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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Democrats vs republicans

    patty's gone. ariscus is back. a coincidence? I'm a frayed knot.
  2. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    You two are hilarious.
  3. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    HI INDIOGIRL! Hope you're doing well. Your photo is beautiful!! And WOW 136 lbs! Great job!
  4. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    You're right Llyra, I didn't say goodbye. Good bye patty, well wishes and here's to you some day reaching a greater spiritual enlightenment. With God, all things are possible.
  5. My dietician (although I like the term "nut" to denote nutritionist) told me that I should have 1000 to 1200 calories a day. Approx. the same Protein count as schaf921 has and a similar meal plan, plus a chewable Centrum a day with Water at Breakfast, one sublinquil Vitamin B-12, 1 chewable Calcium + Vitamin D tab with both lunch and dinner. If I start losing my hair, a Biotin tablet a day and increase my protein intake although neither of those might help with the hair loss. Nioxin hair products for hair loss might help too, she said. Plus 64 oz of water per day, above and beyond any other liquids I drink. Those are my goals, although I admit that most days I am not perfect in every category. Somedays I take in more than 1200 calories, some days quite a bit less. And most days I can't get in all that water but adding a squeeze of lemon helps me drink more.
  6. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    You know, I think that everyone wishes patty well. I honestly don't think that anyone wishes bad things for her or anybody else posting here. I do think that some people got their fill of the right wing rethoric and that's why everything became too hot for the mods to handle. And they're right. When debates become personal, even in Rants & Raves, it doesn't solve anything and it can be hurtful. I think at least a couple of us are still reeling from some of the personal comments she made. And I think that's why things got out of hand and personal toward her. Even so, we should all be above that and we should try to keep things cordial or at least civil between us. We need to discuss the issues, not attack each other personally. After all, we honestly do not know each other. We don't know if we're good parents. We don't know why some of us had an abortion. We don't know why some of us don't embrace Christianity. We ONLY know what is posted. And since we're essentially posting anonymously, we only know what we read and there are people who intentionally incite loaded emotional debate. If we fall for that tactic and get all mad and hateful, it's on us. Now back to your regularly scheduled forum.
  7. Tiff, I have trouble with anything overly processed or artificial flavorings, etc. There's a certain taste in some of the packaged frozen foods that is overwhelming to me. I used to eat Lean Cuisine meals and Healthy Choices. In fact, my husband and I dieted on Health Choice meals for about a year when they first came out. We both got our fat levels down with them but I got to the point where I would rather have eaten the box than the food inside. But I'm all for whatever works for somebody else! I think if you've found something that works for you and you're getting decent nutritional value doing it, then two thumbs up! I had half a Marathon bar for breakfast and somebody else would probably gag on that. :001_tongue:)
  8. I agree with Llyra and LeighaMason. Both good points but especially the one saying this poll is distasteful -because it has some bias built in.
  9. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    Nope, looks can be deceiving. They haven't been removed, just closed. Try to post on SOME of the political and religious threads. The ones that were the most lively. The ones that "heated up." The duller ones are still there but no one seems to be interested in them.
  10. BJean

    Really? I mean...REALLY??!?!?!?

    I saw a friend for the first time since my surgery (I've lost 40 lbs since she saw me last) and btw she's well over 200 lbs herself. She complimented me nicely and was very sweet and then she launched into a rant about how wrong these people are who lose weight from having surgery! I was stunned. If I told her I had surgery what was she going to do, take back all the compliments? I'm a chicken because I just listened and didn't straighten her out. I should have at least said something like... I'm impressed when anybody can get the extra weight off no matter how they do it. She obviously doesn't understand that weight loss surgery is NOT the easy way out to the very complicated and dangerous health problem of obesity. *end of rant*
  11. I read on some other thread somewhere that some people grieve for the loss of their former way of eating. They get depressed thinking that they can't eat large quantities of food at one sitting anymore. We have often used food for comfort and even just for fun and taking those things out of our lives means big time change. And many people resist change because they are uncomfortable with finding something new to replace the things they miss. I am not a psychologist and am just tossing this out there because it has not only crossed my mind but I know it's been a problem for some VSG and Lapband patients whose capacity for food is so restricted. It may have nothing to do with your depression at all. But if it does, recognizing a problem is part of the battle of solving it. I hope you figure it out right away and become happy and thrilled with your new healthier way of eating. Because being happy is a huge motivator for changing your behavior. Good luck!
  12. BJean

    Saying Good-bye to all

    If I were new I would think the same thing. In fact, I have gone to bat for someone when I thought they were being picked on when I hadn't read all their posts. Then I read more and learned where all the mean spirit came from... it was always provoked. People are mostly very nice here at LBT. But this is a Rants and Raves section and things do heat up from time to time. Some people thrive on that kind of controversy - some people cringe and are disgusted by it. I consider every thread and every post a quick little insight into people's thoughts and beliefs and I find all of it fascinating. And sometimes it is the most fascinating when people get personally invested and say what they're really thinking. It's obviously not for everyone, hence the recent spate of thread closings by the moderators. To each his own, I guess.
  13. Sorry, I know you don't think you need help, but you really do need help. And I think that perhaps I have been linked up with you here on LBT to help you. But I'm not asking you to allow me in your head or heart. I'm asking you to allow everybody in. Because right now, you're slamming the door faster than people can knock.
  14. No, you lecture. You don't discuss. You aren't open to discussion. You criticize anyone who doesn't share your beliefs and you tell them they are wrong, wrong, wrong and you are right, right, right. I pity you, patty. You doen't even realize that God is you, he lives within you and that he knows when you've been bad or good. He feels it. So you really should be good for goodness sake. You think that because of Jesus, you're expected to sin and it's okay because you're forgiven. It's all about heaven. What you need to learn is that it is all about what you do here. You need to deserve the reward you're seeking, not just by reading the Bible and declaring how you've accepted Jesus as your savior. Those are only words. You need to be worthy personally everyday in everyway. Your deeds are what define you. Just like George Bush's deeds defined him. Stop justifying your wrong-thinking. Stop saying the words that allow you to justify your mean spiritedness toward others. Just stop being so angry and mean and judgemental. You really need to learn how to be humble.
  15. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Cleo's I see you remember our little cowboy's adventures on the ranch too. Can you believe the nerve of Republicans? They never cease to amaze, do they? I've heard Jeb Bush is going to take a run at the office. Swell. I wonder if Republicans have forgotten that his wife went on a shopping spree in Europe and then lied at Customs and said she didn't buy anything? They busted her butt. That's the kind of people the Republicans admire, right? They've probably all done it and think it's just what the privileged folks do. While the rest of us honest people list our purchases and pay the freaking duty taxes.
  16. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Talk about your revisionist history! Good grief, patty. Angry much? "...spend cash flow"? How does that work? The first year Bush was in office he took more vacation than anyone could imagine! I remember early in his administration, a 5 week vacation to Crawford that people were stunned by. Do you have a clue how many of your tax dollars were spent on buildings and revisions for the secret service at Bush's ranch? And it is amazing to me that Republicans have the nerve to criticize Michelle Obama for going on that trip to Spain. She's a person. She represents America as our First Lady but she's also a person. She was unable to attend the funeral of her good friend's father and she wanted to spend some time with her friend and also let her daughter lend some emotional support and friendship to the man's granddaughter. The people who are criticizing her are heartless. It isn't her fault that there's an American policy that requires a full complement of secret service personnel when she goes anywhere. You want her to be a prisoner in the White House? And if George W. Bush was such a caring individual why did he send our men and women off to that godforsaken country to be put in harm's way in the first place! Two words: greed and pomposity. In fact, if you go look in the encyclopedia his picture is right beside those words. Or should be. If he didn't have a guilty conscience maybe he wouldn't have a need to try to make himself feel better by glad-handing the returnees. Sorry, his actions speak loudly and we will never, ever forget, no matter how hard the crazy right wingers try to change voters view of him and his administration. How'my doin' Cleo's?
  17. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Poor patty. You do not understand the respect involved in the president honoring those flag draped coffins. What he did was personal and important. And very respectful. Did Dubya do his little cheerleading dance on the tarmac and yell through a megaphone "Mission Accomplished!" again? Sorry if we can't respect someone who recklessly caused the deaths of many more Americans than died on 9-11 and then shows up to act like he in some way, had a hand in bringing them home. As Bugs Bunny would say, What a Maroon!
  18. You see I tried to open up to you and instead of having an exchange of ideas on the subject, you get fully emersed in a lecture. And I've heard it all before. More than once. And stated better (even though I know you've just copied someone else's writings.) And I would disagree with your characterization of the fear you feel. Your words belie the fact that you are fearful in the way that I mean it. You costantly speak of fear and evil and I suppose from what you've posted above, you aren't even aware of it. And I don't doubt that you love and are in awe of the God you describe. But we are God and God is us and the way you speak of Him, is the way you feel about yourself. You just don't know it. You do not understand these things, you parrot. That is, at least, how it seems to me although I know you think differently. C'est la vie. It's what makes the world go 'round. I will continue to discuss religion if I decide to but it is silly for me to go one on one with you because I have heard all you have to say on the subject - and much more. I know what I know and I know what you do not know and it is obvious that you are content with not knowing and I cannot change that nor am I motivated to help someone who is so terribly closed minded and judgemental.
  19. "If asked privately and repectfully about my beliefs, I might share them, but I believe the interaction between the Great Spirit and an individual is sacred and not something to spoken of lightly in a forum as a subject for debate." I like the words you used to explain here, Llyra. I believe that the discovery of one's own spirituality and beliefs is a process unless one simply accepts the Bible at face value. My process began when I was first exposed to religious teachings in the Methodist church when I was very young. It has progressed as I have learned and grown after having been exposed to many more faiths and many more teachers. I dare say that over my life, I have probably been exposed to more religions and belief systems than many people have. I have mostly kept an open mind to other doctrines in order to explore what inspires and comforts people, spiritually. And to discover truth - my truth for my life here and for eternity. If a person is open to learning from others; other people, other books, other philosophies, not just what is presented in the most popular book, it can be incredibly enlightening. But this is not something one can teach another - it is a process. And it is a process that some people completely close themselves off to because of fear and ignorance. When scripture and preachers put the fear of God in a person, it is very hard to understand anything else. But having said that, I mean that it's is true for me. I am but one person on a journey to enlightenment, I am certainly not a teacher or prophet and I'm not even on a mission. On the other hand, I would be happy to think that something I said inspired someone to open their minds and hearts and to understand that true spiritual enlightenment is not something that is separate from their God, instead it is all-encompassing. And once the fear that has been so thoroughly instilled is quieted, it opens one up to much greater love and a life focusing on good things instead of judging others and thinking so much about fear and evil.
  20. Just so's you know llyra, this is all going to happen real soon too. All signs point to it. Nevermind that they've been saying that since I was a wee little lassie. The fundamentalists live in an odd fugue state of mind where they appear to rationally quote scripture that supports their beliefs but in that moment can't seem to remember a thing about the scriptures that contradict their beliefs. Although when confronted with the contradictions, they snap back with interpretations that to you and me might sound convoluted, but to them make total sense. They have it fully mapped out as proof to the world that what they believe is the ONLY acceptable interpretation of the Bible. It is interesting to read and watch. One of their favorite sayings is that if they're wrong, what do they have to lose, whereas if we're wrong we'll burn in hell. They are so buried in their little world, so covered up with words and claims of righteousness, they will probably never understand the spiritual truth that many loving, beautiful people have learned and experience. They do not know they do not know.
  21. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    We do indeed need to celebrate the return of many of our troops. I can't help but wonder if they will pretty quickly be re-routed to Afghanistan after a brief home visit though.
  22. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Fox has some of the deepest pockets on earth. So a million is chump change compared to how much they invest every day in furthering the cause of the very wealthy in this country. And I have no idea how they get away with all of the dishonest things they broadcast. Although deep pockets explains a lot of it. But then I've said for years that preachers tell people how to vote and yet they get to operate without paying taxes. Politics is a dirty business. That's one of the reasons why we must understand the reasons why separation of church and state is vital to a free nation for all its' citizens, rather than having just one select group rule over all the others.
  23. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You like Glenn Beck but you don't like his show? If you like him, what's not to like. You should get a real charge out of his rants since you like him and agree with his politics.
  24. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Hey Cleo's, I love reading your posts - especially when you're telling us your own stories and perspectives! I have a lot of respect for you. You're obviously an educated, thinking woman who is not selfish or single minded at all. You see the big picture and you care about others and this country.

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