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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Fox and Rush and Palin used to infuriate me because they didn't tell the truth some of the time and they exaggerated for effect most of the time. The public is finally on to them so it's easier for me to laugh now.
  2. Good for you 4Pyes. Sounds like you're doing great.
  3. Certainly not ALL churches split away from the Catholic Church in the beginning because they decided they wanted to live without the confines of the Bible's teachings. Mostly they started new churches and in the case of the Pilgrims even new countries, because of religious persecution and politics. You've been quick to say that all people are sinners and far from perfect. Well leaders of those organized religions then, and now, are imperfect and motivated by greed, the sin of being proud and so many other wicked, wicked behaviors and beliefs that human beings are capable of. But it is folly to say that all organized religion is impure and untrustworthy and not interpreting the Bible the way God intended. There is no doubt however, that deep within the core of many churches today, runs a vein of corruption, hate, greed and evil.
  4. Good question, Cleo's. The poster will quickly tell you that all organized religion is lousy. She's found one she can live with, but it is far from perfect. So I think that only the all-knowing Church of Patty is the only one we can all trust to interpret the Bible and tell us how to live.
  5. BJean

    Health Care

    Except for guilt-ridden thinkers, the majority of Americans understand the necessity for our laws to allow women the right to choose.
  6. BJean

    Health Care

    pg you have really stepped over the line this time. I'm beginning to think that you're some little kook in a back room getting a huge laugh out of all of this. Because you defnitely cannot be serious about this "kids taking care of their aging parents" thing as a real answer to the huge problem of our aging and infirm population. It is so wrong on so many levels that I can hardly begin to list them all. But the basic assumption that all people have children is the most obtuse thing I've heard. Once you've taken that incredibly idiotic posture and go on to assume that both of the kids work, who have these elderly ailing parents, you're merely digging the failed logic hole you've dug for yourself, even deeper. And if those mindless absurdities weren't bad enough, you suggest that one of the working kids just quit their job to take care of the elderly and ailing parents. And it just keeps getting better... Ad absurdum, ad infinitum.
  7. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Palin is hilarious without Saturday Night Live. Of course Saturday Night Live took advantage of the situation. But they didn't have to have writers to do a parody of her like they do with most politicans. They just repeated whatever she said that week. It was amazing! They didn't have to make up something outrageous to make us laugh at her. She was outrageous all on her own.
  8. I'm glad you're finally citing your sources, patty. As for Mr. Dunn, he's preaching in the same tone and saying the same kinds of things that make good people live under a heavy cloak of guilt. That guilt has nothing to do with goodness. It has everything to do with being judgemental and condescending and holier than thou. If Americans are beginning to think for themselves instead of having preachers and politicians and the Pope telling them what they should think and believe, then it is a very good thing. The extremist right wing seem to believe that intelligence and independent thinking have no place in the world today. We must all follow the path that some PEOPLE have laid out for us because they say they are guided by the Lord. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) through their actions and their words, we see that they are not divinely inspired and not worthy of our respect.
  9. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Go, go, go, go, go! Get to your doctor and get some restriction taken away. It could ease up on its' own, but if it is that tight, it may not. And in the meantime, you can be doing some damage by throwing up a lot.
  10. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    btrieger- don't stay gone too long. It won't be much fun without you! As for the sheep - HAR!
  11. BJean

    Health Care

    You think that if someone in the United States of America can't make a living or pay for health care or work because they are disabled or take care of a special needs child or afford medication because they do not have enough education to get the kind of job that will pay enough.... that they should just buckle down and get a roommate? Or devise some craft project to pay for the necessities to survive? If all Americans believed this, we wouldn't be the strong country that we are. Using your logic, if you can't afford to pay for the highway to get you out of your neighborhood patty, then you should just put a few coins away until you can pay for it. The government sure doesn't owe you a road! Tough Beans on you. We don't guarantee you a road, or electricity or clean Water. You need to get out there and dig a well.. oh yeah, it is probably contaminated with chemicals from the huge conglomerate corporations that can do whatever they want in order to make billions of dollars. It isn't up to them to see to it that our water table stays free of contaminants. They are in it for free enterprise and that's what capitalism is all about, baby! If people lived in the United States by the formula you espouse, this truly wouldn't be a place you'd want to live. We have a government that we set up to build a country that is a desirable place to live. One that has clean air and water. One that refuses to allow people to die from lack of medical attention. One that insists that children grow up with a basic education and hopefully affords them the opportunity for a higher education. We are a country where the people can depend on the government to oversee greedy corporations with no conscience and no qualms about polluting the country and taking advantage of their workers. You only see the government as bad and a vehicle for taking your hard-earned money away. Fortunately most of us know that the government is necessary and we are grateful for it. We understand that we should all pay a fair proportion so that the government can do all of the things that must be done, by the government, to ensure that we enjoy the best possible place on earth to live. You seem to want us to run the goverment on donations or just abolish the government altogether. Your idea of government boils down to the fact that any taxes that you must pay to run it, smacks of socialism. You're one strange character.
  12. BJean

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    Speaking of all that is holy... holy frijoles kartman! 15% body fat??? Whoot! You are something special.
  13. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Good rant, tdslf1. You hit the proverbial nail on the head.
  14. How are you doing? I haven't been online in quite a while. But have wondered how you are.

  15. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    TheCutestFatty that's a point well taken. It's the incredibly over-zealous fanatics that make the rest of us good Christians look bad. (Kinda like the Al Queda vs. regular Muslims)
  16. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    patty if you're going to post at LBT I have a right to address you, just as you have a right to respond to my posts. I was merely pointing out to others that it is beyond silly of me to spend the time because you are clearly not an open-minded person. You not only are a hard-line extremist right winger, you are unwilling to listen to reason. Even when someone here makes a valid argument it's as if you are plugging your ears and going "lalalalalalalala... I can't heeer you!" There have been some excellent posts and arguments made in the last couple of pages. Good for those posters! The neat thing about you patty, is that you get a thread like this going and it generates a good deal of outrage and it gives your opposition an excellent opportunity to post lots of material that makes sense, and at the same time it allows everyone to see how transparent and stilted your arguments are.
  17. BJean

    Band Getting Removed on 11/30

    Adam is right on!! It is very important that you get some of the restriction removed - ASAP. Not trying to worry you, but there can be some bad consequences for having the band so tight you vomit that often. Vomiting is never a good thing anyway, but while occasionally is somewhat acceptable, vomiting every day is not. I don't know if your doctors aren't aware of what you're experiencing, or if they are inexperienced doctors. But you need to read up on what can happen if your band is too tight. There are threads here at LBT that discuss slipped bands, reflux and all that. You need to take good care of yourself. Losing weight is great, but you should not be experiencing the kind of problems you're having in order for the band to work properly.
  18. BJean

    Health Care

    Right on!! We have a health care system where COMPANIES, strictly motivated by profit, are making the medical decisions that we and our doctors should be making. It is not in the companies' best interest to give us the best possible medical care. It is in their best interest to see to it that we have the medical care that costs them the least amount of money. So who suffers here and who profits? We individuals suffer and the companies make huge profits. And we pay exorbitant sums of money to be told which doctors we can see and what treatments and drugs we can use. Americans are getting the short end of the stick with the system that we have. Our health is the most important component to our survival and we depend on a purely for profit business to make life and death decisions for us. What could be worse? Well, having the government intervening on our behalf sure isn't worse! Right now, it's our only hope out of this mess we have allowed ourselves to be sucked into.
  19. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    And why have you decided that global warming is a myth perpetuated by the government? I tell myself not to engage with people who are so brainwashed and outrageously extreme that they can't see the forest for the trees, yet I keep beating my head against the wall. Makes me look stupid, I know. I suppose I do it because I don't have a voice on Fox allowing me to rebut those Rupert Murdoch tools, so to help with my frustration, I rant here. Silly me.
  20. BJean

    Health Care

    Tort reform has no business being in the proposed health care legislation. It is a separate issue. And it has many implications and problems that will need to be scrutinized and resolved before it could be a good thing for Americans. Even though we may agree that there is some value in tort reform, the difference between you and me is that you believe that tort reform is the answer to all our problems in the medical industry and I know that it is not.
  21. You don't need the band if you are disciplined enough to go on a liquid diet. I was on a liquid diet (Optifast) for 9 weeks when I was younger. A liquid diet will obviously result in a weight loss. Losing weight is not always the problem. Keeping lost weight off is often the major problem for obese people. I thought that the band was the answer. It has not been the answer for me. I'm afraid of getting the sleeve, but it may be the best hope for me at this point in my life. I followed my doctor's and dietitian's program to the letter for over a year. Just over 40 lbs. lost and then plateau and lots of Pb'ing. Constant doctor's appointments with constant restriction fluctuation and adjustments. I do not understand how having irritating restriction in that specific spot will not wind up causing some kind of health issue over the long haul. I believe I am ready to get the thing removed. Whether I also get the sleeve will be something I will need to fully understand before I go for it. I thought I was fully informed when I got the band. I realized later that I was so desperate that I wasn't hearing everything or comprehending everything I read. When Sharon Osbourne got hers removed, I was shocked. She had been my role model. It was so disappointing and I couldn't understand why she would have hers removed. I couldn't even stand to listen to her reasoning at the time. Now I completely understand. Unfortunately.
  22. BJean

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    It's interesting to note that the anti-Obama list is mostly subjective with a large does of conjecture and debatable data thrown in whereas the anti-Palin list is factual and supported by dates, times, actual quotes, etc. Typical. Nothing new here. The thread subject heading is just a mind-numbing effort for patty to protificate.
  23. BJean

    Health Care

    As for Cleo's post... what about it is bull? Why do you have such a hard time seeing the truth? Are you in the insurance business yourself? That would certainly explain a lot of things.
  24. BJean

    Health Care

    And declaring tort reform to be the answer to our horrible health care system (that is not run by the government, by the way) is one of the most ridiculous things the right wing has tossed into the ring. There is a tiny element of truth to the fact that some tort reform is needed, but the insurance companies would love for you to believe that tort reform is the answer to everything. They'd like nothing better than for the government to make it illegal to sue your negligent doctor or hospital. It's pitiful that some of you have bought into that mantra. They're leading you down the scary path to even more insurance company control of your life! You should be far more afraid of what the insurance companies and their lobbyists have up their sleeves than what the government has up its' sleeves.

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