I have not looked back since! Best wishes! Joanne
  5. 1019Joanne

    6 months out

    Tomorrow is my 6 month "bandiversary"! I cannot believe it! In some respects it feels like yesterday, and in others, years ago. I visited my surgeon for my 6 month check last week, and he was very pleased with my progress - I currently have 6 cc's in my 9cc Realize band, and I do have restriction. After losing 12 lbs since my last visit to him in February, the good doctor decided to leave me alone this time around, and I will see him again in July if I am consistantly losing between now and then. He was very happy that I am working out 5-6 days a week, and said that getting moving really does make all the difference in the world, and he is right. I feel better after hitting the gym, and every time I reach a new gym milestone, I know all the blood sweat and tears that went into it. So, now it's onto the next six months of this journey - I am very excited to see what changes will be coming!
  6. 1019Joanne

    The Big 2-5

    Congratulations - you are off to an awesome start! Keep up the great work!:thumbup:
  7. 1019Joanne

    102 POUNDS Today

    Congratulations! 100lbs! I am so happy for you!
  8. 1019Joanne

    100lbs gone!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very proud of you! Holy Smokes! 100 LBS! You are an inspiration to me! I am just about six months out, and I so hope I can be as successful as you are! Keep it up! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  9. 1019Joanne

    In Mourning

    Hi, I'm Joanne, and I am a recovering Diet Coke-aholic. I learned on my first visit to the nutritionist that I needed to give up what I considered one of my basic food groups (DC) ... and that was an even harder decision than getting the band itself! I drank about 2 liters of Diet Coke a day, and on August 2,2009 - I stopped. I did not wean myself off, I went cold turkey. Yes, it was hard, however, I know that it was a better decision in the long run to just stop. I miss Diet Coke. I miss the fizz...the bubbles... For a long time, I did not know what to order when I went out to dinner after quitting Diet Coke - I would stutter and stammer, and then ask for water. Now, eight months later, I still WANT to ask for a Diet Coke. Good Luck, everyone. Keep up the good work!
  10. Congratulations on your success! :cool:
  11. 1019Joanne

    A wedding, hummus, and another pound down!

    Good for you! You were able to go to the event, and take part, and still come away satisfied and happy! Living with the band is like learning to live with a new roommate - you have to get all of the kinks worked out, and then it's smooth sailing from there!
  12. 1019Joanne

    Today is the day!

    Good Luck - this is the beginning of the best thing you can do for yourself! Take good care of yourself, walk often, and congratulations!
  13. 1019Joanne

    Crazy person?

    it's ok to worry - this is a big, life-changing event for you! However, this is the best gift you can give yourself...you are giving yourself a new life, as a thinner, healthier woman. I was banded on 10/19/09 - and I have lost 60 lbs...I could never have lost that amount in 5 months without the band! I feel so much better - I go to the gym, I exercise, I am in a new size of clothing...but most of all, I can be with my family and not get tired out, not feel like I am holding them back, and I FEEL GREAT! It's all going to be ok - one day at a time!
  14. 1019Joanne

    my surgery experance and more questons

    walking helps get that gas moving - keep up with the gas-x (I used the strips and they worked wonders) - and I agree with luckydog - be good to yourself! Best wishes on this journey!
  15. 1019Joanne

    Looking for Band Buddies!!

    I was banded on 10/19 - and if you have any questions, or just a shoulder to lean on, please feel free to contact me! Good Luck!
  16. 1019Joanne

    Spring Equinox = Life and Death

    I love the memory garden idea. My thoughts are with you and your family. Spring is a time of new life, and new beginnings. Hang in there
  17. 1019Joanne

    1st Post

    Congratulations on taking time for yourself - we all have committments (work, family, friends,etc) that take time away from us, and I am so proud of you for taking this huge step to a better life for you! This is an awesome place to get support as you make this journey - Best Wishes!
  18. 1019Joanne


    Good for you! You have been cheering us all on for quite some time now, and I am happy that you realize that we are all here for you, too. I think we have all been in a place where we were not happy with our lives and our bodies. This journey teaches us all about ourselves, and about how to deal with one another. Best Wishes!
  19. 1019Joanne

    I made it to onederland!

    Congratulations! Onederland! what a wonderful word!
  20. 1019Joanne

    walking - and enjoying it!

    Saturday in the Northeast area of the country was not a very nice day, however, the morning found us on a train into New York City - my daughter's dance team was competing at the Manhattan Center Theater, so rain or no rain, off to the big city we went! I am always in awe when I arrive at Grand Central Station - and usually, I head right for the taxi stand...however, with 17 of us traveling together, a taxi was not an option....so, umbrelllas up, and off we went! Off walking into Times Square...and then down 8th Avenue to 34th Street and the competition. I was very proud of myself for not only walking all that way, but leading the pack! This would have not happened pre-band! The competition was amazing, and after, we walked back to Times Square for dinner, and then back to Grand Central...we were all soaking wet (major downpours, chilly temps and high winds) and the rain-soaked clothing added extra pounds to the walk. However, I walked...and walked...and walked...and never fell behind, not once did the group have to wait for me, and not once did I feel like my weight was holding me back from enjoying a day in the city with my friends! I am so looking forward to another day in Manhattan - however, I really would like it to be a warm, sunny day this next time around!
  21. 1019Joanne

    walking - and enjoying it!

    Saturday in the Northeast area of the country was not a very nice day, however, the morning found us on a train into New York City - my daughter's dance team was competing at the Manhattan Center Theater, so rain or no rain, off to the big city we went! I am always in awe when I arrive at Grand Central Station - and usually, I head right for the taxi stand...however, with 17 of us traveling together, a taxi was not an option....so, umbrelllas up, and off we went! Off walking into Times Square...and then down 8th Avenue to 34th Street and the competition. I was very proud of myself for not only walking all that way, but leading the pack! This would have not happened pre-band! The competition was amazing, and after, we walked back to Times Square for dinner, and then back to Grand Central...we were all soaking wet (major downpours, chilly temps and high winds) and the rain-soaked clothing added extra pounds to the walk. However, I walked...and walked...and walked...and never fell behind, not once did the group have to wait for me, and not once did I feel like my weight was holding me back from enjoying a day in the city with my friends! I am so looking forward to another day in Manhattan - however, I really would like it to be a warm, sunny day this next time around!
  22. Try to drink around your meals, and by this, I mean stop drinking an hour before you eat, and start again an hour after. I seem to take a water bottle with me everywhere I go - Target has this awesome water bottle that has hashmarks that you can turn as you refill your bottle, so that you can make sure you are drinking enough. As for your question as to whether or not I miss drinking with meals, the answer is sometimes, usually if I am out to eat, since the first thing the server asks is what you would like to drink! Good luck with everything!
  23. 1019Joanne

    Unfill - Feel Physically Much Better But Concerned

    don't forget that your stomach is hungry...if one meal a day has ended up coming back up, your body is hungry. This is not going back to step 1, it's jut your body telling you that now is the time to eat right-sized portions, and get back on the bandwagon. Hang in there!
  24. yes, that is EXACTLY what stuck is like - and I have to add that you were lucky to not have the steak come back up. Stay on softer foods for several days, and just be good to yourself - give yourself some time to recover. I have had a hard time with steak - no matter how much I chew, or how small I cut it up, steak and I no longer get along. When you are new to the band, it does take a little while to find out what foods you are good to eat, and what you need to stay away from. Good Luck - hope you feel better soon! Joanne
  25. It's ok to be overwhelmed at this whole situation - I understand. However, this process is a journey, and every journey has its hills and valleys. Take a little time out for you - sounds like your life is crazy, just like mine. Set aside some time out of your day, keep a journal of how you are feeling (even if its on here) - I have my thankful journal - I have to write at least five things I am thankful for each day before going to bed at night. Some nights it looks like five lame little items, and other nights it can be pages long. But just make sure you take good care of you, too. Hang in there - this is a life changing (for the better) journey, and that is going to take some time, patience, and shoulders to lean on. Happy Saturday!

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