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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1019Joanne

  1. You need to make sure you stay hydrated...I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere. I certainly agree with the above posters who recommend that you call your Dr's office - and let them know what is happening. I know the feeling that you are happy the band is working, but you need to make sure you are eating enough to sustain your body! Hang in there!
  2. 1019Joanne

    New Green Shirt Photo

    Getting on the scale now has such different meaning...I used to cringe when I stepped on the scale, however now I look forward to seeing the number displayed! You look great! Keep up the awesome job, and the great attitude!!
  3. 1019Joanne

    I have a collar bone!!!

    Collarbones are awesome! Watch out, tho! The sight of collarbones usually results in the purchase of v-neck shirts to show them off! LOL Keep up the great work!
  4. 1019Joanne

    65% towards first goal (44 days since surgery)

    Setting smaller, attainable goals is a smart way to go about losing weight. You need to not be unreasonable, but sensible and diligent toward your mini-goals. Congratulations on your weight loss, and have fun on your cruise!
  5. 1019Joanne

    Banded but don't work out

    You don't have to hit the gym daily, but moving your body really does help...even if you walk. Walking is really good for your whole body, and keeps all of your joints moving.
  6. 1019Joanne

    Four Months Today!!!

    awesome job! I am so proud of you! Keep it up!
  7. 1019Joanne


    5 days! congratulations on making this change for you! Best wishes!
  8. 1019Joanne

    Your support and My support .. two different things

    you said it darlin! Hang in there!
  9. 1019Joanne

    What did I do wrong??

    aw, I am so so sorry that you had slip! definately my worst nightmare! I don't think you did anything wrong - I just think it happened due to the flu. Hang in there! I am wishing you all the best!
  10. 1019Joanne

    11 months out....wow!

    I think back to a year ago, and I had just gotten approval from my insurance company, and scheduled my sugery. What a difference a year makes! I walked into surgery weighing 277lbs - this morning on my scale, I weighed in at 193lbs. 193 lbs in 11 months - holy smokes. I always wanted to be a thinner woman - and not be the biggest mom in the group, and cringing when boarding an airplane hoping the belt would buckle. I wanted to fit in the desks at back to school night, and wanted to stop undoing my pants on my drive home, since I had stuffed myself into a too tight pair of jeans rather than buy a larger size. I wanted to look in a mirror and not cringe, I wanted to buy clothes in the regular ladies section, not the plus sized section of the stores. I wanted that - and went on so many diets in an effort to acheive it - but always failed. I wore a 26/28 shirt, or a 3XL, and squeezed into 24 jeans, but really should have been in 26's. I muffin-topped out of every single bra I owned. Not now - October 19, 2009 was a day that will forever be noted on my calendar as a second birthday, if you will. My rebirth - the day the NEW me came into being. I have joined the gym, I walk several times a week, I don't just sit on the couch anymore! I wear a large t-shirt, and bought size 16 jeans today (whoohoo!) and they fit comfortably (meaning no unzip on the way home from work!). I bought a sweatshirt in a large, too, since the XL was just too big and the arms way too long (why do clothing people always think heavy people have REALLY long arms!!!) I have new goals - such as hitting the 100lbs down mark by the time 2011 arrives - and trying to figure out what to do with my boobs, which now look like two deflated beach balls, altho they easily stuff into anything these days. I also would really like to see what buying size 12 jeans feels like! THAT would be awesome! 11 months...and I am happy with my progress so far! This has certainly been a journey - but one I wish I had the courage to make years ago, instead of waiting so long! I cannot wait to see what the next 11 months have in store!
  11. 1019Joanne

    Negative family and friends?

    kick the negative people to the curb! You dont need the negativity! You, and your sister, have taken a HUGE step in getting yourselves healthy for the rest of your lives! Congratulations on that! People who dont understand why we want to be thinner, will never get it - and you dont have to explain yourself to anyone on this earth. keep it up, and I wish you and our sister good health, and awesome clothes as you shed the pounds!
  12. 1019Joanne

    In control, maybe for the first time ever!

    Keep it up! You are doing so well! Pretty soon, you will be waving goodbye to the whole 200's! Yay you!
  13. 1019Joanne

    Getting stuck hurts!!!

    wow - bread.....I have not had bread in a very long time - it just does not sit well with me at all! I know some people dont have problems with bread, and others are like me, no tolerance what-so-ever! Wishing you only happy eats! and congrats on the running! Keep moving and the pounds keep coming off!
  14. 1019Joanne

    blood thinner injections

    I, too, was given heparin post-op, as a precaution. If you are concerned about it, talk to your doctor. Wishing you well!
  15. 1019Joanne

    Great Day!

    Congratulations on the shopping trip! I can so relate to the feeling of putting on a size that you have not been in for a long time - I was shopping tonight after work, and bought shirts in a large! who knew I could fit in a large! Whoo hoo! Keep up the good work! You are doing great! P.S. congrats to your husband as well - what a great day!
  16. it will happen - hang in there! I wish you all the best!
  17. 1019Joanne

    4 months in and 51 lbs down

    You are amazing! Keep up the great work!
  18. 1019Joanne

    Breakfast...just not staying full, need help

    high protien greek yogurt with granola added in - that seems to keep my hungry feeling away.
  19. 1019Joanne

    Day 2

    Congratulations on you surgery! Keep walking, and drink water every time you think about it! You are on the right track! Keep it up!
  20. 1019Joanne

    I'm torn about telling

    First of all, congratulations on making this decision to better yourself. Secondly, if you tell people, its YOUR business. You don't have to say one word to anyone, and if a co-worker asks, then its up to you on whether or not you want to share, or just let them wonder. This is up to you. I took the approach that I was going to tell everyone, no secrets, no cover ups - just 100% honesty. But that was me, and my decision. I wish you all the best! Here is to a whole new you!
  21. 1019Joanne

    What should I do?

    warm liquids in small sips....and if that does not stay down, call your doctor....there has to be an emergency protocol that the office follows for situations just like this! I also find that when I am stressed out, my band gets tighter....relax...and if it does not get better, then head to the ER (if your DR does not have an emergency line to call)
  22. 1019Joanne

    Looking for support

    I think that you have to remember who is having this surgery - you are! This is a huge decision for YOU to make, and I know how hard it can be to not have your whole support system 100% behind you. Take your mom with you to an informational seminar - if your doctor has a website, let her see it, and let her see the transformations of people just like you! Have your mom write down just what it is that bothers her about this surgery, and answer them. She can even read things on here, and see that we are just people, trying to get healthy, trying to get the scale into "normal" range! Hang in there! Best wishes to you!
  23. 1019Joanne

    Can't really eat anything...

    you are going to be just fine.. keep drinking water...get your fluids in. Once the trauma of the surgery is past, your body is going to want more. Hang in there, and best wishes as you start this journey!
  24. 1019Joanne

    Almost there...

    You are really doing well! Congratulations! I think we all have those weight milestones - the numbers that might not mean much to anyone else, but to us, it's pure joy! Enjoy the moment when the scale shows you that magic number! I will be cheering you on from here!

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