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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    DownIn: There are definitely toothless, backwoods folks in Virginia. Some of them have such an accent I would defy most other Americans to understand them. But there are also Virginians who are some of the most sophisticated people in the world. Which is another illustration of why it is downright stupid to slap a tag on people and declare that they are smart and good or that they are dumb and evil. One thing I know for sure: the color of one's skin, or one's sexual preferences or the choice of one's church, do not reveal whether a person is good or bad. You have to dig much deeper than those superficial things to find out whether you're dealing with a person of quality and high moral values.
  2. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Beth you're the one who is speaking in absolutes here. Not me. I have no idea how it would go if everyone were allowed to vote on it. I tend to think that gay marriage would be defeated, but it is definitely not a given like you think it is. And it absolutely DOES have to do with Christianity and religion.
  3. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    You know Beth, there has not been a nation-wide referendum on the question of gay marriage. How could you possibly know how the majority of Americans feel on this issue? You know what you've heard or read and I just don't think that there has been a true test yet on how all Americans feel about this issue. You may have decided that because the majority of Americans are Christian, that it follows that the majority of Americans would then vote for a ban on gay marriage. What you may not have taken into account is how many Christians do not have a problem with gays marrying. If your source is some poll that a group has taken, it doesn't change my argument at all. Remember how exit polls aren't accurate? At least during some elections... One reason I take issue with your statements is because you keep noting that when you use the word "majority", it is not in quotes.
  4. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Or hey, like Beth might be suggesting (?) he's a transvestite. Needs to tuck, but in that case, forgot to. Not gay, you see, but likes women's apparel including tiaras. Or IS gay and is trying to deflect attention by his answer. Or hmmm, maybe he'll have the surgery one day and become a transgender. Or, well, the possibilities are endless, aren't they?
  5. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Everybody is acting like this is an isolated event. Many times over the years women have been made to pay for comments they made or unpopular behavior they did when they were involved in pagents. This is hardly the first. There have even been ones that were just as controversial. So it seems that if Miss California wanted to the crown badly enough, she would have played the pagent game, i.e., she would have given a politically correct answer. Pagents are all about profit. They're about promoting products, although sometimes under the guise of promoting charitable endeavors. Companies that subsidize pagents expect their queens to be relatively non-controversial. Anyone remember the Vanessa Williams fiasco? She got thrown out on her ear. Just as others have been, before and since. Gay marriage is a very hot topic right now and both the proponents for it and the people who are against it should be glad that she opened up the can of worms - it gives them all a chance to weigh in on the subject on a daily basis now. Even here at LBT. Poor Miss Cali. Her friends and family probably goaded her into making the decision to "expose" herself with the answer she gave. Truth be known, I'll bet she would have rather had the crown. I mean she went so far as to get the boobs so you'd think she actually wanted the crown. Or maybe not. She could just want the notariety, like Paris and Brittney and Octomom.
  6. Obama is a smart man and he is a fair one. If he has a resonable choice of whether to penalize corporations for bad choices that harm America or reward them for good choices that benefit America, I believe he will reward them for good choices. In fact, reawrding bad behavior is how we got where we are. Bush put the incentives and rewards out there for corporations, which created a high-profit greed-driven frenzy. That's what got us where we are today. Only a very few Americans have benefitted from those incentives. Millions have been harmed by them. I am sorry that some of you think that rewarding corporations for their extremely ruthless, greedy behavior is the foundation to make capitalism work. For capitalism to work in America, you can't break the back of the majority of Americans. You can't topple the economy and expect capitalism to survive. There always have to be checks and balances and hopefully that's ALL we need, just some oversight that will prevent American corporations from flushing this country down the toilet.
  7. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    plain I'm not sure that you know the motivation of someone posting semi-nude photos of her. It could be her BFF who's just trying to extend her 15 minutes. Or she could be like Paris, having someone do it for her. So how do you think the gay community got hold of random photos of her??
  8. Actually gadget, the word "never" is the operative word that makes Palin a liar - not the word "consider." Nice try at a deflection though.
  9. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    The problem with what you're preaching about homosexuality, patty, is that in the past and sometime in the future, people ridicule homosexuals, abuse them physically and even kill them because they think that they should embrace God's word that homosexuals are an abomination - and they hear it every Sunday spouted regularly by evangelicals, right wing extremists and other holier than thou folks. You said it yourself, God gave man free will and God created mankind. He didn't create just heretosexuals. In a perfect world, everything would be perfect. God punished Adam and Eve and we have something much less than perfect. In every way. For people to condemn homosexuals for who they are and how they choose to lead their lives, and whom God made anyway you look at it, is being judgmental and it results in lots of human beings being hurt. But thanks for your lesson on the Bible. That sure cleared that up for me. Sorry for the sarcasm. I've heard everything you wrote all my life in various forms. As I'm sure you have heard everything I've written all your life in various forms. The difference between you and me is that you're going to heaven and I'm going to hell, eh?
  10. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    No one claims to ever have seen God write anything. No one claims to have seen God. They claim they have seen God IN things, but not God Himself in a physical form. That's one reason why there are no pictures or paintings of God. One must use their imagination or spiritual beliefs to envision God. So tell me, how can God physically write something if he doesn't manifest himself in a physical way? Please note that I do not have a quarrel with the idea that parts of the Bible have been divinely inspired. THAT is what you cannot disprove.
  11. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I believe a bisexual is deemed to be attracted to both men and women. I believe that to a bisexual, it has to do with sexual attractiveness. Homosexuals are attracted sexually to a person of the same sex. Heretosexuals to a member of the opposite sex. I think pansexual people can be attracted to anyone, including transgender folks, transvestites, asexuals, etc., etc. In other words, they are not attracted to people because of a sexual draw. They are attracted to people for their personalities and who they are psychologically, instead of who they are sexually.
  12. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Well that's a pretty darned simplistic way to condemn Joe for stating his beliefs, eh? I mean there has been YEARS of dialogue on this subject on LBT. It has been an exhaustive and exhausted discussion of the topic and one party (actually several) have repeatedly claimed that even though there is good evidence to the contrary, they still stand by their belief that God actually wrote the Bible and that the Bible should be interpreted literally. Would it have been more comfortable for you if Joe had used the term "pig headed"? Or "foolish" instead of "fool"? Or are we all just expected to agree to disagree? Oh yeah, except that the foolish, pigheaded party won't do that. Hmmm. Guess this is the reason for religious wars, eh?
  13. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    want: I believe I understand. The pansexual is not always attracted to a person of the same sex or the opposite sex. They are attracted to the person no matter what sex they are. If it is a woman, she might fall in love with another woman or she might fall in love with a man. You understand homosexual, heretosexual and bisexual preferences, right? Well it seems to me that a pansexual doesn't have a set preference for a person of either the female persuasion or male persuasion. They are attracted to and love people because of who they are, unrelated to which sex they are. How'm I doing here, Nancy?
  14. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    plain, takes one to know one. Ninnie, ninnie, na na. (I gotta give you your props - you do your share of mocking and so that certainly qualifies you to call me out.) For what it's worth (and we all know it's not worth much, but, whatever) I respect what you posted about your beliefs regarding the Bible. Your beliefs pretty much align with most Christians' take on the subject. It makes sense. But you do know that I wasn't speaking in reference to someone with wholly conventional beliefs, don't you? And in the Bible it says that to call someone a "fool" is a bad thing. So be it. I guess that pretty much sums up how I feel about extremists who are judgemental and intolerant but who say they love people when they so obviously demonstrate that they do not respect other people, much less love them. Not only do they scorn other people and their beliefs, but they do not even respect other religions or beliefs. And I believe that until we creatures here on earth can learn to live together with mutual love and respect, we will never be able to live in harmony and peace. LBT is a microcosm that illustrates that perfectly. Yes, intolerance sits squarely on my shoulders too. Guilty as charged. (At least I don't pretend to love everybody and dish out lip service saying what a good little sinner I am.)
  15. Beth: "To presume it was a pro-life "stunt" belittles her pain." Well going through the pain is one thing. Using an experience like that, putting it out there in that way, is a stunt and THAT belittles her pain and her experience as far as I am concerned. The truth of the situation, what actually happened over time was one thing and choosing to use it to work an different agenda is another. It's like Sarah Palin talking out both sides of her mouth in a way. She says one thing when it suits her agenda, but says something different when it suits a different agenda that she's working at a different time.
  16. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    As the queen of the ramblers, you don't ramble too much! It is great to get the perspective of someone who the issue has touched personally. I'll be honest. I haven't heard the term "pansexual" before coming to LBT. I have heard the description of that kind of ability or desire to love, regardless of sexual identity, but never heard the supposed name for it. I read the definition you posted and I can't imagine what the reference to "more than two genders" means, except to say that perhaps it refers to beings who are transsexual, or bisexual, or transgender, or heretosexuals or homosexuals. Although we usually think of "gender" as referring to male or female. However if you consider the entire definition of the word gender, it can include classifications of things.
  17. BJean

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I agree Kat, patty is assuming that your only knowledge of Octomom is what the media is telling you. In fact, we have all had the pleasure (or displeasure) of hearing Octomom speak of her situation and we have even seen her parents interviewed and heard their evaluation of the situation. If her own parents know she's a nut job and needs help, it is frustrating for us to read patty continually behaving if Octomom is her BFF, which gives her the right to tell everyone that Octomom deserves the benefit of the doubt about what she's done. Or that by some magic "medium" ability that patty possesses, she knows that Octomom does not deserve our criticism. This one of the reasons why I thought patty believed it is great for people to have as many children as they can.
  18. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    plain: Rick Warren
  19. Does that mean that you think that when we give corporations big tax breaks and incentives, they pass the savings on to the consumer? Hopefully President Obama is considering making it not so lucrative for American corporations to operate overseas and to hire employees who are non-residents of this country. So instead of incentivizing them to hurt the American worker and the mid-level American tax payer, he will incentivize them to operate in a way that is beneficial to this country. You think that's a bad thing, right?
  20. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Nancy that was a very nice post. I haven't seen the movie. But it sounds like one that I saw with a similar theme. If you saw it and it didn't touch your heart, you're be a hard person! I have a neighbor who was married twice to men. She had been hurt badly (physically) by one and the other one ended pretty much due to indifference on his part. She met a wonderful woman who has been gay ever since she could remember. They fell in love and are now committed to each other completely. They've forged out a beautiful life together. They have a gorgeous home and take fantastic vacations and are really wonderful friends to have. They are the most thoughtful and caring people I know. They mostly hang out with people who are quite a bit older than they are because they've found that older people are much more accepting of them as just the people they are, without attaching labels or making negative judgements about their sexual orientation. The first woman I spoke of may not be gay because she says that if anything ever happened to her current partner, she would date men again. So I don't know how her actual sexual orientation would be "diagnosed" but I don't have any intention of making a judgement like that about either of them. I accept them as the beautiful people that they are. How they conduct their sex life has absolutely nothing to do with me and has no impact on my relationship with them.
  21. gadget I was NOT belittling her grief over having an abortion! I was definitely calling her behavior ignorant - although I was not calling her ignorant! The way her story is being used is certainly not ignorant - it is typical of the way the anti-choice movement chooses to spread their propaganda. No different than using slavery in their desperate attempts to pull people into their way of thinking. And if you understand the definition of ignorance, you must agree that her behavior showed that she was definitely ignorant of many things.
  22. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    God bless the elderly - they aren't functioning with all their faculties. plain for the life of me right this moment I can't think of the guy's name. I will figure it out and let you know. He's the guy who interviewed McCain and Obama separately on TV. I may even think of it before I finish this post. As for the fool comment of mine. I have a question for you that I believe I know the answer to: Do you read everything in the Bible and interpret it literally? Do you believe that God came down and spoke to a few chosen people and told them literally what to write down? I believe that parts of the Bible are divinely inspired, but I do not appreciate that some people constantly refer to the Bible as a book that God wrote.
  23. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    patty: "bjean, It was God who said 'The wisdom of man is foolishness unto God.'" When exactly did God say that, patty? Oh and under what circumstances and in what context? I believe that God gave us inquiring minds for a reason.
  24. BJean

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    People have misinterpreted what I write many, many times. They're actually putting two and two together and coming up with five. I thought you had been pretty consistent in your posts about having children though. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Why do you think God wanted us to bring forth children and make families?
  25. BJean

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    baby, there's definitely some value in it but where would we go to see if our blood pressure meds are working? :thumbup: Thanks for the feedback, grrlz!

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