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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MOM: I don't know if you'll have your laptop with you, but good luck on your trip! You're so lucky to have your sister with you. I did my pre-op yesterday and everything was very simple and easy. I spent time with the surgical nurse/assistant and with the doctor and actually did learn a few more small things. The primary thing being that in his practice, the people who participate in the program; go to the monthly meetings, see the nutritionist and exercise physiologist, etc., are totally changed people both inside and out. He said that after a few months you can hardly recognize some of his patients because their attitudes and outlooks are so great, they present a very different appearance than at the start of their journey. The hosp. did a blood test (for kidney function) and an EKG, routine questions and instructions and I loved the way I was treated there. I am psyched! I had lost 10 lbs. from my very first visit and 7 since my last appointment with them. Not a miraculous outcome, but worthy of praise from them. I can actually tell that my liver size is better because the whole area just below my breasts feels less bloated and is smaller. They said they can't stress enough how important this is. Carbs is bad, um kay? I'm going on my pre-op shopping spree tomorrow, getting a pedicure and facial and just going to sit back and try to relax and feel pampered. BJ P.S. They had a "mentor" call me and he told me that if he won the lottery he would bankroll several of his friends and family for the LB! He claims he's a poster child for the band wagon.
  2. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Ratgirl: Sorry to hear of your non-supportive husband. I think you got good advice when someone said that men have trouble communicating. I also think that a lot of men can't handle illness very well. My husband hates, absolutely hates, being near hospitals. One other possibility is that he's worried about what exactly is going to change around there. His life will probably be impacted to some extent, and he's probably not sure how it will affect him personally. Plus, maybe he is worried that you will be a real fox and won't want him anymore. There are lots and lots of issues that can be involved and if you get too depressed, try to get some professional help to steer you in the right direction. I believe that when there are children involved, they deserve for us to not only be good parents, but to also maintain a good relationship with our spouses so that they can feel more secure (and actually BE more secure). At any rate, I hope everything goes very smoothly for you. They say that none of the components of surgery or recovery are things we can't handle, so try to keep positive thoughts going and laugh when you can! :nervous BJ
  3. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Karen: I wish I had an inside track on how to not look at or pay attention to the aroma of my favorite foods. I heard my DD opening a chip bag and crunching away a while ago and man, this ain't going to be easy. But then if it was easy, we wouldn't be joining other bandsters, would we? They tell you to turn off the TV and go for a walk. Smell the roses, etc. Yeah, I can see me eating those things obtensibly for the Vitamin C! I've had an unbelievable day. I won't tell you about all of the adventures leading up to my pre-op appts. today. Let's just say that if I were a superstitious person, I would cancel my appt. Aw shucks, if I were superstitious, I wouldn't getting banded on 9/11! :biggrin1: Here I go! BJ
  4. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Dovie- Exciting news! We will definitely send good Karma your way! You must be going to a local doc? I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm planning to take a short nap, short recovery, and then steady march on in my journey to a healthier, slimmer me! We're with you in spirit. Keep positive thoughts! Keep smiling! :couch2:
  5. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MOM - I've second guessed myself so many times I can't count them. But I am now determined and looking forward to getting the surgery and aftermath all behind me. And my DH is getting very nervous for me too. Our similarities seem to end there. I'm doing the pre-op diet and not losing like I feel I should be! And here you are losing from jitters? No fair. :couch2: What day are you headed south (I assume south?) next week? I guess if you live in Laredo you might not have to go south. :heh:
  6. BJean

    September Bandsters

    P.S. And I'm not lying, I am having one repaired too. A friend of mine wanted to keep inquiring minds at bay by telling everyone she had her gallbladder removed. She did have it removed too. This could be bad to use tho if it isn't true, because you might really have to have yours removed and miss work one day. And you'd have to come up with another story.
  7. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Swanny: I've been telling friends, and some family, that I'm having a hiatal hernia repair. That sounds gross enough to keep them from asking too many questions. That way I don't have to explain each and every time I speak with them, just how much weight I have (or haven't) lost!
  8. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Valerie, many of the folks at this forum have been waiting for years to become a bandster. So you're fortunate to be able to step right up and git 'er done! And a side bene is that you didn't have lots of time to worry and stew about it. I've been reading and posting here for over 2 weeks and still don't know my way around. I have no idea when I'll get inspired enough to try to get a ticker up. I'm hoping everyone doesn't think I'm a total dope. So don't worry, there are some of us who don't have the excuse of being really new. :tired
  9. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Valerie- Welcome to the club! I wish you the very best in your voyage into band-land. It's coming fast. How are you feeling?:paranoid
  10. BJean

    September Bandsters

    SherryA: I'd love to be up in Mass right now. Although the weather here has turned not half bad. At least it's dry in Texas, not like Orlando. God did not intend for humans to inhabit central Fla.! I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong for me to have to live there and work through whatever Karma I needed. (Shades of Shirley McLaine) There are about 3 good months there - Jan. Feb. Mar. The rest of the time it's hot, humid, bug infested and all around unpleasant. I remember going to Disney so many times when it was just miserable. The concrete is so hot that if you wear socks and tennis shoes (so you'll be able to walk a lot) your legs get so hot that you break out in a red rash. REAL ATTRACTIVE! Plus when you went to the restroom, it was like your clothes were welded to you when you were trying to get them off and then lots 'o fun getting everything back up and on. I don't recommend living there to anyone. Although lots of people who are from the extremely cold climates love living there. Hence the snowbirds. I hope your DS had a wonderful time and you did too. I go for pre-op tomorrow. I have moments when I feel nervous, but nothing too bad. I got back my resolve after thinking hard about why I wanted the darned thing in the first place. Now I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. The most important thing on my agenda for the next couple of years is to change my way of life. Less focus on food, more focus on real fun! :nervous How are you feeling?
  11. James you've amazed and mystified me as to how you could breeze through everything so well. It was a great journal to read and I sure hope my experience compares favorably to yours. Congratulations and keep up the good work!! BJ
  12. BJean

    September Bandsters

    SherryA: That sounds about like it has been described to me. Glad you didn't encounter anything unexpected. My surgery is in Southlake, TX. How about you? I think you and I will be undergoing our surgeries at about the same time! Which Disney? Orlando or Anaheim? I used to live near Disney World. For 16 yrs. Did you have a good time? Lucky your pre-op diet landed on the day you got home. I guess you planned it that way? I'm not sure I could have passed up one of those Mickey ice creams on a stick. It's so much fun to bite his ears off. Was it your first Disney adventure?
  13. BJean

    September Bandsters

    SherryA: You've already had your pre-op?? I don't go until Thursday. We are both scheduled for the 11th. Is yours first thing in the AM? Did they do anything I should know about during pre-op? :eek: I know one thing - they are going to be tapping me big time for a check that day. Now THAT is going to make it VERY real for me! Did you do a pre-op diet? Forgive me if you have already posted that. I'm having trouble keeping up with everyone's names.
  14. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Diane: I was totally agast that they would ask a person like me to go on a diet like that pre-surgery. Although mine is not full liquids, it's 2 protein shakes a day and 1 lite meal (for 3 weeks). I get to have chicken and fish and veggies and fruit and even a little snack if I want it. It was rough the first day or two - headaches and all that. And I won't tell you that it was totally a snap, but I have been surprised at how much easier it gets every day. I'm pretty sure that has to do with cutting out sugar and carbs, both of which keep me in an uncontrollable binging on goodies mode. So the further I get from that, the more I think that darn, maybe I really can do this thang! I'm worried at this point if I will keep my resolve or be like some of the people whose posts I've read here. They seem proud of being able to eat things like Milk Duds, Pizza, Cereal, etc., etc. I know that if I'm going to ever be a normal weight, I'm going to have to say buh-bye to things that make me go into a feeding frenzy. I am like a druggie - and if I stay away from the drugs long enough, maybe I can kick this habit! :help: Best of luck to you and your man. It sounds like you guys have a good thing going. It's fantastic that you can be in this thing together and depend on each other for support. Keep us posted! BJ
  15. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Mallorie! What great news! I am so happy that things are going so well for you!! Keep up the good work. You know we're all thinking of you and wondering how you are. Keep us posted when you feel like it. P.S. What are crunches? :eek:
  16. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Diane - 12 Days of Fatness! LOL That's great. I celebrated more than 12 days prior. Your DH will be a bandster too? That's fantastic! I would love to have this in common with my DH. He's been getting colder feet than I have. I'm glad he's out of town until Fri. I was getting tired of all his second guessing me! I needed some time to chill. Did you all make this decision together? Or was it your idea first? Inquiring minds want to know...:eek:
  17. BJean

    September Bandsters

    JamesA that was an incredible report. Here's hoping you're success story continues!!
  18. BJean

    September Bandsters

    At my first nutritionist meeting, she said that any good whey protein mix would be fine. I called another nutritionist at the same office and she's the one that said I should stick with the one the doc's office sells. Maybe she gets a commission. LOL :heh: I sure don't want less testosterone!!!! :notagree Plus, with my family history of breast cancer, I don't mess with Soy products. But to each his/her own! I'm pretty sure if we're able to figure out what works best for us individually, we're ahead of the game. The important thing is to make INFORMED decisions. That's why gathering info here is cool.:welldoneclap:
  19. BJean

    Never admitted until NOW

    I'd like to add Ben and Jerry and Mr. Hagen Das to the litigation list!
  20. BJean

    September Bandsters

    I haven't heard any of you mention "Peak Nutrition" Bioengineered Ion-exchange Whey Protein. I buy it from my doc. I asked the nutritionist about the soy protein mixes, etc., and she said there are some out there that are good, but this one is the best because it has lots more protein and is generally lower in the bad stuff. I am telling you, the chocolate is very good. I mixed the vanilla with a little sf/ff banana instant pudding (one of the nutritionist's ideas) and it's really good too. I mix both of them with half ice/half water. Taste is something that happens to be important to me sustaining any diet. I hadn't lost much at all but stepped on the scale this afternoon and it looks like I may have lost around 4.5 lbs now. I can't believe I'm scheduled for next Monday! 7 days until my life changes drastically. Have any of you Sept. bandsters had days where you lose your resolve? I've bounced around more than a basketball at a Knicks game.
  21. BJean

    September Bandsters

    ItsGottaGo: I've been on the liquid protein shake diet for 2 weeks and have lost maybe 4 lbs. My stomach is growling all the time, and I've become obsessed with the negatives about the surgery. I was so convinced this was the right and proper course of action for myself, and now all that seems to be going down the drain. I'm scheduled for surgery a week from today. If I were on the clear liquid diet and didn't lose a pound, I would be at my wits end. Hmmm. Guess I'm not being very helpful. I just sensed your frustration and decided to let you know you aren't alone! When's your Band date?
  22. Holey Frijoles! I've been looking everywhere to find someone who has had the 2 for 1 special! Although I'm paying $2300. extra for the hernia repair. (Now ain't that special!) Doc says my hernia is small. However, I have had it for 20 years. So I've been so frantic:nervous trying to find someone who had been through both things at once before I have the surgery. I am not great on the computer so I must have just missed KelliW's subject line. This has been most helpful to see that most of you haven't had any real problems post-op or down the road. Except, of course, KelliW. I had been told prior to the pre-op Upper GI xrays, that if my hernia turned out to be a large one, the LB was not for me. So for your surgeon to have come upon it during surgery must have been out of the ordinary. Of course most of these docs don't all have the same approach. It is probably not too surprising that you have more work to do to get everything you had done all healed nicely. At least there's lots of support here and encouraging words. I am sure going to be thinking about you and wishing you well!! Be sure to call the doc if you start vomiting.:nervous
  23. Most of what you've had are carbs. The pears and mashed potatoes would make me hungry! It is less about how much than it is about what you eat. At least for me.
  24. BJean

    B-12 Shots

    This is the first I've heard of B-12 shots. I have been told I have to take Calcium supplements though. Gosh, the B-12 shots sound like a great idea. The lack of energy and downish mood have been the reason I've gotten off of diets in the past.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
