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Everything posted by BJean

  1. They both have fabulous lines that they can be slammed with if they run. That should be fun. They make themselves such easy targets every time they open their mouths. And together... priceless! For the Democratic party.
  2. BJean

    1 day post op

    Robbie my doc said I didn't need to do a pre-op diet at all. And I'm not sure why because I have gained weight recently. I haven't been dieting at all. Having Desserts and dumb stuff. So I am glad to hear that you did some pre-op dieting and that it seemed to help. I was planning on doing about 7 days of low-carb/high Protein and whey Protein shakes. Not really expecting to lose much but just to make myself be in better shape for the stress of surgery. And I'm worried about hair loss and want to make sure I have plenty of protein in my bod. Disappointed about the straw. I've sure missed being able to use a straw. Sigh. You're doing so well. I'm sure that helps a lot when you're getting reconciled to the new tummy. I hope I can do as well. I'm getting more excited than scared now I think. And having you all tell me stuff is a huge help! Thanks.
  3. BJean

    1 day post op

    SlimDiddy- you sound fabulous! Great that you felt like taking advantage of being in San Antonio! I've lived in Texas for 10 years and have only been there a couple of times but each time was great. I am so happy to hear that you're doing so well! Maybe the fact that you have been so active has been the answer for you. I'm going to do my best to get up and at 'em as soon as I can. Keep up the good work!
  4. BJean


    wannalise, I also take a BP pill but it is small and my doctor didn't think I'd have a problem getting one of those down. And I'll bet you're right since this is such a big life changing procedure, you don't need to be getting your meds out of whack at the same time. (Congrats on your cool weight loss since 3/25!)
  5. BJean


    pnw218: "I did make sure to have something in my stomach tho before I took my meds. Made that mistake with my back meds and I felt yucky the entire day." Also good info. These are the kinds of things that the doctors don't really tell you but that can really make it easy or rough. I prefer easy so thanks!
  6. BJean


    Fabulous information!! I read my information insert and it says not to crush the regular tablets so to know that I can actually get a crushable tablet of Wellbutrin is wonderful news. Yay! Thanks Stuck. I am glad you love your sleeve, that's also very great news!
  7. Now that's a fact. But too bad you don't understand how much of a loss it is for you too.
  8. BJean

    1 day post op

    Thanks Robbie. That helps me get a better picture of what to expect. With the band they told us not to use a straw. Is that true with the sleeve? You sound good. I have heard others say that right after their surgery they felt like they had made a big mistake, but then in a couple of weeks it got much better. It must be pretty scary at first. Did you have a lot of pain that first week or two? It's been so recent for you, I'll bet you can remember feeling anxious and a little worried about all these things when you were waiting like I am. I see you've lost 30 lbs. Was part of that from pre-surgery dieting? What a great start!
  9. BJean


    That might work Stacey. That kind of depression is a side effect of taking Wellbutrin if you stop taking it suddenly. I wouldn't take it but it has changed my life so much for the better. Other meds just didn't have an effect. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Thanks to you too Mary!
  10. P.S. you said a seed is a person.
  11. My point is that all these spontaneous miscarriages, those blobs of tissue - united sperms and eggs in whatever condition - have souls according to you.
  12. A lovely, reasonable person stands before me? I can't seeee you.
  13. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    And we've come full circle again. Either the far right is astoundingly stupid (which they are not) or they are only using these arguments as a front to give this administration a hard time. We all know what they're doing. And I'm pretty sure even their dumbest followers do too.
  14. So there are millions and millions of lifeless embryos having been created but for some reason, perhaps due to a misshapen sperm or malformed egg for instance, and the embryo miscarries instead of develops, but nevertheless has a soul like a fully developed human being has a soul? Pity all those blobs of tissue created from misshapen sperm or deformed eggs that have no chance of actually becoming a baby, but have souls because the Bible tells us that sperma is seed and it is employed metaphorically for a person; and this “seed” (person) commences at “conception." Your logic is flawed. You're saying sperma is seed. But then you must take a leap to suggest that a seed is a person. Because to justify your position that a sperma is a person, you say that in the Bible "seed" (or sperma) is employed metaphorically for a person. Great powers of reasoning and deduction. But I'm glad to know that you and yours haven't "interpreted" the Bible. It's all there for all of us to know. Geez, woman get a grip.
  15. BJean

    Health Care

    Har! Good one Leigha!
  16. You do take things personally, don't you. I was speaking in general terms about the far right wing. Which I know you do consider yourself a part of. And rightfully so, if we are to go by the words you write. But I am very glad that you admit to at least being indoctrinated by the Bible and your "bible school." Even if you are loathe to admit that it is really religious indoctrination. Other Christian religions use the Bible as their Bible. But not all, in fact not most, of them agree with the way you've interpreted it or the "formula" you've created - FROM YOUR TEACHINGS. I can't help but hold out hope for you. Somewhere inside you I have a feeling there is a reasonable, lovely person just waiting to bust out.
  17. BJean

    Health Care

    Ain't it the truth! They can't have it both ways. They're as transparent as a glass fishbowl.
  18. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I tivo'd Letterman when a woman who is president of her Tea Party was a guest. Letterman was amazingly civil and solicitous toward her. Democrats can do that, I'm proud to say. Unlike those on the Fox network who rant and rave at any guest who doesn't agree with them. One of the things Miss Tea Party starter emphasized was that Americans have demonized business in this country. She said that business is what runs this country and that business provides jobs. And we shouldn't over-regulate them. They should be allowed to make lots of profit because the more profit they make, the more employees they'll have. But she said that we shouldn't have bailed anyone out. The banks and car manufacturers should have just gone out of business. She said other businesses would have just come in and replaced the old businesses and Americans would still have lots of jobs. Of course Letterman, very respectfully said, well if the new car manufacturers are in China, thousands of jobs would be lost forever and more Americans would be out of work than there are now. Plus, aren't the banks paying back the money that we used to bail them out? She had to admit that yes, those things are true. These are the kinds of things that tea baggers don't understand. They spout all the popular right wing ideology, the things that they think make this country strong: big businesses with no regulations on them. But when you confront them with the truth and facts, they have to admit that maybe there is truth to what the Democrats are doing and saying. At least some will admit it. Some just keep ranting and raving with spittle flying out of their mouths and ignorant buzz words running through their fully endoctrinized little heads. Labor unions are a big huge truth. It's easy to assume and rant that labor unions cripple businesses. But the truth is that labor unions work to keep businesses safe and fair to their employees. Something that employers should be doing on their own. But in fact those things might cause their CEOs to get a million or two less in bonuses a year, so in many, many cases they are not fair to employees and they don't always keep the workplace as safe as it needs to be. The corporation arses who continually ignored the welfare of their employees in those West Virginia mines should be made to go down in those shafts everyday for a few of months, under the same conditions their employees had. Breathing the same air, taking the same risks that their dead employees had just to try to eke out a meager existence.
  19. yes, he knows all, sees all, knows every hair on your head, knows what you're thinking, when you've sinned, when you've even thought about sinning... so you better not pout, you better not cry, you better not cry 'cause I'm telling you why... Santa Claus... oops, I mean God, is watching you tonight! Sung to the tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
  20. BJean


    Hey VB, I'm having mine on the 28th so we'll be going through most of the same stuff around the same time. I don't know about Benadryl. I'd sure ask the doc about it though. Just in case. I have a question for anyone who might know. How long is it usually after surgery before you can take a pill? I am on Wellbutrin and if I don't take it for several days I will get suicidal. And I know this because I had emergency surgery a couple of years ago and after a couple of days without it I just wanted to die. And when I came out of surgery I was begging them to just let me die. That's not me! I'm normally just the opposite... don't you suckers let me die! I asked my doc's assistant and she suggested that I consult the pharmacy and ask if I can crush it. It's a timed-release med so I'm sure you can't crush it effectively. So either I'm going to have to wean myself off of it if I can't take it for more than a couple of days or figure out something else. Does anyone have a clue how soon I can expect to be able to take my happy pills?
  21. Anyone who sets him or herself up as one who knows everything about God's will and plan is someone whose words cannot be trusted. And the more they proclaim that they have the formula that trumps all other religions and churches, the more they need to learn about humanity, life, peace and happiness. I'm not a genius but these things are obvious to people who have learned that they don't know everything and who are willing to continue to seek enlightenment and knowledge that goes far beyond the endoctrination of conventional religious teachings.
  22. patty: "All (believers and unbelievers) will stand before God and give account for what they have done. They will be judged according to their deeds which are recorded in one of these books." Well this part of what you said makes sense to most people. The part where you say that people are going to heaven, no matter what if they just believe, is wishful thinking - for fanatical religious people.
  23. BJean

    1 day post op

    Well either way, sounds like it's just part of the deal and we can survive it. Guess I'll invest in some GasX this time around. pnw, is your bottom ticker to keep track of the months? Do you expect to reach goal in 6 months? That would be simply amazing.
  24. BJean

    1 day post op

    So it's eliminated eventually? But if that's so I wonder why girldep's doctor told her that it's absorbed? Inquiring minds need to know these things. :-)
  25. BJean

    1 day post op

    Really? Wonder how that actually happens? Where does it go once it is absorbed? I mean into your organs or what? And why isn't it harmful if it isn't eliminated and becomes part of your body? I'm amazed that we can just absorb something like that. Very interesting - I'd really like to understand this better. Especially since there is so much shoulder pain involved.

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