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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1019Joanne

  1. 1019Joanne

    10/23/09 Shooting Myself in the Foot

    feel better and soon!
  2. 1019Joanne

    No Ride Home

    I am so happy that your mom is going to be there with you - I have been very worried about you and how you were going to manage. If your mom is not going to be around after the first 48 hours, I am thinking you will be ok, since then you will be sort of settling into a "routine" of sorts, and should be feeling better compared to right after your surgery. As far as your birthday - there is plenty to celebrate without food being the centerpiece! You will be able to enjoy your friends and family, after all this is a celebration of your life! All the best to you! Joanne
  3. 1019Joanne

    Newbie - 10 days post op!

    Hi Jessica - I understand how you are feeling! I was banded on the 19th, and the soups and jello are getting old FAST! I would love cottage cheese or oatmeal, but have to wait until I see my doctor on Wednesday. Hang in there - I know this is a struggle, however, we did not come this far to not follow the rules! I have been having broth as "breakfast", a protien shake for "lunch" and soup for "dinner" - with lots of water and crystal light in between. The water in between the meals fills me up, and while I am still HUNGRY, I know that I can keep on going until the next meal. Just a couple more days until you see your doctor - you can do it!
  4. 1019Joanne

    It's K-Joy

    Hi K-Joy - This is a great site for those of us who have been banded, or who are waiting to be! I was just banded on Monday, and have several weeks until my first fill. Awesome job on losing 28lbs! Congratulations and welcome to LBT!
  5. 1019Joanne

    2 days after surgery

    I am 5 days out, and I can relate to the pain! Make sure you walk (my Dr recommended 20 minutes 3 times a day) just to get that gas moving. And keep sipping your water! It will help, too! Hang in there - each day is better than the day before! We did not do this for nothing!
  6. 1019Joanne

    Today is the Day

    Welcome to the club! Wishing you all the best!
  7. 1019Joanne

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Marybeth - have you tried Gas-X strips? I was banded on Monday, and the strips really helped me get thru the pain of the belly gas. Hang in there!
  8. 1019Joanne

    Weight Tracker

    I don't know how to do that either, but when you find out, please let me know!
  9. 1019Joanne


    Congratulations! I wish you all the best!
  10. 1019Joanne

    No Ride Home

    you can hire a car to bring you home, or if your insurance will pay, you can go to a rehab center for several days after surgery until you are well enough to be home by yourself.
  11. Hi there - just checking in on you to see how you are doing. My surgery was on Monday, and although it has not been easy, I know the end result will be worth it.

    Hope all is well!


  12. 1019Joanne

    I'm on the other side finally!!

    Had my surgery on Monday, and I know that every day is going to be better than the day before! Keep sipping that water - and keep up the good work!
  13. 1019Joanne

    sorry :(

    I had my surgery on Monday, and I completely feel your pain! Gas-X strips have helped me so much to get rid of the bubbles. From everything I have read, this is normal. Just hang in there - I will keep you in my thoughts!
  14. 1019Joanne

    Home Sweet Home

    I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.
  15. 1019Joanne


    Hi there - I had my endoscopy 10 days prior to surgery - and my doctor recommends it just because it is the first and last time he can look at the stomach before banding. Hernias can be found, ulcers can be found and it's essential for the physican to know this before performing the banding. My endoscopy was done under sedation, and it was not horrible. good luck with everything!
  16. 1019Joanne

    Home Sweet Home

    I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.
  17. 1019Joanne

    Home Sweet Home

    I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.
  18. 1019Joanne

    Home Sweet Home

    I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.
  19. 1019Joanne

    The Pretty Face

    So many of us tell the same stories, the "you have such a pretty face", or "its all about portion control", or even better " just eat right and hit the gym and you will be fine!" I really don't think that people who do NOT have weight issues will ever understand how we feel. To be self-conscious enough to hide ourselves to avoid photos, to strategically stand in the back row of photos, avoiding video cameras, and putting up brave fronts all day everday - I so get it! I know that gastric banding is not a magic wand approach to weight loss, however, it is the best option for me. It gives me hope, it gives me the chance to change my body to match who I am on the inside, and not just be a pretty face. Good Luck to you - I hope your insurance comes through for you soon! and keep writing on here....as I said before, we all share similar stories!
  20. 1019Joanne

    8 hours to surgery!!!

    I am about 8 hours away as well, and I am also nervous...however, this is the day that we have been waiting for, and a whole new life for us both starts tomorrow morning. Hang in there - by this time tomorrow, we are on our way!
  21. Here we go! The day we have been waiting for! It's about 11:40pm on October 18th - and here I am, trying to down a bottle of water to make sure I am not dehydrated in the morning!

    I wish you all the best in the morning - and I will see you here soon!


  22. wishing you the best!

  23. hi there - just stopping by to see how you are today. Hope all is well!

  24. 1019Joanne

    36 hours until banding

    WOW - I can't believe that I have 36 hours until I am banded. 36 hours! Today, my youngest and I went on a tour of UMASS Amherst (she is a senior in high school this year) and the tour of this beautiful campus was lead by an enthuastic 20 year old, someone who could run up and down the hills of this university with no problem. Me, on the other hand, I was out of breath halfway up the first hill! I stayed with the pack, kept going, and toured the campus on this picturesque autumn New England day. I wanted to make sure this day was all my daughter wanted it to be, and I did not want to embarrass her. So, I kept going....and going...and going. I just know that if we tour this campus again, I will be in better shape, thanks to this surgery, and going to the gym faithfully. I did not have the cider and donuts provided, I, instead, bought a water from the vending machine for $4! It would have been easy to cheat on my two week "liver shrink" diet, but I owe it to Me to stay true. I know this is the right decision for ME. I have heard people say "oh, just eat better and exercise more"....thanks....if that worked for me, I would not be in this spot! However, all of my family, and most of my friends/co-workers are all so supportive of my choice, that words sometimes are not enough. As I left my office yesterday, I carried a gift bag from my friends - a "good luck" bamboo plant, gift cards to our local Stop & Shop (Peapod delivers, which means my daughter will be thrilled) and Lysol (I am addicted to Lysol!!) What awesome co-workers I have! We even went to the local restaurant for Happy Hour, and my water with lemon never tasted so good! Happy Hour is happy, when sharing it with people you enjoy, even when partaking in H2O only. So, tonight, I finished the shopping, bought Halloween candy for the trick or treaters in two weeks, and now to finish the laundry. Tomorrow I will shampoo the carpets and finish up all the last minute things I may have forgotten ....and then Monday morning, at 9:45, I report for my surgery. 36 hours. That is why my life changes for the better!

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