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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    Your comments could easily be directed to you. Read it this way and you'll see what I mean: "You ariscus, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the Republican party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your [sic] not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD." (Emphasis mine.) Name one Democratic policy that you agree with. Just one. And if your next door neighbor "fails out" and has no job, loses their home and can't feed their kids, I'm sure that you're going to be johnny-on-the-spot and invite them to move in with you. You'll feed, clothe and house them until they can get to a place where they are not "failing out", right? You definitely do not sound like someone who gives one whit about anybody else. You only want to be wealthy and possess material things that are bigger and better than your neighbor's. Just like your die hard Republican brothers and sisters. .
  2. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    aribus said about "Michelle" whazhername and "Beck": "You can say I sound like Michelle whatever, I've never heard of her, or Glenn Beck, well, as time goes on, Beck seems to be right about more and more things. Kinda scary. But in reality I get most of my news and information online, I don't watch much tv, and I don't read newspapers." You've never heard of her or him and yet you're convinced that he's right about more and more things? You don't watch much TV or read newspapers so where do you get all your vast political knowledge? From the internet? Cause we all know how reliable internet sources are. Not! You might acquaint yourself with Snopes.com and check out your stories. Just a suggestion because the really smart people actually listen to the radio, read newspapers and books and they watch both sides of the argument on television. The way political commentators are these days and in light of the incredibly biased networks, it's the only way one can really establish a well-informed opinion.
  3. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    ArisCus: "I have a question for all the Obama lovers on here, and maybe it's been asked an answered already somewhere on these forums, but I haven't seen it yet, so feel free to copy and paste. When does everything stop being GWB's fault and when does Obama stars to take responsibility for everything? Other than of course, the fact that Iraq is a great success of the Obama administration. Because we all now how happy he was about the troop surge and how well he thought it would work. So it only makes sense now, that that would become HIS success, and not the Bush administration's success, because Bush had nothing to do with it. YAY OBAMA!" (Emphasis mine.) Please explain to me how I took your quote out of context. I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't know what "out of context" means. As for my typo of your name, I sure didn't mean to do that. I was trying to quickly post a reply and accidentially hit a "b" instead of a "c". So sue me.
  4. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    waynoo: "Vote em all out!" And who would you suggest that we elect as president? And who would fill all the empty slots in the Senate and House? And how would you propose that we accomplish this? Or are you just being satirical like your buddy?
  5. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    airbus: " In the future it would serve you well to be honest with your quotes and include the context to prevent you from looking like a tool shed." I did not take your quote out of context. So because YOU look like a tool you are denying that you meant what you said and accusing me of taking your statement out of context. How is someone to know that you are being satirical? I doubt very seriously that you were at the time. Maybe now, of course, which is entirely understandable.
  6. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    arisCus: "...the fact that Iraq is a great success..." Who sez Iraq is a great success? Must be Cheney or somebody because Iraq was wrong then and it's wrong now. What would make it a great success for the U.S. is if we get the hell out and do no more damage. Did you hear that they want our Blackwater mercenaries that were guarding the diplomats there, OUT? Good for them!
  7. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    Some gas pains are probably normal. Yours sounds like too much, especially with your back being invoved. May just be something you ate, like celery, but if it persists you should ask your doctor about it. It could be something more serious than just gas. Like a hiatal hernia. Or gall bladder can manifest itself with pain in your chest and back. Better to check it out than to just be in pain and guess about it since it could be something important.
  8. rodrizuezequal!!! Way to go. A girl. That's really exciting. Hope she and you are doing fine now. You must be exhausted. You're young! You can handle it. Sorry you had to spend that time in the hospital, but 35 weeks is pretty good isn't it? I think our twins were born at 32 weeks. (not mine, my DIL's) I do hope you feel like keeping in touch and letting us know how you're doing! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  9. BJean

    Health Care

    cleo's: "...when they happen under republican presidents, and to fire whoever tells them the truth." It's called "scape goating" and I'm pretty sure that if you look that term up in your encyclopedia, there will be a photo of Dick Cheney beside it.
  10. BJean

    Health Care

    I'm not impressed that the author went to Stamford. Oh wait, he didn't claim that, someone else did in her follow up post. Uh, the Hoover Institution? Doesn't that just suck?
  11. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    phil, when Palin comes out of the wilderness with the right wing extremist commandments to present to her followers, they will be engraved on her hand.
  12. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    Leigha, I loved your post.
  13. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    When all this financial mess began to emerge as the disaster it was, everybody agreed that it was due to little or no regulation. The Republicans are primarily responsible for that and it dates back to even before either Bush was elected. They embraced the Ayn Rand theory that Greenspan and others adopted and the phrase for it, the "trickle down theory of economics" was seen as a reasonable way to handle economics in a capitalist society. It has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only does it not work, it can lead to corruption and greed and all the things we have been having to deal with that is making our financial lives miserable. At least those of us who are middle class or poor. The rich, including Greenspan, just kept getting richer. To hear someone seriously discuss deregulation as any kind of remedy to our financial woes in the U.S. is actually kind of frightening. Stupidity like that is scary.
  14. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    I'm chagrined that at least one ultra conservative posting here has seen fit to adopt the word "hyprocrite" when referring to Democrats.
  15. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    And you're funny. LOL With one sweep of your keyboard you declare that that type of cutting and pasting massive amounts of liberal and right wing material was getting us nowhere and you were going to stop. Then you keep right at it. LOL You're as funny as a rubber crutch.
  16. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    patty: "liberal doctors are now stating that the death penalty via a hypodermic needle is cruel and unusual punishment. The doctors say assisting in these legal actions is against their Hippocratic Oath. So, a Doctor can suck the brain out of a baby whose head is sticking out of the birth canal, but they have a problem inserting a needle into a murderer’s vein? LOL You post something that represents a visual of a baby's head sticking out of a birth canal gettin its' brains sucked out and a murderer on a gurney getting a lethal dose of drugs and watching him die by the punishment you've described as being cruel and unusual and you finish up this little scenario with "LOL"? Do you know what LOL stands for? Good grief woman.
  17. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Regarding spending during the economic crisis, George Bush constantly told people to get out and buy stuff when he was in office and the economy was faltering. People staying home after 9/11 was a big problem for our economy. Do you just have selective memory?
  18. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    patty: "So, you're saying that without that cities order of buses, this particular bus making company would have gone out of business?" We were taking about jobs. Without orders, people lose their jobs. Without orders, companies can't hire new employees or keep old ones. If you have particular statistics on this particular bus company that indicates that they have more than enough orders to keep all their employees and hire new ones, I'd be very surprised. And you go on to say that our umployment rates are going up. But that is not what the latest studies say. patty: "You liberals will not even admit when the government wastes a dime, cause your precious Obama might be criticized for it, and we can't have that, now can we?" Now that's just plain silly. We criticize anybody who deserves it. You appear to have lost it a little in this post of yours.
  19. BJean

    Health Care

    If someone doesn't understand the difference between the government looking out for its people and big business looking out for its bottom line, it makes you wonder what else they don't understand. Or maybe it's what else they've swallowed, hook, line and sinker?
  20. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Aw you had to go and make a liar out of me...
  21. BJean

    Health Care

    If someone doesn't have a problem like this family, they usually are skeptical that this kind of story really happens. They happen all too frequently. And people lose everything sometimes, when they're trying to take care of a critically ill loved one. When you hear criticism of countries that have universal health care, it boggles the mind. By comparison, we seem absolutely barbaric.
  22. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    This never gets old.
  23. BJean

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I know he had been giving you personally a hard time in other posts, but it looked to me like he was trying to direct his comments at all right wing extremists in a couple of his last posts (although not the very last one.) You say he has a self-esteem problem. I sincerely doubt that. I think he is very frustrated with politics and the things that the Republicans say that have no basis in truth. He took it out on you because you defend the way the Republicans do business. Can you just consider the source and not feel so attacked? I've found that if someone directs mean comments directly at me, I believe I need to respond in kind. But I'm a happier person if I just chalk it up and respond in a more general way and reiterate my own my point. Talk is cheap though, right?
  24. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    You da man! Excellent job. I am grateful! Please keep up the good work.
  25. BJean

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    Thank you for bring some sanity to a discussion about Republicans v. Democrats. Instead of suggesting tea bagging parties and birther partiesa and instead of posting rants and raves from extremists, you've chosen to post the truth. It's refreshing.

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