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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1019Joanne

  1. 1019Joanne

    10/30/09 Happy Halloween!

    too funny!
  2. 1019Joanne

    Holy Bruises Batman!

    oh my, when was your surgery? Mine was 10/19, and the first several days were agony. I felt as if I had been sawed in two, and put back together again. However - hang in there. The heating pad works wonders. I will keep you in my thoughts! Joanne
  3. 1019Joanne

    New from Indiana

    Hang in there Shannon - the first couple days are the hardest! Gas-X strips really helped me with the pain, and remember to walk...walk and walk a little more! Walking seems to get everything moving again, and makes that gas go away! This is just the start of our new lives! I wish you only the best! Joanne:thumbup:
  4. 1019Joanne

    first Post-Op appointment

    I had my surgery on Oct 19, and went back to see my surgeon today. I have to say I was pretty excited to step on the scale, probably for the first time in my life. Day of surgery I weighed 266....today I weighed 252...the day I started this journey on July 1, I was 277. So....I have lost 25 lbs??!!! OMG - but where? I look in the mirror and I see me, the very same me that has been staring back at me all of my life. Yes, my clothes look baggier, and yes I have people telling me over and over how great I look, but I want to see it too! I want to feel lighter. I want to feel "normal" whatever that is! LOL
  5. 1019Joanne

    Why I chose to get Lap-Band?

    Congratulations on doing this for you! As you can tell, so many of us on here all have similar stories about why we gained, how we gained, and now...how we are all losing with our bands! I wish you all the best on this journey!
  6. you have to remember that this is for 3 months - not the rest of your life! Hang in there - this whole process can feel overwhelming at times, and I think that if you look at the END RESULT, it brings it back into perspective. It's really not about this three months, its about the entire journey! This is just a small part of your life, and three months down the road, you are going to be that much closer to having your surgery! Talk to your nutritionist and see if there is another option for you - the worst thing they can say is "no" - the nutritionist is a vital part of your healthcare team, just as you are. Hang in there!
  7. 1019Joanne

    first Post-Op appointment

    I had my surgery on Oct 19, and went back to see my surgeon today. I have to say I was pretty excited to step on the scale, probably for the first time in my life. Day of surgery I weighed 266....today I weighed 252...the day I started this journey on July 1, I was 277. So....I have lost 25 lbs??!!! OMG - but where? I look in the mirror and I see me, the very same me that has been staring back at me all of my life. Yes, my clothes look baggier, and yes I have people telling me over and over how great I look, but I want to see it too! I want to feel lighter. I want to feel "normal" whatever that is! LOL
  8. 1019Joanne

    2 weeks post op

    Hi there - I am 10 days post op, and had my follow up with the surgeon and I can start mushies, too! I cannot tell you how excited I was to have cottage cheese today! I am headed back to work on Monday (two weeks out for me), I am down 25 lbs over all, and 13 since surgery. Congratulations! You are doing great!
  9. Hi there - Congratulations on the BIG 100! I am so very proud of you! I was banded last week at St Raphaels in New Haven and so far, so good! I wish you continued success!
  10. as you can see - this is a site where people are very comfortable in expressing their own opinions. Electrawoman, there are so many people on here who really are trying to give the best advise they can give you. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. I am sorry that the questions you were looking to have answered somehow turned into something else. Hang in there - and please feel free to message me if you have any questions.
  11. 1019Joanne

    10/27/09: And the journey continues...

    I can honestly understand how hard it is to give up soda - however after many years of being a Diet Coke addict, I gave it up August 2 - still had plenty in my house, and car, but just decided that was the day for me to stop. I had to do that for me. As far as your insurance goes, I, too, am going to have to make a new provider choice for next year - however, I am already through my 3 month pre-op diet, and had surgery on 10/19 - and I have been very concerned that my follow up appointments with the surgeon might not be covered under the new options. I have placed phone calls to all the companies and just asked what their bariatric coverages are. Hang in there - this is just the beginning of the journey for us all!
  12. 1019Joanne

    SOOOOO Excited

    that positive attitude is going to bring you a long way! Keep it up! I am wishing you all the best!
  13. 1019Joanne

    The Beginning!

    You have already made a great start by coming on here! The best thing to do is make a list of questions that you want answers to, and then post them on here - every doctor has their own way of doing things, but all in all, we are all in the same boat! Also, check with your insurance company to see what your coverage allows - be proactive in this, and be well informed. I wish you well!
  14. 1019Joanne

    is it just a cold...or swine flu?

    Stay well everyone and I hope this helps! Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms Fever Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. Coughing A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). Aches Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severeaches and pains are common with the flu. Stuffy Nose Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. Chills Chills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the flu experience chills. Tiredness Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu. Sneezing Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. Sneezing is not common with the flu. Sudden Symptoms Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. Headache A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases. Sore Throat Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu. Chest Discomfort Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu. RECOGNIZE SWINE FLU SYMPTOMS! DEFEND YOURSELF High Risk Groups ·Children below 5 years ·Senior persons above 65 years ·HIV infected persons ·Diabetic patients ·Pregnant Women ·Lung & Heart patients ·Obese persons Warning signs for children ·Troubled or abnormal breathing ·Bluish skin color ·Lessened intake of water/fluids ·Extended sleep or lack of interaction ·Irritable ·Fever with rash ·Flu-like symptoms recede, but return with fever and worsened cough Warning signs for adults · Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath · Pain/pressure in chest/abdomen · Sudden dizziness · Confusion · Severe or persistent vomiting · Seasonal flu vaccines or past immunizations DO NOT provide protection against the H1N1 virus · Please visit a qualified physician if you suspect Swine Flu symptoms. Avoid self-treatment * Persons infected with the H1N1 virus may be able to pass it on 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 days after infection
  15. 1019Joanne

    is it just a cold...or swine flu?

    Stay well everyone and I hope this helps! Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms Fever Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. Coughing A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). Aches Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severeaches and pains are common with the flu. Stuffy Nose Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. Chills Chills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the flu experience chills. Tiredness Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu. Sneezing Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. Sneezing is not common with the flu. Sudden Symptoms Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. Headache A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases. Sore Throat Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu. Chest Discomfort Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu. RECOGNIZE SWINE FLU SYMPTOMS! DEFEND YOURSELF High Risk Groups ·Children below 5 years ·Senior persons above 65 years ·HIV infected persons ·Diabetic patients ·Pregnant Women ·Lung & Heart patients ·Obese persons Warning signs for children ·Troubled or abnormal breathing ·Bluish skin color ·Lessened intake of water/fluids ·Extended sleep or lack of interaction ·Irritable ·Fever with rash ·Flu-like symptoms recede, but return with fever and worsened cough Warning signs for adults · Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath · Pain/pressure in chest/abdomen · Sudden dizziness · Confusion · Severe or persistent vomiting · Seasonal flu vaccines or past immunizations DO NOT provide protection against the H1N1 virus · Please visit a qualified physician if you suspect Swine Flu symptoms. Avoid self-treatment * Persons infected with the H1N1 virus may be able to pass it on 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 days after infection
  16. 1019Joanne

    surgery tmw!

    Good Luck to ALL of you having surgery tomorrow! I was banded last Monday, and I am wishing you all the best!
  17. 5 days into your liquid diet - awesome - keep it up! This journey will make you a stronger person - trust me! I was banded on the 19th, and I can so understand the want to have more to eat than just broth, jello, and protein shakes!

    It's all going to be ok!


  18. my best advise is to contact your insurance company - see what the coverage is under you specific policy. Your doctors office is most likely well versed in the insurance coverages, and they can be an asset to you as well. Best of Luck!
  19. 1019Joanne

    Less than 48 hours

    I felt the same way, and trust me, as I was being wheeled down the hallway into the OR, brain was screaming "what are you doing???" but I kept on going - I had to - I had come too far to quit on myself! We are all afraid of change, of coming out of our safety zones, but in the long run, it will be SO worth it! Hang in there - this is just the beginning of a journey that is all about YOU! Good Luck with everything!
  20. 1019Joanne


    - what an inspiration! I was just banded on the 19th, and I can only hope to be down 40 lbs soon! thanks for sharing and welcome to the site!
  21. 1019Joanne

    imaluckydog Now!!!

    You have CROSSED OVER! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
  22. 1019Joanne

    It's Always Something

    Sitting here on a beautiful autumn Sunday morning, and just got off the phone with a well-intentioned friend, and I just had to put something into words. My friend asked why I would have surgery so close to Halloween? CLOSE TO HALLOWEEN??? OMG - well, lets take a look at the calendar--- Yes, Halloween is 10/31 then Thanksgiving and then Christmas quickly followed by the New Year and then my birthday and then it's Valentines Day and then St Patricks Day and then Easter and Mothers Day and Memorial Day and Fathers Day and Fourth of July and then Labor Day and here we are - right back at Halloween! Why is my friend so hung up on why I did this so close to Halloween? I guess she is more worried about missing out on candy than I am! There is always going to be something right around the corner that could impact when surgery is right for any of us. HOWEVER, I know that I can celebrate Thanksgiving ANY DAY because it's really not the food that the celebration should be about - it's about the people you celebrate with. I cannot become hung up on the things that I will miss for a short time - I have to focus on the long term results. I have not been happy in my own body for so long. This is my chance to finally be ME - the me that I know has been hiding inside my fatsuit - my safety net - just waiting for the opportunity to come out and shine. There will always be an excuse if someone looks for it - OR - there will be opportunity. I congratulate every single person who took the opportunity to make their life better. This is not taking the easy way out - This is taking control and making a committment to change- for the better!
  23. 1019Joanne


    I was banded on Monday also. I also have pain, and my doctor said it was due to the gas pumped in during surgery. Walking helped to move the gas along. Hang in there - you are not alone!
  24. 1019Joanne

    Never Again...

    I cried while reading everyone's lists...and I can relate to SOOOO many of them. I am five days post-op, and living in "Bandster Hell" as it has been so nicely put on here! However, I made the decision to have this surgery to make my life better, and I vow to follow the rules, and become a better me. here is my list: I will never again get into my car after work, and unzip and unbotton my pants because they were too tight and I suffered all day long in them I will never again hide in the backrow of group photos, trying to hide my body I will never again be the fattest mom at my child's school I will never skip another high school reunion, because I am so worried about my weight I will never again worry about what size bra I buy I will never again be ashamed of what I order to eat while dining out with friends I will be committed to this change I will be honest with myself about how I look I will stay true to my fitness plan and my diet I wish everyone health and happiness. This is quite a change for all of us, but a change for the better.
  25. 1019Joanne

    10/24/09 My Family Rocks

    How awesome! You have a wonderful family, and your very own laptop is quite a "bandiversary" gift and well deserved! Enjoy!

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